B.Sc. (Andhra University),
M.S.W. (Nagarjuna University),
Ph.D. (Andhra University)
Mobile: +91-9395141382
Srinivas Surisetti is an Assistant Professor at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, since 2011. Currently he is the Chairperson of School of Gender and Livelihoods at TISS-Hyderabad Campus His interest areas include Institution building, Microfinance through women Self Help groups, and Skill building towards Livelihood Promotion.
Prior to the joining of TISS, Srinivas was engaged in capacity building of various stakeholders, Research and case documentation associated with rural development programs of Government and NGOs for about 15 years. He taught in institutions such as the Azim Premji University, Bengaluru, Gothenberg University, Sweden as part of the faculty exchange initiatives of TISS.
Srinivas anchored major research studies including AP Rural Livelihoods, Savings Behaviour of the Poor and a Scoping Study towards establishing a National level Livelihood Resource Centres in South Africa, Kenya and Mozambique for the Ford Foundation. He has engaged in conducting Social Impact assessments of land aquisition in both Telugu states and evaluation studies of Livelihood promotion and skills enhancement initiatives.
Some of his research work is published in journals and books.
Srinivas has been engaged in Research in the areas of Sustainable livelihoods and Financial Inclusion.
He has carried out his research on topics such as Microfinance and Livelihood promotion through women Self Help groups, Skill building towards Livelihood Promotion,
Srinivas is engaged in conducting Social Impact Assessments impacting life and livelihoods of communities affected by Land aquisition and development Induced displacement supporting best practice promotion and advocacy for suitable public policy.
1. S.Srinivas and B. Vijayalakshmi., Abuse and neglect of elderly in urban families. The Indian Journal of Social Work 62 (3): 464-479, July 2001 Mumbai, TISS
2. Sankar Datta, Narayana, SL and S. Srinivas Savings Services for the Poor, Pluralist 1 (1)April 2009, New Delhi
3. S.Srinivas, SHGs-Bank linkage: Impact on Livelihoods of the Poor. The Indian Journal of Social Work 71(1) 75-86, January 2010, Mumbai, TISS
4. S.Srinivas, et.al Leveraging Livelihoods for Muslim Women in Hyderabad: Role of SHGs. The Indian Journal of Social Work 71(1) 103-116, Jan 2010, Mumbai, TISS
5. Srinivas, S. Datta.S and Phansalkar, S.J, (Eds), 2006, Rural Livelihoods in Andhra Pradesh, APMAS, Hyderabad.
6. Sankar Datta, Narayana, SL and S. Srinivas (Eds), 2010, Savings of the Poor: They can do it, 2010, Ed. Books for Change, Bengaluru.
7. Srinivas, S. and Rao, Umesh, 2010, Promoting Forest based Livelihoods: A case study on Kovel foundation, pp. 37-56, Inclusive Livelihood Strategies on Non Timber Forest Produce, The Livelihood School, Hyderabad
8. Srinivas.S, 2016, Women Managed Milk Procurement Services, pp 25-33, Compendium of Business models for Livelihood Promotion, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, New Delhi
9. Srinivas Surisetti, Sector Expert Review on the Report on Skills-Analysis of Skill development initiatives in Andhra Pradesh: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Skill Development Interventions in Andhra Pradesh, India Consensus: A Tata Trust and Copenhagen Consensus Centre Partnership Initiative 2018
10. Khan Firdaus, M.R. and Srinivas. S, Financial Literacy of Women in Hyderabad: An Exploratory study, Journal of Management, 47 (1) Spl. 81-99, Dec 2018, Hyd., ASCI
11.Sanghamitra.M, and Sastry.K.R., Srinivas.S, 2019, Inclusive Value Chains-Models of Millet promotion in Telangana State, TISS, Hyderabad
12.Firdau Khan, M.R, and Srinivas. S, Financial Wellbeing of working Women: mediating effect of cashless financial experience and digital financial self-socialization, Business Review, I (II), 51-68, Dec 2020, Musheerabad, MDIM
13. Khan, F., Surisetti, S. (2022). Is Woman a Homogeneous Category? Understanding Latent Factors of Financial Literacy and Financial Well-Being. In: Mahajan, V., Chowdhury, A., Kaushal, U., Jariwala, N., Bong, S.A. (eds) Gender Equity: Challenges and Opportunities. Springer, Singapore.
14. Khan, F., Surisetti, S. (2023). Unpacking Financial Literacy: A critical model for the Global South. In: Adam, H., Rena, R (eds) Political Economy of Development in the Global South Post-Covid 19 Pandemic. Springer, Singapore
15. Khan, F., Surisetti, S. Vulnerable Sites: Bottom-of-the Pyramid Blue-Collar Workers, Occupational Gendering and Earnings Disparity. Ind. J. Labour Econ. (2023).https://doi.org/10.1007/s41027- 023- 00454-5
2023-24 Community needs assessment and baseline study in CSR villages of Ultratech cements, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh
2022-23 Socio-Economic Impacts of Covid-19 on vulnerable population in South East Asian countries for World Health Organization (with Prof Aseem Prakash as Principal Investigator)
2019-20: Evaluation Study of of Skill Training Schemes of NSFDC through CSR initiative of REC for 6 States, NSFDC, New Delhi.
2018-19: Needs assessment in the project areas of Balaji Cement works (Aditya Biral Group), Jaggayyapet, Andhra Pradesh
2018-19: People Centred Development: Faculty Development programs for Prof Jayasankar Telangana Agriculture University, Telangana
2018-19: Social Impact Assessment-Land Acquisition for CISF-NISA Academy, Telangana State (Commissioned by District Administration, Medchal District)
2017-18: Mid Term evaluation: A review of CSR of initiaitves of MYTRAH energy in Telangagna State.
2017-18: Mid Term Review of Vikaspedia, Center for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC) Hyderabad, Ministry of Communications, Government of India
2016-17: Social Impact Assessment study for Wide Service Road Under Fatehnagar Bridge, Hyderabad, Telangana State
2016-17: Social Impact Assessment for Formation of New BG Railway line for Western Railways in Anantapuramu District, Andhra Pradesh (with Prof Lakshmi Lingam)
2015-16: Social Impact Assessment of NTPC Water Corridor in RambilliMandal, Visakhaptnam District, Andhra Pradesh (with Prof Lakshmi Lingam)
Socio-economic status of Scheduled Tribes in Telangana State, for TSCOST, Government of Telangana State (with Dr. Poulomi Bhattacharya as Principal Investigator)
Teaching in MA Programs
· Introduction to Livelihoods
· Working with Communities
. Natural Resources based Livelihoods
· Institutional Analysis and Design
· Project Management
Curriculum Development:
Introduction to Livelihoods and Working With Rural Commuities for MA-Rural Development and Governance
Rural Development, Livelihoods and Social Policy (basket of courses) for BA-Social Sciences
Developed curriculums of Fundamentals of Livelihood promotion, Marketing for Livelihood Promotion and Non timber forest based livelihood promotion
Developed Content for Trainers Manuals and Best Practice Promotion in the areas of Farmers Producer Organizations, Savings and Credit groups of women