Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI
Women and Gender Development Cell (WGDC)
  1. UGC Regulations [ Download ]
  2. Measures for Ensuring the Safety of Women and Programmes for Gender Sensitization on Campuses [ Download ]
  3. Notification [ Download ]
  4. Excerpts from the Report of The Task Force to Review the Measures for Ensuring the Safety of
    Women on Campuses and Programmes for Gender Sensitization for the TISS community
    [prepared at WGDC, TISS] [ Saksham Excerpts/WGDC-TISS ]
  5. WGDC (Mumbai) Annual Report 2019-2020 [WGDC Annual Report 2019-2020]
  6. Report on International Women's Day 2022 event [IWD: No Country for Women


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