Background of the project: On August 24th 2010, Mumbai Mirror reported cases of deaths, severe malnutrition, unhygienic living conditions and physical and sexual abuse of mentally challenged orphaned children at an orphanage in Thane. This news report was taken as a suo moto PIL by the Bombay High Court. Project Chunauti was initiated by the Center for law and Society, School of Law, Rights and Constitutional Governance, to help the victim children recuperate from trauma of abuse and provide the children with a chance for a better life. The project includes 112 children in their current Home and will in-directly ...
TISS Legal Services Clinic was envisaged as an initiative to enable marginalized groups to access justice under Center For Law & Society, School of Law, Rights and Constitutional Governance. This project is joint initiative of TISS, MSLSA , UNDP and Department of Justice(DoJ). The Panel of lawyers has been working from 2nd August 2014 onwards. The Clinic is run by project coordinator who is professional lawyer and legal consultant and Para legal person from Monday to Friday 10.00 a.m. To 6.00 p.m. On Saturdays panel lawyers visit the clinic. The panel consists of TISS panelists as well as District Legal ...
Child rights, especially in the context of justice delivery to children who are victims of crime or are vulnerable to exploitation, assumes a national priority. We have several laws, court rulings, administrative rules, policies, programmes, schemes, etc. The existing scenario, despite best efforts from Government and other stakeholders, remains a matter of concern. One of the requirements in this context is to facilitate, promote, support and strengthen the respondents, statutory and others, to deliver their best in every process of justice delivery. An essential tool in this direction, is a process-oriented Charter on Child Rights, which is user friendly, self-contained ...
The problem of trafficking cuts across a range of development issues - from poverty, landlessness, livelihood to legal protection, and has relevance for practitioners throughout the development sector. This intersectionality makes it important that a collective approach is taken to address the issue of human trafficking. With this intersectionality in mind, the project ‘Trafficking in Persons: Addressing Women and Children’s Risk by Enhanced Regional Connectivity in Assam and Mizoram’ aims to establish the baseline knowledge of human trafficking in the North-East that may have adverse impact with the on-going Regional Connectivity program. The project will identify and assess factors that ...
One of the theme areas that this Centre for Police Studies and Public Security is focusing on is Trafficking Crimes in India. In the response to trans-border human trafficking (HT), which is now happening in large numbers, one of the issues faced by the justice delivery agencies and the law enforcement agencies is that the repatriated victim is reluctant to come back to the Indian court of law to depose in the court and give evidence against the accused due to various reasons. Therefore, the court trial of such cases face a serious challenge. Many criminals have been discharged or ...
This study attempts to understand the experiences of the survivors of trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation across the processes of prevention, rescue, rehabilitation, reintegration and repatriation. It engages with legislations, functioning of the police and lawyers, and civil society organizations to capture the changes in perspective on trafficking from 2000 to 2019. This process of capturing and documenting changes through has been complex owing to the non-linear and complex nature of qualitative data elicited from interviews and focus group discussions. View Report
Deterring demand of commercial sexual exploitation of minors through criminalising customers is of utmost significance for protection of children. Last year, in October 2019, IJM had conducted a National Consultation on Deterring Demand of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, with National Experts from across the country. We collectively realised that the arrest of customers was not something unheard of and that may of the stalwarts who attended the National Consultation had in fact arrested and prosecuted customers of minor victims. What was simply missing was the sharing of this invaluable collective experience across the states with multiple stakeholders. View ...
Tata Institute of Social Sciences, with its expertise and experience in the field of Social development under took the in-depth independent study of Social-cultural-economic effects of the proposed Enayam International Container Transshipment Terminal (EICTT). The study required an understanding of existing socio-economic trends, demographic and cultural dynamics and perceptions of the community about the proposed development. The study also captures the opinions and apprehensions of the project affected community in both coastal and non-coastal areas juxtaposed with data acquired from various governmental and non-governmental agencies. View Report
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