Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI
TISS Celebrates Institute Day 2024| TISS


Whereas, Tata Institute of Social Sciences is a deemed to be University fully funded by University Grants Commission, under Ministry of Education, Government of India. TISS conducts various programmes/courses into the fields of Social Sciences with proper and systematic course design, academic session and infrastructure.

Whereas, from time to time TISS keeps introducing new programmes/courses as per market trends and demand of Students into the field of Social Sciences.

Whereas, there may be instances, where some programmes/course introduced by TISS (hereinafter referred to as Institute) does receive response from Applicants as expected and, in such situation conducting such programmes/courses will create burden on the limited resources of the Institute.

Hence, the Institute has framed “Programme/Course cancellation Policy” as enumerated below for the information of public at large for dealing with such situations.


The Purpose of this Policy is to ensure transparency, fairness and provide support to applicants/ students affected by cancellation of course/programmes and to serve as a guide for them.


This Policy will be applicable to all the Applicants, who applied for any Course/Programme of the Institute but, there applications cannot be processed further due to cancellation of the Programme/Course on the grounds enumerated below.

Circumstances when Course/Programme will be cancelled:

  •   When the Applicants/admissions for the named course/programme is less than 5 numbers.
  •   When after introducing the course/programmes, the Institute receive intimation from Regulatory body like UGC, Ministry of Education etc. to discontinue the course.
  •   In the case of Self – Finance Course, when the Sponsor/funder at last hour withdraws his/her/their sponsorship for said course/programme and Institute is not in position to compel/persuade him/her/them to continue to fund the same.
  •   In the case of Self – Finance Course, when the Sponsor/funder has agreed to provide Infrastructure support for conducting the named course/programme but, at last hour refuses to provide infrastructure support and Institute is not in position to compel/persuade him/her/them to continue to fund the same.
  •   Any other circumstances and situations, beyond the reasonable control of the Institute subject to approval of Competent Authority.

Intimation to concerned Applicants:-

When owing to any of the circumstances mentioned above, the course/programme is cancelled, all the concerned Applicants will be informed of the same via e – mail id provided by them in their application form, registered speed post and by notice on authorised website of the Institute.

Refund of fees:-

When owing to any of the circumstances mentioned above, the course/programme is cancelled, the course/programme fees, if any paid by the concerned applicants will be refunded by the Institute within the period of thirty days from the date of publishing the notice on the authorised website.

Non – transferable to other Courses:-

The Applicants affected, if any, by cancellation of courses/programmes owing to above mentioned reasons will not be transferred to any other courses under any circumstances. All the courses/programmes of the Institute are independent of each other, it must be noted.

No pressurising or threatening tactics to be used:-

The concerned applicant is expected to not to apply any outside, political, parental etc. pressure on the officers and employees of the Institute. Further, no threatening tactics must be adopted. The concerned applicant must understand that this is something beyond the control of Institute and TISS being Public University have to see larger Public interest.

No ruckus/chaos to be created in University Campus:-

The Applicants whose applied course/programme is cancelled owing to above mentioned reasons will not create any ruckus/chaos in the University premises/campuses and if he/she/other still engages in such act, the Institute reserves its right to call the Police or direct its own Security guard to deal with the same.


In case of any dispute with respect to above policy, the decision of the Vice – Chancellor will be final and it will be binding on the Applicant.

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