M.A. in Economics (University of Kalyani), U.G.C NET JRF., Ph.D. in Economics (Jadavpur University, Kolkata), Sir Ratan Tata Post Doctoral Fellow (London School of Economics and Political Science, U.K)
Centre for Social Entrepreneurship
School of Management and Labour Studies
Tata Institute of Social Sciences
V.N.Poorav Marg, Deonar
Mumbai-400088, India.
Phone: +91-22-2552-5814
Mobile: +91 9819462418
Research Areas
Micro Entrepreneurship
Social Entrepreneurship
Women Entrepreneurship
Development Economics
Financial Inclusion
Financial LIteracy and
Financial Behaviour
Special Issue on ‘Uncertainty, Social Entrepreneurship and Role of Technology’: An Introduction, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies, Vol 10(1), alongwith Archana Singh.
• Impact of Economic Transition on the Outreach of Microfinance Sector. Global Business and Economics Review, vol.29(2), along with Chandralekha Ghosh.
• Financial Inclusion and Financial Literacy Programs for Low-Income Section in India. International Journal of Globalisation and Business, forthcoming, along with Purushottam Bhandare.
• Waste Management and Private Sector Participation- Operational and Behavioural Perspectives. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, 32(1):113-127, along with Rajiv Shah.
Private Sector Participation in Solid Waste Management and Regulatory Strategy. Economic and Political Weekly, 56(32), 7th August, 2021, 95-101, along with Rajiv Shah.
Impact of financial literacy models on the financial behavior of individuals: An empirical study on the Indian context. Strategic Change, Wiley, 30(4), 377–387, July 2021, along with Purushottam Bhandare, Rimita Hom Chaudhury and Chandralekha Ghosh.
In Search of Business Models in Social Entrepreneurship: Concepts and Cases, Edited by Samapti Guha and Satyajit Majumdar, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
Knowledge in Microsocial Milieus: The Case of Microfinance Practices among Women in India, in Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Vol 12, No. 1, pp. 146-165, Springer, 2021 along with Arvind Ashta, Chandralekha Ghosh and Frank Lentz.
Sustainable Development and Indigenous Entrepreneurship: A case study of Santhei Natural Park, along with Satyajit Majumdar and Jackson Khumukcham in “Social Entreprenurship and Sustainable Development”, Edited by Archana Singh and Edakkandi Meethal Reji, Routledge, New York and London, 2021.
Role of Social Enterprises in the Creation of Sustainable Livelihood: The case of Microfinance Institution in the Slums of Mumbai along with Chandralekha Ghosh in “Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development”, Edited by Archana Singh and Edakkandi Meethal Reji, Routledge, New York and London, 2021.
Social Entrepreneurship through the Lenses of Wellbeing and Sustainable Development: A Critique, in “Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development”, Edited by Archana Singh and Edakkandi Meethal Reji, Routledge, New York and London, 2021.
Is Serial Social Entrepreneurship Leading towards Sustainable Development? A case of Annapurna Pariwar along with Edakkandi Meethal Reji and Medha Samant, in “Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development”, Edited by Archana Singh and Edakkandi Meethal Reji, Routledge, New York and London, 2021.
Can behavioral biases improve the financial capability of microfinance clients in the tribal states of India? in Strategic Change, Vol 29 No. 5, pp. 589-606, published by John Wiley, along with Mani Chidambaranathan.
Social Innovations and Access to Technology and Extension Services for Small Holder Farmers: Insights from Three Cases along with Edakkandi Meethal Reji in ‘Methodological Issues in Social Entrepreneurship Knowledge and Practice’ edited by Satyajit Majumdar and Edakkandi Meethal Reji, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2019.
Practicing Ethnography in a Social Enterprise: Developing an Internal Critique along with Kishore Bhirdikar in ‘Methodological Issues in Social Entrepreneurship Knowledge and Practice’ edited by Satyajit Majumdar and Edakkandi Meethal Reji, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2019.
Role of Gender on the Performance of Indian Microfinance Institutions, in Gender in Management: An International Journal, Vol. 34 No. 6, pp. 429-443, published by Emerald Publishing, along with Chandralekha Ghosh.
Efficiency and Mission Drift—Debate Revisited in Indian Context in Women's Entrepreneurship and Microfinance, edited by Neogi, Chiranjib, Bhandari, Amit Kumar, Ghosh, Sudipto, Springer (2017), co-authored with Chandralekha Ghosh.
An Exploration of the Financial Practices of Tribal Community in Jhabua, India, Development in Practice, Vo. 27:6,pp: 801-812, Routledge, Taylor &Francis, Co-authored with Hemangi Patel and Nadiya Parekh (2017).
Knowledge in Microsocial Milieus: the Case of Microfinance Practices among Women in India, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Vol 7, No. 1, March (2016), Springer co-authored with Arvind Astha, Chandralekha Ghosh and Frank Lentz.
Does Institutional Framework of MFIs matter in the Economic Benefit of Clients? Evidence from Urban Slums in Mumbai, Economic and Political Weekly, June 20, 2015, Vol No. 25, co-authored with Chandralekha Ghosh.
Determinants of Profitability of the Microenterprises led by Women Micro Entrepreneurs: Evidence from Mumbai Slums, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol 25, No. 4(2015), pp. 455-473, Inderscience Publishers, co-authored with Chandralekh Ghosh.
Technology, Innovation and Social Change, edited by Satyajit Majumdar, Samapti Guha and Nadiya Marakkath, Springer, 2015.
Creating Social Change Through Entrepreneurship Education: An Effectuation Model at Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, India (co-authored with Yaso Thiru and Satyajit Majumdar) in edited volume titled ‘Technology and Innovations for Social Change, Springer, 2015.
Relevance of Microfinance Services for Micro-Entrepreneurial Growth: A Case Based Discussion on Indian Microfinance Models along with Nadiya Marakkath in edited volume titled ‘Technology and Innovations for Social Change, Springer, 2015.
Do Micro Enterprises choose Microfinance Institutions to meet their Financial Needs? Evidence from Mumbai Slums, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, Vol. 19, No. 3 (2014), World Scientific, co-authored with Chandralekha Ghosh.
Impact of child labour practices on educational attainment among the children in Ambujwadi, Mumbai, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, April-June, 2014 along with Hemangi Patel.
SME Growth and Influence of Internal and External Environmental Factors, in Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 2013, Springer, 2-15, along with Priya Gupta and K S Subramanian.
Microfinance for Microenterprises: An Impact Evaluation of Self Help Groups, NABARD,2010.
The Role of SHGs as Micro Financial Intermediaries: A study in Sabarkantyha District of Gujarat, Journal of Rural Development, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 399-423, October-December 2010.
An Overview of SHG Bank Linkage Programme and Role of NABARD, in NABARD’s Contribution on Socio-Economic Development in Rural Areas, edited by Pritimoy Majumdar, Basudeb Chakraborty and Krishnendu Pal Choudhury, Alochana Chakra, August 2010.
Remittances and Micro Finance: Opportunities and Challenges for Development Finance, International Journal of South Asian Studies Vol. 3 (1). pp. 82-101, Jan-Jun 2010.
Impact of Competition on Microfinance Beneficiaries: Evidence from India, Asia Research Centre Working Paper 21, London School of Economics, 2007, http://www.lse.ac.uk/collections/asiaResearchCentre/WorkingPapers.htm.
Possibility of Default and Sustainability in a Random Rosca, Artha Vijnana, Vol 48(1-2), pp 146-164, 2006.
Repayment Performance of Rosca – An Evidence from West Bengal in Studies in Macroeconomics and Welfare, edited by B.B.Bhattacharya and Arup Mitra, Academic Foundation, 2005.
Micro-Credit For Income Generation: The Role of Rosca, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol XL No.14; April2-8, 2005.
Microfinance based Disaster Preparedness: A mid-Term Evaluation of Disaster Mitigation Fund (DMF) of CARE.
Microfinance based Disaster Preparedness: An Evaluation of Financial Access for Improved Rehabilitation (FAIR) Project of CARE.
Performance of SHG-Bank Linkage Programme: Experience from Karnataka and Gujarat, Joint project of IRMA, Anand and ISEC, Bangalore.
Impact Assessment of Micro enterprises on SHG members, NABARD.
Need Assessment of the community for Maharashtra Refineries Private Limited for Corporate Social Responsibility.
Social Audit of HPCL CSR Projects, 2010-11.
Jhabua Microfinance Project, sponsored by DBS-TISS Social Entrepreneurship Programme, 2012-13.
“Women in Management: A Study of Women Representation at Management Level in Mumbai”, sponsored by ICSSR, March 2013 to September 2014.
“Impact Assessment Study on Financial Literacy Programme of ANZ Bank” , sponsored by Samhita Social Ventures, Mumbai, April 2013 to June 2013.
Need Assessment and Base Line Survey for CSR projects in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu for L&T Finance Limited – a company in India (with Prof. Satyajit Majumdar and a team), 2014-15.
Impact Assessment Study on Financial Literacy Programme of ANZ Bank” , sponsored by Samhita Social Ventures, Mumbai, October 2014 to December 2014.
Need Assessment Study of Women Entrepreneurs in Rural Bengal supported by SHRREOSHI, from 2016 to the present.
Financial Stability of South Asian Microfinance Institutions, 2017-18.
Role of ROSCAs in the lives of slum Dwellers in Mumbai, 2019-22, supported by Research Council , TISS.
Social Entrepreneurship.
Development Economics
Labour Economics
Quantitative Research Methodology