The Centre for Livelihoods and Social Entrepreneurship (CLSE) aims to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and mindset needed to support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through engaging on praxis related to livelihoods and social entrepreneurship skills. The program covers key themes with an intersection of livelihoods, policies, culture, identity, sustainable development, market analysis, financial literacy, entrepreneurship, sustainability, conflict transformation, and social business innovation. The curriculum incorporates various disciplines, including social work, ethics, economics, sociology, business management, project management, policy studies, sustainability studies, environmental science, and political economy, to address changing societal requirements with the following broad objectives:
The MA Social Work programme with a specialisation in Livelihoods and Social Entrepreneurship emphasizes skill development, employability, social entrepreneurship, and livelihoods. MGNREGA, The National Policy on Skill Development and Entrepreneurship -2015, NEP-2020, NITI Aayog, and NRLM programmes serve as the foundation for the Centre’s strategies. Foundational and CBCS courses offered by the Centre attracts the students from various disciplinary backgrounds and helps them to understand various issues relating to livelihoods and while social entrepreneurship focuses on designing, starting, and expanding organizations that address social and environmental concerns using entrepreneurial concepts and tactics. Community engagement is essential to ensure relevance and responsiveness to the needs of local, urban, and rural populations. The M.A. in Social Work with a Livelihoods and Entrepreneurship (LSE) specialisation aims to equip students with the information, abilities, and mindset needed to create and start projects with the greatest possible social impact. The course combines theoretical inputs with reflections from students' prior learning and fieldwork experiences, promoting independent study and library work.
The curriculum design includes workshops that bring students together in both large and small groups to discuss various themes and topics. Assessment methods include individual, group, and classroom assignments, with participation in classroom discussions including real policy simulations. At present CLSE has two faculty members who have core specialisation in Social Work and have expertise on various dimensions of Livelihoods and Social Entrepreneurship policy and practice space.
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