Locations: Centre for Science, Technology & Society, School of Habitat Studies, TISS, Mumbai
Sponsor: Foundation for Ecological Security, OXFAM India, FLEX India, Forest Department, Maharashtra , National Human Rights Commission, Rights & Resources Initiative, TISS Research Council
Research Project Leader: Geetanjoy Sahu, Associate Professor, TISS, Mumbai
The research work in the field of resource rights, governance and jurispurdence was initiated in 2012 as a collective exercise by students and faculty members for research and learning on the above subjects. Subsequently, a resource rights research group having interest in the above field was formed in 2017 to critically examine the intertwined challenges of accessibility, use and governance of resources confronting the world today, with a particular focus on the issue of forest and land. The TISS RRGJ aims to provide the students and scholars with an opportunity for theoretical and practical engagement with these challenges and issues in a critical framework based on values of equity and social justice, that recognizes the imperative for development in terms of material needs as well as other dimensions of human well-being. In addition, we organise capacity building and training programs for key stakeholders involved in resource governance and management. Another area of our interest is policy advocacy on resource rights, governance and jurisprudence at different levels. In addition, TISS RRGJ provides a platform to various groups working on similar issues to collaborate for research, capacity building, training, assessment studies and policy advocacy on resource rights, governance and jurisprudence.
Objectives of Project
Environmental Case Law Analysis
Assessment of Environmental Regulatory Authorities in India
Forest and Land Governance
NTFP Governance and Livelihood in Maharashtra and Odisha
Post-FRA Policy and Institutional Intervention in Odisha, Jharkhand and Maharashtra
Urban Water Crisis and Governance
Political Economy of Workers' Rights in Hazardous Industries
Conceptual and Evidence Based Research
Documentation and Policy Briefs
Training & Capacity Building
Contact Us: tissrrrg@gmail.com
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