Disaster Management is emerging globally as a full-fledged academic discipline. In the backdrop of its evolution from the practitioner’s domain, its boundaries have been permeable. People from diverse backgrounds- including relief workers, engineers, social scientists, or medical professionals -have worked in disaster management. This in turn has also facilitated the growth of disaster management as a substantive field. However, as a field of practice, it demands specialisation to meet with the dynamic challenges posed by not only conventionally categorised disasters but new ones not viewed traditionally as disasters. Simultaneously it also requires theorization to make sense of diverse practices, procedures ...
Besides natural hazards, conflicts, depletion of natural resources and forced migration and malnutrition are experienced as disasters by many communities. Interrogating the notion of a disaster, this Centre positions its academic work within the larger geo-political context and focuses on research that examines how larger processes of development, often shaped by dominant forces within developed countries impinge upon and influence the way financial support, both in the form of aid and loans by multi-lateral institutions (such as the World Bank, ADB or even the UN) has long term implications for most countries. How is development conceived or imagined? What forms ...
The Geoinformatics Laboratory under the Jamsetji Tata Centre for Disaster Management (JTCDM), was established in 2006, the first of its kind in a social science institute, with support from the Jamsetji Tata Trust. The multidisciplinary centre also houses the GIS laboratory. It provides support to teaching, training and conducting advanced research in the field of disaster studies and is also used by students and faculty colleagues from School of Development Studies, Habitat Studies and scholars from outside. M.Phil/PhD scholars also use the laboraroty. The laboratory facilities include desktop computers, image processing and GIS software, and GPS devices. ...
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