M.A. (TISS), M.Phil. (JNU), Ph.D. (JNU)
E-mail: shailtiss@gmail.com
Tel (O) : 022-25525355
Shaileshkumar Darokar has a Master of Arts in Social Work (with specialization in Urban and Rural Community Development) from TISS Mumbai and M. Phil and Ph. D in Sociology from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi.
He is currently an Associate Professor and Chairperson of the Centre of Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policies (CSSE&IP).
He served as an Associate Dean – Social Protection Office, TISS, Mumbai (November 2015 – May 2018) and a Chairperson CSSE&IP (June 2015 – May 2018).
He has been a member of the Library Advisory Committee and Board of Studies, TISS Tulajapur Rural Campus. He has also served as a member of the Gender Amity Committee of the Institute.
His areas of teaching and research are - Dalit empowerment, social movements in India and the philosophy of Ambedkarism. His special interest lies in research on manual scavenging and sanitation workers in India. He has conducted numerous workshops and seminars to debate interconnections between caste and inhuman occupations such as manual scavenging. He has also headed a number of government research projects commissioned by the Govt. of Maharashtra pertaining to the development of SC, ST and NT-DNT. He is also associated with multiple community outreach initiatives and community-based Dalit-Adivasi (civil society) organizations in India.
Areas of Academic Interest:
social stratification in urban and rural settings, caste in South Asia
social exclusion, social inequality, dignity, livelihood issues with special reference to Dalits, Adivasis, NT-DNT and other marginalized sections in Indian,
urban sanitation, solid waste management with special reference to manual scavengers and rag-pickers,
Dalit empowerment, social movements in India and the philosophy of Ambedkarism
Books Published
1. 'Navayana Buddhism: Context, Debates and Theories' by shaileshkumar darokar, subodh n.w and bodhi s. r. published by The Shared Mirror, Hyderabad, (September 2022) Link to book (https://www.thesharedmirror.org/?product=navayana-buddhism-context-debates-and-theories)
2. 'A Part Apart' by shaileskumar darokar, sudharak olwe and bodhi s.r. Published by Photography Promotion Trust for the Tata Affirmative Action Program, (2021) (For Private Circulation Only)
Chapters in Books -
1. Shaileshkumar Darokar - "Dalit Women, Dehumanised Labour and Struggles for Dignity" in Mary E. John and Meena Gopal (Eds) Women in the Worlds of Labour: Interdisciplinary and Intersectional Perspectives, Orient Blackswan, 2021. (https://orientblackswan.com/details?id=9788194925897)
2. Shaileshkumar Darokar - "Deconstructing the Practice of Manual Scavenging: Critical Insights", in R. Thirunavukkarasu (Ed) Social Hegemony in Contemporary India, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2021 (ISBN: 9789353886332).
3. Shaileshkumar Darokar - Manual Scavengers: A Blind Spot in Urban Development Discourse, in “Including the Excluded in South Asia: Power, Politics and Policy Perspective from the Region”, Eds. Madhushree Shekhar & Carciumaru Radu, Springer, Singapore, 2019.
Research Paper/Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals -
1. Bodhi S. R. and Shaileshkumar Darokar - Becoming a Scheduled Tribe in India: The History, Process, and Politics of Scheduling, Contemporary Voice of Dalits. Sage, November 9, 2023 (Web of Science). Link to article
2. Deeptesh H. Kadam, Nilesh Gawde and Shaileshkumar S. Darokar - ‘Sick Guardians of Public Health’: A Qualitative Inquiry into Caste, Occupation and Health among Sanitation Workers of Solid Waste Management, Mumbai Municipal Corporation, India, from a Social Epidemiology Lens, Contemporary Voice of Dalit (web of science, Sage Journal), July 2023. Link to article
3. Shaileshkumar Darokar - Prabuddha Bharat: Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s Vision for a Democratic India, in a special issue on "Ambedkar, Buddhism and Social Transformation" of Social Action, A Quarterly Review of Social Trends, Vol. 72, No.3, July-Sept. 2022 (ISSN 0037-7627) (A UGC-CARE Approved Journal) Link to Special Issue
4. Shaileshkumar Darokar & S. R. Bodhi - The Dalit Curriculum from Two Perspectives (July 2022, Vol 52. Issue 3, pp.302-313) Curriculum Inquiry, Taylor & Francis. (Web of Science) Link to article
5. Shaileshkumar Darokar - 'Historicising Tribal Struggles for Epistemological Integration in India, Social Action, A Quarterly Review of Social Trends, Vol. 71, No. 03, July-Sept. 2021, special issue on 'Tribal Culture, Political Systems and Social Movements', (Co-author - Dr. Bodhi S. R.) (UGC Care) Link to article
6. Shaileshkumar Darokar - Complexities of Liberation from Caste: Manual Scavenging in Maharashtra, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 55, Issue No. 9, February 29, 2020. Link to article
7. Shaileshkumar Darokar - Manual Scavengers: A Blind Spot in Urban Development Discourse, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 53, Issue No. 22, 02 June 2018. Link to article
8. Shaileshkumar Darokar - Social Justice and Social Development of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes in Maharashtra, Indian Journal of Dalit and Tribal Studies and Action, IJDTSA Vol.2, Issue 1, No. 1, pp 1-23, June 2014. Link to article
9. Shaileshkumar Darokar - Internalising and Deepening 'Dhammakranti' Towards realizing Ambedkar's Emancipatory Vision, Indian Journal of Dalit and Tribal Studies and Action, IJDTSA Vol.1, Special Issue: Voices and Silences, No.2 pp.8 to 18, 2013-2014, Link to article
10. Shaileshkumar Darokar (2010) – Understanding Social Exclusion in India: Ambedkarian Perspective, Journal of Inter-disciplinary Policy Research and Action, 14 (1), 31-53,
11.Shaileshkumar Darokar (2008) – Nagarikaranacha Imala, Jati Vyavsthecha Paya: Adhunik Shahratil “Vitalnare” Vyavyasay Va Safai Kamgar, Samaj Prabodhan Patrika, March- April (Marathi)
12. Shaileshkumar Darokar (2005) – Socio-Economic Status of Scavengers Engaged in Practice of Manual Scavenging in Maharashtra, Indian Journal of Social Work, 66 (2), April, Link to article
Forthcoming (2023 - 24) -
Research Papers/Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
1. 'Becoming a Scheduled Tribe in India: The Process and Politics of Scheduling', Indian Journal of Social Work, Special Issue on Tribal Development, Aug-Sept. 2023. (Co-author).
2. Ambedkar and Education: A Historical Conspectus, July 2024
3. Why the City is a Critical Space for Building an Egalitarian Social Order in India: An Ambedkarian Perspective, November 2024.
4. Dalit Pedagogy, December 2024
Research in Media
1. "Aparadhbhav Aahe?" - Loksatta, May 15th 2022, Link to article
2. Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied: Documenting Atrocities on Dalits in Maharashtra - Photo Essay by Padmashri Sudharak Olwe (special inputs) Link to document
3. Baseline Survey of Conservancy Workers of MCGM, by CSSEIP, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, funded by Tata Trusts, Mumbai
“Mission Garima”, a collaboration of Municipality Corporation of Greater Mumbai and the Tata Trust, Mumbai. Link to document
4. Manual Scavenging in India - An Interview on SMCSchannel, Link to video
5. Undark - For India’s Caste-Based Sewer Cleaners, an Uncertain Robot Rescue, link to document
Research Paper Presented (Talk delivered) - Youtube links
1. Key Note – “The Vision & Mission of a Buddhist University Post-Ambedkar” in 2021 Thematic Community Conference for Educators and Practitioners of Buddhism on “Re-imagining a Buddhist University for the 21st Century”, organized by Navayana Buddhist Charitable Trust, Maharashtra, (September 26th 2021) Link to Video
2. “Prabuddha Bharat: Babasaheb’s Vision for a Democratic India” in a Webinar on Prabuddha Bharat: Babasaheb's Vision for a Democratic India & Kamma: An Ambedkarite Perspective (December 6th 2021) Link to Video
3. "Babasaheb Ambedkar and Education: A Historical Conspectus", organized by Center for Ambedkar Studies, Navayana Buddhist Charitable Trust, Maharashtra (March 5th, 2022). Link to Video
Research projects undertaken: (independent/jointly)
1. “Socio-Anthropological Study of Gowari Community of Maharashtra”, commissioned by Tribal Development Department, Govt. of Maharashtra. (Completed - October 2020).
2. “Socio-Anthropological Study of Dhangar Community of Maharashtra”, commissioned by Tribal Development Department, Govt. of Maharashtra. (Completed - August 2018)
3.“Baseline Survey of Conservancy Workers of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai”, under the collaborative Mission Garima of MCGM and Tata Trusts, Mumbai. (Completed, December 2015)
4.“Educational Status of Scheduled Castes in Maharashtra State”, initiated and sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), MHRD, New Delhi with Prof. G. G. Wankhede (Completed, 2015)
5.Enhancement of Human Development Parameters Among Project Affected Persons: An Impact Assessment Study in New Gautum Nagar, Govandi, Mumbai, sponsored by ACJP, an NGO based in Mumbai, (Completed, March 2012)
6.“Socio-Economic, Educational and Cultural Development of Matang Samaj in Maharashtra”, (study sponsored by the Government of Maharashtra. (Completed, February 2008). (Project Director Prof. A. Ramaiah )
7.Study on “Livelihoods, Employment & Sustainable Development: An Initiative Towards Improving Skills and Employability”. Sponsored by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), February 2006, (Project Director Prof. R. C. Datta)
8.“Study of Practice of Manual Scavenging in the State of Gujarat”, for Gujarat Safai Kamdar Vikas Nigam, Government of Gujarat, August 2006. (jointly with Dr. H. Beck)
9.“Study of Practice of Manual Scavenging and socio-economic profile of Manual Scavengers in Maharashtra”, for Mahatma Phule Backward Class Development Corporation, (Government of Maharashtra), January 2005. (jointly with Dr. H. Beck)
10.“Impact Assessment of Initial Phase of MMRDA Resettlement Implementations”, sponsored by MMRDA and World Bank, 2003. (Project Director- Prof. R. N. Sharma)
Caste Movements Theory and Practice (for M.Phil in Inclusive Development & Social Justice, in 2nd Semester)
Caste, State and Politics in South Asia (for M. A. DTSA, II Sem)
Understanding Caste (Foundation Course, I Sem)