Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI

The Centre for Social and Organisational Leadership (C SOL) was established to develop leadership in businesses, government, not-for-profit organisations and in communities. Since the current environment is characterised by a high velocity of change, depleting natural resources, and the need for equity and social justice - there is a need for a different kind of leadership. Leadership that will focus on innovation, organisational effectiveness, social transformation and sustainability by engaging all stakeholders.

Our vision of a leader is of a person who is self-aware, who works towards the development of oneself, who inspires others and builds relationships, who understands the challenges facing communities and our planet, and whose achievements are derived from the higher purpose of making a contribution to society. Yet, leadership must be seen not merely as an attribute of individuals but as a characteristic of organisations. Therefore, the challenge is to also develop organisations as responsible entities in society. This concept can be termed as that of embedded leadership.

Thus, the mission of C SOL is five-fold:

  • Facilitate self-awareness, personal transformation and enhanced relationships for leaders
  • Collaborate with organisations for research and theory building - with a practical focus
  • Help organisations build leaders and sustainable leadership capability
  • Teach students (the next generation of leaders) to address leadership challenges in social and organisational contexts
  • Curate, publish and disseminate knowledge for leadership and organisation development

Our teaching programmes currently include the following:

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