Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI

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The State of Teachers Teaching and Teacher Education is a Biennial State of the Sector Report produced by CETE. It is the flagship report providing a bird's eye view of the status of the sector. This second report on the State of Teachers, Teaching and Teacher Education in India 2023 (SOTTTER 2023) focuses on issues concerning the teaching profession and teacher preparation in India. SOTTTER 23 is based on four major data sets: the UDISE+ of the Department of Education, Government of India, the Periodic Labour Force Survey 2021-22 (National Sample Survey Organisation, NSSO), and Primary data gathered through the SOTTTER 23 survey conducted in eight states covering 422 schools, 3615 teachers, 422 Head Teachers, teacher education institutions and Student teachers studying in BEd and DElEd programmes TET data from One State A.
The analyses examine the demographic profile of teachers in different sectors, the working conditions of teachers, and the availability and supply of teachers in general, and specifically of qualified teachers, in the system. Comparisons are made between states, between urban and rural locations and between the government and private sectors.


The report was released on the 18th of January 2024 by Mr Sanjay Kumar, Secretary(SEL), Ministry of Education, Govt of India, followed by a panel discussion with eminent Educationists, Professors and Teachers.

SoTTTER 2023 Report

Background Papers

Background Paper 1: Teachers in India in 2021-22: The Picture from UDISE+

Annexure to SoTTTER-23 Background Paper 1: UDISE Data tables

Background Paper 2: Teachers in India: A Snapshot from the Periodic Labour Force Survey

Background Paper 3: Public and Private Sector Contract Teachers in India: An Analytical Research Paper

Background Paper 4: Quality of Pre-service Teacher Education and Teacher Supply in India: An Analysis of TET Data from one State

Background Paper 5: Status of Teachers in the Workforce in Eight States: A Report based on SOTTTER 23 Survey

Background Paper 6: Status of Teacher Educators and Student Teachers in Eight States: A Report based on SOTTTER 23 Survey

Background Paper 7: Teacher Supply Demand: A Review of the Literature

Background Paper 8: News Coverage in Indian Print Media on Teachers and Teacher Education January-December 2023

Author Team

Prof. Padma Sarangapani
Dr. Jyoti Bawane
Dr. Kamlesh Goyal
Prof. Mythili Ramchand
Aishwarya Rathish
Anitha Bellappa
Arpitha Jayaram

The Launch Event:

SoTTTER 2023 Launch Presentation: Access here 

SoTTTER 2023: Press Coverage 

OpEd Article: A ruling that gives primary schoolteaching a new slate, The Hindu, p.6, 19/02/2024. 

Article: Why your child’s maths teacher most likely hated the subject in school. Times of India February 21, 2024

Discussion: SoTTTER discussions with MP NIPUN Professionals by Prof. Padma M. Sarangapani on 23 March 2024 - YouTube 

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