There is an urgent need to address the gaps in the professional development of teacher educators and teachers in South Asia, particularly in response to the requirements of the evolving educational reforms in the region. The use of distance learning technologies, action research and professional communities of practice remain largely untapped opportunities for teacher professional development in these countries. This project will implement elements of two innovative approaches on Teacher Professional Development (TPD) developed by the Centre of Excellence in Teacher Education(CETE), Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS). It is designed for under-resourced and developing contexts where it will be ...
In this project we are leveraging existing partnerships and past work in Mizoram as a launch pad for Connected Learning Initiative 3.0: Mizoram - Support Unit for Integration of Technology in Education (MZ-SUITE). We were and are the only technology initiative working in the area of school and teacher education in the state since 2015. Our past work has proved the importance of leveraging technology in education. We propose the following theory of change based on a unique philanthropic-public partnership with universities, government institutions and schools directly connected to enhance teacher-preparedness and strengthen the systems in the state to meaningfully ...
The programme aims to build capacity of4,000 teachers and teacher educators across 10 states in the area of constructive teaching and learning with technology. The objectives of the programme are: (1) Create a robust cadre of Teacher Leaders who can: ◦ critically decide what is meaningful use of technology, design, adapt and blend technology resources to meet the needs of their students ◦ Confidently role model the use of distance and constructivist technology ◦ prepare and mentor teachers in their states (2) Adapt strategies and build resources for diffusion of Continuous Teacher Professional Development programmes at scale. (3) ...
As part of the project, TISS will be working in collaboration with CG-SCERT and Samagra Shiksha to strengthen teacher professional institutions as well as teachers. Acknowledging the present strengths of the state of Chhattisgarh and its strive towards developing a Knowledge Economy, TISS has identified 5 Pillars to design, implement and sustain the positive impact of CHALK project. The central focus of TISS approach is to improve quality in-service Teacher Professional Development by optimizing these 5 pillars. System Institution Strengthening (SCERT, CTE, IASE, DIETs) Capacity Development (Teacher Educators, School Complex Leaders, Teachers) Robust Monitoring and Evaluation System Effective Communication (Internal ...
The Connected Learning Initiative (CLIx) is a technology enabled initiative at scale for high school students. The initiative was seeded by Tata Trusts, Mumbai and is led by Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. CLIx offers a scalable and sustainable model of open education, to meet the educational needs of students and teachers. The initiative has won UNESCO's prestigious 2017 King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize, for the Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the field of Education. CLIx incorporates thoughtful pedagogical design and leverages contemporary technology and online capabilities. ...
The Connected Learning Initiative (CLIx), is a collaborative project working to strengthen the ecosystem for quality in education in India. CLIx is a multi-state, multi-partner initiative seeded by the Tata Trusts, and led in phase 1(2015-2020) by the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, INDIA (TISS) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA (MIT). CLIx is now in phase 2 of its journey and the Tata Trusts continue to be our anchor partner in this new phase. CLIx aims to improve teaching, teacher professional development and student learning through the use of ICT-enabled Open Education Resources (OER), and thoughtful use ...
The CLeaR project is a research study on human resource development in inclusive education with a fundamental aim to ensure a more sustainable means of contributing substantially to the knowledge and practice of inclusive education, with a special focus on the education of children with disabilities. The study is intended to go beyond ascertaining challenges and bottle-necks in teacher preparation and focus on specific areas and needs to inform teacher education, both at the systemic level and in the classroom contexts. The objectives of the project are: To review international and national policies and related literature on teacher professional development ...
The project seeks to build capacities of middle and secondary school newly qualified teachers (NQT) in science and mathematics for fostering inclusive higher-order learning in their classrooms. It aims to pilot the Connected Learning Initiative (CLIx, ) innovation, developed and scaled in India, to new contexts in Bhutan, Nigeria, and Tanzania, through a South-South collaboration, and research its effectiveness and potential for scaling. CL4STEM is funded by the IDRC under the Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (GPE-KIX) and is one of the ten awardees of the reputed global KIX awards. The project comprises of - Knowledge ...
TISS provides academic support to DIETs in Karnataka to emerge as vibrant educational resource centres, and effectively implement the DIET's programmes and build teacher educators capacity through the post graduate certificate programme – Contemporary Education Perspectives. The Centrally Sponsored Scheme for Teacher Education aims to strengthen teacher education in the country. This scheme has continued to fund state Governments to support these Teacher Education Institutes. Recently MHRD had constituted a committee to recommend revitalising DIETs and recommended that DIETs develop vibrant district resource centres to strengthen teachers’ professional development. Karnataka has recently adopted an Elementary Teacher Education Curriculum that envisages ...
The collaboration with Delhi SCERT to build capacity for its faculty includes, but is not limited to the following areas: Capacity Building and Facilitation Continuous capacity building programme on the following verticals: Practitioners Research Inclusive Education Peace Education Pedagogies; Mathematics, English, Social Sciences, etc. Assessment Collaborative Research Beneficiaries Teacher Education Institutions: SCERT, DIETs Teacher Educators: 50 each year Teachers at TGT level: 50 each year The activities each year will be arrived at in a collaborative manner based on the stated needs of SCERT, Delhi and planned activities by CETE, TISS.
Innovative financing (IF) approaches have gained popularity in the last decade as options for raising additional funds and/or improving the efficiency and effectiveness of existing development funds. However, little research has been conducted to evaluate if and how innovation in financing itself has contributed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4), notably in improving inclusive and equitable quality education. The project aims to have the following impact on the field of global education: 1. An increased amount of financing, effectiveness and cost-efficiency of education programs which improve the educational opportunities for marginalised and vulnerable children and youth. 2. ...
The Integrated approach to Technology in Education (ITE) is an initiative of the Tata Trusts in eighteen mostly rural locations in Eastern and Northern India that had reached over 17,000 underserved children by 2015 and continues to grow. Initiated in 2012, the central concept of ITE is to integrate digital technologies into the curriculum and instructional plans of teachers in government schools and other learning centres participating in the initiative. Adopting a largely constructivist pedagogical framework, the initiative seeks to improve teaching and learning processes and foster authentic and project based learning for the older children and adolescents in some ...
Mission Ankur, Madhya Pradesh is the state’s mission to strengthen Foundational Literacy and Numeracy. The intended Impact of the project is : Students build a strong foundation for learning, setting them up for success in further education, work, and life A self-sustaining system where all stakeholders have the opportunity, motivation, and ability to contribute to improved FLN educational outcomes for children This is a collaboration with the State Education Departments to bring reform by implementing large-scale system-led projects with the goal of improving student learning outcomes and support the State to design and implement an integrated program that encompasses ...
The support extended to TISS under the School of Education component of the PMMMNMTT is expected to enable the Institute contribute to strengthening teacher education and professional development, with a specific focus in improving curriculum and pedagogy in PSTE and inset for teachers and school HMs towards use of ICT and OERs in schools PSTE, INSET and for TE. TISS is leveraging its expertise in use of OERs and ICT in Education developed through its flagship field action programmes CLIx and ITE to develop expertise among teachers for ICT integration. TISS has launched an initiative for Excellence in Teacher Education ...
Teachers and their work have been the focus of attention globally especially in the current context of addressing issues related to equity and quality in education. One of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 4) set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 identifies teachers as a vital element of the education system to ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning. Improving the quality of education and learning outcomes will require more than getting teachers into the classroom: those teachers need to be qualified according to high-level professional standards and trained and supported throughout their career ...
Teachers Education Masters Programme (TEMP) is a 2-year masters programme offered by TISS, designed for teacher educators in collaboration with the Swedish Committee for Afghanistan & Teacher Educator Dept, Govt of Afghanistan. MA Education (Teacher Education) is being offered to 40 teacher educators from Afghanistan, under an agreement with the Swedish Committee for Afghanistan (2018-2020). This two years masters programme includes 25 men and 15 women, from different provinces of Afghanistan. Classes are held in Kabul and Mumbai, and TISSx is used as an online platform for students and teachers to stay connected throughout the programme. The courses include education ...
Technology Based School Interventions (TBSI) in Assam seeks to provide opportunity to middle and secondary school students in government schools to deepen and authenticate their learning at school by creating projects using technology, apart from improving their communicative English and performance in mathematics. The strategy adopted for implementing the program has the following components: Scale the intervention in 100 schools by building on the existing state partnership in Assam, established systems in districts, improved ICT infrastructure, teacher leaders, tools and learnings Leverage the state provided ICT infrastructure and build teacher capacity to enhance learning levels and build 21st century skills ...
The Technology Enabled Learning for Teachers & Adolescents for the 21st century (TELTA 21) project aims to capacitate teachers and adolescents from the government schools in Mumbai to adapt technologies for deep, connected, and authentic learning so that they can improve their own and their communities' lives. The project aspires to enable adolescents (classes 6 to 10) from government schools to be 21st century learners (analytical and critical thinkers, innovative producers, technology adapters) through technology enabled learning activities. The proposed project will also provide direct collaborations and innovations, and project based & problem-based learning (Leap-Quests) to adolescent students through digital ...
The Telangana IFP OER Curation project aims to leverage pedagogical affordances of Interactive Flat Panel(IFP) devices in the classrooms to enhance the quality of interactions, inclusivity and overall pedagogy in the schools. To achieve this, digital Open Educational Resources (OER) are to be curated for all the subjects in the grades 8th, 9th and 10th mapped to respective textbooks. The curation process is guided by subject specific design principles which are based on a research-backed, comprehensive framework (RAP Curation Rubric) to assess quality of digital resources across 3 parameters - relevance, affordance and pedagogical practice. Detailed notes for teachers ...
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