M.B.A. (M.D.U. Rohtak),
Ph.D (Panjab University,Chandigarh)
Dr. Sunil Budhiraja is an Assistant Professor at the School of Management and Labour Studies at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS). He is a science graduate and MBA with specialization in Human Resource Management.
Prior to joining in acadamics in 2009, his work experience include working with corporates and academic institutions in the field of people management. As a research associate at IIM Ahmedabad, he has contributed in several research and consulting assignments from 2006 to 2008. He has also served Noam Management Consulting as an associate consultant from 2008 to 2009. He has spent more than a decade with Mittal School of Business, Punjab (from 2009 to 2019) as department head of HRM before moving to Symbiosis International (Nagpur campus) and later on joining TISS, Mumbai in March 2021.
His areas of interest include learning organization, organizational development, performance management and research methodology. He has published several papers in Indian and international journals apart from organizing and delivering several FDPs and MDPs on various topics.
Learning Organization, Organisational Development, Change Management, Performance Management
Select Publications (Only ABDC listed)
Budhiraja, S., Yadav, M. and, Rathi N. (2023), "Multi-Level Outcomes of Learning Organisation: A Bibliometric Analysis and Future Research Agenda", Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance. Accepted on 10th September 2023. (ABDC-B)
Budhiraja, S., Thakur, M. and Yadav, M. (2023), "Leveraging human resource management practices during mergers and acquisitions: a bibliometric analysis and future research agenda", Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/BIJ-11-2022-0696. (ABDC-B)
"Determinants of positive mental health during organizational change: role of continuous learning, mindfulness and change-efficacy" Budhiraja S, Rathi N (2022) Foresight. (ABDC-B; First Author)
"Continuous learning during crises: achieving change-efficacy, meaningful work and adaptive performance". Budhiraja S, Rathi N (2022). International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. (ABDC-B; First Author)
"Work–life balance indicators and talent management approach: a qualitative investigation of Indian luxury hotels". Budhiraja S, Varkkey B, McKenna S (2022). Employee Relations: The International Journal. (ABDC-B; First Author)
"Incremental to Revolutionary Change: Synthesizing Indian IR System Through the Lens of Punctuated Equilibrium Theory". Mehta P, Budhiraja S (2022). Indian Journal of Indian Relations 52 (3), 349-361. (ABDC-C; Co-Author)
Continuous learning and employee performance: a moderated examination of managers' coaching behavior in India". Budhiraja S. (2022) Personnel Review (ABDC-A; Sole author)
Transformational Leadership in Banking: Challenges of Governance, Leadership and HR in a Digital and Disruptive World, by Anil K. Khandelwal. Budhiraja S (2021).The Indian Journal of Social Work 82 (3), 419-424. (Scopus listed; Sole author)
“Can continuous learning amplify employees’ change-efficacy and contextual performance? Evidence from post-merger Indian organization", International Journal of Manpower, Emerald, 2021. (ABDC-A, Impact Factor – 1.2) (Sole Author)
"The dark side of social media: Stalking, online self-disclosure, and problematic sleep”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Wiley, 2021. (ABDC-A, Impact Factor-1.54) (Co-Author)
“Virtuousness and Un/Ethical Behavior: The Moderating role of Power Distance Culture in select Indian Public Sector Undertakings”. IIMB Management Review, Elsevier, 2021, In Press. (ABDC-B, Citescore-2.9) (First Author)
“Mandatory CSR and employer branding: competitive advantage for Indian organisations”, Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment, Inderscience Publishers, 2021, In Press. (ABDC-C, Scopus) (Sole Author)
“Change-efficacy: the glue that connects organizational change with employees’ actions” Development and Learning in Organizations, Emerald, 2020. Vol. 35, Issue, 2, 28-20. (ABDC-C and Scopus) (Sole Author)
“Employees' Risk Taking Capabilities and Learning Organization: Moderating role of Organizational Size”, International Journal of Knowledge and Learning. 2019, Vol 13, Issue 1, 66-79 (ESCI, ABDC-C, Scopus) (First Author)
“Organizational Readiness for Change: An inherent concern for Indian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)” Development and Learning in Organizations, 2019, Vol 33, Issue, 2, 4-7. (ABDC-C and Scopus) (Sole Author)
"Dynamics of Succession Planning for Indian Family owned Businesses: Learning from Successful Organizations" Human Resource Management International Digest, 2018, Vol. 6 Issue 3, 31-33. (ABDC-C and Scopus) (First Author)
"Legal Provisions of Collective Bargaining: Contrasting India with Canada, China & Finland", Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 2018, Vol. 53, Issue, 1, 224-236. (ABDC-C listed). (First Author)
"A framework for untapped creativity: leveraging components of individual creativity for organizational innovation" Development and Learning in Organizations, Emerald, 2017, Vol 33, Issue 6, 7-9. (ABDC-C and Scopus) (First Author)
"Personal Values as Predictor of Ethical Behavior of Managers: A Study of Select Indian Public Sector Undertakings" Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management, July 2015, Vol. 6, Issue, 2, 15- 22 (ABDC-C and Scopus listed) (Co-Author)
"Leadership Style & Organizational Effectiveness in Indian IT & Banking Industry." Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Oct 2013, Vol. 49 Issue 2, 270-285 (ABDC -C). (First Author)
Book Chapters and Monolog
“Employer Branding and Employee-Emotional Bonding—The CSR Way to Sustainable HRM”, Sustainable Human Resource Management, Springer, 2020 (pp. 133-149) (First Author)
"Relationship of Organizational Commitment and Employee Engagement: A study of IT professional". {Book Chapter}Advances in Management for Business Excellence. Manakin Press, 2015
"Workplace Spirituality and Decision Making Styles of Managers: An empirical Study of Middle Level Managers in India". {Book Chapter} Global Business Challenges: Building and Sustaining Competitiveness. Excel Publications, 2014
"Impact Assessment of HRD Training for ULBs in Rajasthan." IIM Ahmedabad, April 2007 {http://www.iimahd.ernet.in/faculty-and-research/research-and-publication.html&rnpid=8589&author=Varkkey%20Biju}
Papers Presented in International/National Conferences
Paper Entitled “Reimagining Indian Industrial Relations System (IIR) in light of COVID 19: An Exploration Based on Punctuated Equilibrium Theory” presented at International Conference on Challenges and Prospects in Management in the VUCA World organized by SIBM, Nagpur (Symbiosis International) on 16-17 Feb 2021.
Paper Entitled “Green HRM Practices and Decent Work: A critical analysis of Indian Organizations” presented at 5th International Conference on Business Transformation organized by SCMS, Noida (Symbiosis International) on 21-22 Feb 2020.
Paper entitled "A study on legal provisions of collective bargaining in India and Canada: A Comparative Perspective" at International Conference on Emerging India and Canada: Perspective on Sustainability at Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, New Delhi on 11-12 May 2017.
Paper entitled "Relationship of Organizational Commitment and Employee Engagement: A study of IT professional" at International Conference on Advances in Management for Business Excellence at NIT Kurukshetra, {27-28 February, 2015)
Paper entitled "Ethical Work Climate as an Antecedent of Employees Affective Commitment" at International Conference on Changing Perspectives and Paradigms in Business and Behavioral Sciences" at Thapar University, Patiala {28-29 March, 2014}
Paper entitled "Workplace Spirituality and Decision Making Styles of Managers: An empirical Study of Middle Level Managers in India" International Conference on the topic "Global Performance Challenges: Building and Sustaining Competitiveness" organized by Amity University, Gurgaon {11-12 September 2014}
Paper entitled "Private Universities, institutes across India" at 11th International HRM Conference held at Aston Business School, London {9-12 June 2010}
Paper entitled "Urban Informal Migrant Workers in Punjab" at National Conference held at GNA-IMT, Punjab {15 March 2014}
Paper entitled "Knowledge Workers and Stress Management" at National Conference held at Lingaya's Institute of Management and Sciences, Delhi {29 November 2013}
Paper entitled "Teacher's Retention: A growing concern for Higher Education System in India" at International Conference on India Emerging: Opportunities and Challenges at Indus Business Academy, Noida {25-26 February, 2011}
Completed a research project with University of Helsinki, Finland (2019-20) on the topic “Poor sleep and social media use among young people”
Human Resource Management, Research Methodology, Change Management, Quantitative Research, Performance Management, HR Analytics.