Ph.D. (Delhi)
Email: shewli4@tiss.ac.in
Landline: 022-2555422
Mobile: 9833583540
Shewli Kumar is a social work educator and presently she working as Associate Professor at School of Social Work. Her research and practice interests lie in the areas of community mobilisation, women from the margins, experiences of exclusion, mobilisation and collectivisation, law and social policy analysis in the context of sexual harassment, women and work, livelihoods and development, childhoods and child rights. Some of the researches done are in the realm of women human rights defenders in conflict zones, maternity benefit, child marriage, women and livelihoods, gender audits and family counselling centers in India. She has recently published the book: “The Gendered Terrain of Maintenance for Women: Enmeshed Inequalities in Culture and Law”. She has presented several papers at national and international conferences including at the United Nations Sub Commission on Promotion and Protection of Human Rights NGO Consultations, Geneva and the 4thWorld Conference on Women’s Studies 2018, Colombo.
Most of her published papers explore experiences of women and children from marginalities and excluded communities like Dalits, Tribes and religious minorities. She is strongly engaged with research and advocacy networks for promotion of women and children's rights at the local, national and international levels. She is part of the South Asian Feminist Alliance for Women’s ESCR (SAFA) and she has also participated and presented papers in international forums like Regional Meeting for the World Conference on Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, at Kathmandu, Nepal 2001, World Conferenceon Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and other related intolerance, at Durban, South Africa, 2001, World Social Forum at Mumbai.
1. Maternity Protection for Women in Maharashtra Evaluation and Assessment of the Current Social Security measures”- an ILO-TISS Collaborative Project part of a larger National project.
2. Research on Women Human Rights Defenders in the South Asia Region
3.Gender Audits of Civil Society Organisations like Navsarjan, India and DAG, India
4. Research and Development of State Implementation Plans for National Rural Livelihood Missions for Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra
5. A Report on Mapping of efforts to combat HIV and AIDS among Children in India for Save the Children, Sweden.
6. Stocktaking Report of Consult for Women and Land Rights-An International Advocacy organisation for women’s rights based in India.
7. Desk Review of Child Labour in Maharastra
8. Status of Children in Punjab
9. Case Studies of Advocacy Efforts on Human Rights Issues in North India
10. SAARC Gender Report Card and Core Committee member of South Asia Feminist Alliance
11. MKSP Evaluation Project for J K Shroffs Foundation
12. Early Marriage in Rajasthan- TISS-Vikalp Sansthan Action Research
13. Caste-Based Sexual Violence and State Impunity: A National Study
14. Crimes in the Name of Honour: A National Study
Articles in Journals
1. Kumar, S. 2004.Adolescence, Gender and Reproductive Rights. Perspectives in Social Work. Vol. XIX. No.2 May-Aug. 2004. Mumbai.
2. Kumar, S. 2004. A Requiem for the Indian Women in Women’s Watch.Vol.2. Oct-Dec. 2004. Issue.1. New Delhi.
3. Kumar S, 2008, Dalit Women at Intersections; Voices from the Margins, Indian Journal of Social Work, Vol 69, Issue 2, Tata Institute of Social Sciences Publication, Mumbai
4. Kumar, S. 2011. Building Women Empowered Communities for Governance: A Social Work Perspective. Indian Journal of Social Work. Vol 72, Issue 2, Tata Institute of Social Sciences Publication, Mumbai
5. Kumar, S (2011). Women’s Status in North East India. A Book Review. Indian Journal of Social Work. Vol 72, Issue 2, Tata Institute of Social Sciences Publication, Mumbai
6. Kumar, S &Rawat A. 2015. Lifeworlds Of Children of Sex Workers in Budhwar Peth. Indian Journal of Social Work, Vol 76, Issue 4, Tata Institute of Social Sciences Publication, Mumbai
7. Kumar, S & Sharma, A. 2018. Higher Education Institutions and Sexual Harassment: Contested Spaces & Struggles of Internal Committees. Quest in Education. Vol. XXXXII No.1
8. Kumar S & Thakur S. (2019). Sexual Harassment in Academic Spaces: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Processes in India and Pakistan. Jindal Global Law Review (2019) 10:173-196.Springer Publication
9. S Aswathy &Kumar Shewli. (2020). Women Farmers in Kudumbashree Program: Gendered Ownership and Control over Productive Resources. Journal of Social Work Education and Practice 5(4) 65-78. Kerala.
10. Kumar S. (2021). The Impact of COVID-19 on Women’s Lives in India: Interventions by Civil Society Organisations. Indian Journal of Social Work. Special Issue. Vol.82. Issue 2. April 2021. Tata Institute of Social Sciences Publication, Mumbai
11. S Aswathy & Kumar Shewli (2022). Women Farmers in Kerala, India and the Gendered Division of Labour: The Kudumbashree Experience. Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific Issue 47, July 2022. College of Asia Pacific, University of Australia Publication
Book Chapters
12. Deng S, Kumar S, Yoo, J &Farrington C. (2019). The Impact of Globalization and Social Exclusion on Education and Child Development in eds., Chaskin R, Jaswal S & Lee, Joo, B. Social Exclusion in Cross-National Perspective, Actors, Action &Impact from Above and Below. Oxford University Press. New York
13. Kumar, S. 2016. Migrant Children and Social Work in India. Comment on Chinese Case Study from an Indian Perspective in eds. Schwarzer B, Kammerer-Rutten, U et.al.Transnational Social Work and Social Welfare: Challenges for the social work profession. Routledge Advances in Social Work, Taylor and Francis, London and New York.
14. Kumar S. (2021). Learning Gender, Teaching Gender in Social Work: Feminist Pedagogies and Current Challenges in eds. Singh A K & Popli U. Contemporary Areas of Social Work Practice in India. Bloomsbury India. New Delhi
15. Kumar, S. 2017. Gendered Terrain of Maintenance for Women: Enmeshed Inequalities of Culture and Law. Notion Press, India.
Other Research Publications
1. Kumar S, (2003). Views on Report on Democracy and Administration of Justice. UN Sub Commission on Promotion and Protection of Human Rights NGO Consultations. UN Publications. Geneva, Switzerland
2. Kumar S. (2007). Dalit Women in Rajasthan: Status of Social, Economic and Cultural Rights. PWESCR Publications, New Delhi
3. Kumar S. (2004) Case studies of Advocacy Strategies. PAIRVI Publications
4. Kumar S. (2004) State of Child Rights in Punjab in State of Child Rights in India. PAIRVI Publications
5. Kumar S (2008). Right to Development-A Discussion Paper. IPAC Publication. November 2008
6. Kumar S (2009). The situation of Child Labour in Maharashtra-A Desk Review. UNICEF
7. Kumar S, P Manjula & Srinivasan D (2022). Caste-Based Sexual Violence and State Impunity. NCWL, TISS & DHRDnet Publication
8. Kumar S & Subbiah I. (2022) Crimes in The Name of Honour. NCWL, TISS & DHRDnet Publication
Newspaper Articles
1. Kumar S (2019). Knot the ‘Right’ Age: Stress to keep the power balance. Deccan Chronicle, June 28, 2019
2. Kumar S (2018). Stem the Gender Gap. Deccan Chronicle, June 3 2018
This is an international collaborative 4-year project between 4 Universities in 4 countries, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Germany, University of the Western Cape, South Africa; Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India. This project focuses on Sustainable Development Goal 10. It shall help strengthen the research-policy-practice nexus, address discriminatory practices, foster a rights-based approach, promote inclusive research and ownership, and engage young women and men as emerging researchers, global citizens and agents for change. The collaborative, interdisciplinary and participatory approach in this transnational project shall contribute to reduced inequalities within and among countries and thus help decolonize and localize knowledge and methodology.
The 2030 Agenda and the interrelated Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) provide a global social and sustainable development framework. They have become guiding principles for government policies and a driver for the involved universities and their educational aspirations. Social work, social services and community engagement play a vital role in delivering on the SDGs and drive a human rights perspective in development (Jayasooria 2016; IFSW 2017; Seth 2018; Nikku and Pulla 2014; Kaltenborn et al. 2020; Pandey and Chhabi Kumar 2018). SDG 10: ‘reduce inequality within and among countries, was chosen as a common denominator for this collaboration. The world social science report demonstrates that research on inequalities and social justice has drawn from several subfields, such as political science, sociology, gender studies, social work, development studies, developmental psychology and family studies, criminology and law (UNESCO 2016).
For more: https://www.frankfurt-university.de/en/about-us/faculty-4-social-work-and-health/international-portal/international-projects/inequality-within-and-among-countries-iwaac-10/
Teaching Courses for MA Social Work:
1. Social Policy, Planning and Programmes,
2. Women Development Practice and Politics
3. Women and Work
4. Workshop on Research Design, Methods and Data Collection Strategies