Locations: Mumbai
Sponsor: TISS
Centre for Public Policy and Governance, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) organizes week long in-service training programmes for Mid-career AIS (All India Services) officers. The initiative was launched under the School of Management and Labour Studies, TISS in 2011 and is being currently conducted by the Centre for Public Policy and Governance, TISS. Five programmes have been conducted till date.The programmes are conducted by TISS for the Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India.
Erudite resource persons from the bureaucracy, the academia as well as the non-governmental sector cover a gamut of issues concerning policy implementation, policy reforms and governance for social development while maintaining a focus on key strategies and innovations that are relevant to the participating officers. The aim is to provide a platform for open discussions, experience sharing and developing insightful understanding on issues of social policy and governance.
This is a Centre for Public Policy and Governance, School of Management and Labour Studies Initiative.
Visit Website: http://ais.tiss.edu/
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