The Centre began as the Department of Rural Welfare and Urban Community Organisation and Development in 1955. The Department was renamed 'Urban and Rural Community Development' (URCD) in 1967. Over five decades of its existence, the Department of URCD was actively engaged with several community development and organising processes across the country.
Post 1991 policy shifts and the visible impact of these changes after 2001, brought reflection on changing community practice. Efforts towards inclusive governance in a time when the state is withdrawing from social sectors and privatization of services is a gradual but sure process, are necessary. Struggles for ...
Set up in 1954, the then erstwhile Department of Criminology and Correctional Administration (CCA) was directed towards creating trained personnel in the field of correctional and criminal justice administration. Students who enrolled for M.A. in Social Work with Specialisation in Criminology and Correctional Administration was ‘deputed candidates’ from the Departments for Social Welfare, Probation and Prisons. Later, this practice waned as the state governments developed their own in-house post-induction correctional training institutes. The candidates admitted to the programme gradually began to include non-deputed candidates since the late seventies who came in through an open competition process. In 2006, the ...
The Centre for Disability Studies and Action, established within the School of Social Work, in 2006. It envisages to focus on issues and concerns of people with disabilities through teaching, training, research and demonstration; to work with, through, and for persons with disabilities and all stakeholders in this field, so as to enhance capacities in working towards an equitable and just society which will ensure equalization of opportunities, full participation and protection of dignity and rights of persons with disabilities.
The 'Centre for Disability Studies and Action' is the first of its kind in a University set up through starting ...
Social Work with Children and Families as a field has grown considerably in terms of perspective, scope and requirement of professional expertise. Discourses and interventions are ongoing such as child protection, child labour, juvenile justice, community based intervention, vulnerable children and families, girl child and children with disabilities. Economic forces have led to the emergence of new forms of families, changing gender roles and socialization of children requiring renewed attention. Families are not only spaces for holding people together by providing care, nurturance and identity, they are also sites of conflict and violence, particularly for children and other vulnerable members ...
The Department of Medical and Psychiatric Social Work was one of the pioneering departments in the field of health social work in the country. Since its inception in 1948, the focus of teaching and fieldwork was on clinical, institutional and individual centered interventions in medical and psychiatric settings. Over the years, the Department moved from a charity and welfare oriented approach to health to an integrated/ development perspective. Over the past decades, the Department has made pioneering contributions to the field of health social work through its capacity building/training of postgraduate students, doctoral ...
The Centre for Lifelong Learning (CLL) was established on February 15, 2006, with the objective of providing training for adult learners in the areas of expertise in the Institute. The CLL was earlier known as Department of Extra Mural Studies, which was established in 1981.
It caters to two kinds of adult learners: (a) The Professional groups getting trained for their continuing education and (b) the general population from diverse backgrounds who are outside the formal education system or those who have not had the opportunity to access formal education system and want to access training or goal-oriented short-term vocational ...
The Centre for Livelihoods and Social Innovation (CLSI) was established with the purpose of strengthening theoretical understanding and innovate methods, skills and practices in enabling the poor and vulnerable sections of the population to access improved livelihood opportunities and resources. The CLSI strives towards exploring alternative models and frameworks in enhancing the livelihood opportunities and resource access for the poor. It has a mandate to develop talented professionals who are capable of co-designing livelihood strategies and approaches that is grounded on empowerment, security and opportunity of the poor and marginalised sections of the population. It anchors the M.A. Social ...
This centre stands for socially empowering academic anchoring an MA Programme on 'Dalit and Tribal Studies and Action' within the School of Social Work. The logic of our curriculum and pedagogy, fieldwork and research are directly sourced from the field, most often neglected within Indian academia, but a field which cannot be left out in education if education has to be constitutive and foundational in orientation, and also be a socially responsive process that will bring change and transformation. The field of this centre represents a complicated social space where a situation of displacement and discrimination of Dalits, tribes and ...
The Center for Women Centered Social Work (CWCSW) as the name connotes aspires to continue to create a cadre of feminist and gendered social work professionals who engage actively in the country for engendering society, programmatic interventions, institutions and social work practice processes. Hence the aspiration is to continue this work as well as develop core research and field action areas on violence against women, gender and development practice and promotion of women's economic, social and political rights. CWCSW defines it role to develop higher education in social work which is relevant to the community and society. There ...
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