M.A. (TISS),
Ph.D. (TISS)
Email : roshni@tiss.ac.in
Phone:+ 91-22- 25525453
Dr. Roshni Nair-Shaikh
MA in Social Work with a specialisation in Criminology and Correctional Administration (TISS-1993) and Ph.D. in Social Work (TISS-2015) with a focus on Fieldwork in Criminology and Justice. She has been working with the Centre for Criminology and Justice (CCJ), School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai since 2006.
Of a thirty year career connected with Social Work, she started as a social worker working on the issue of children of prisoners in Prayas, the Field Action Project of the Centre. After a two-year stint of teaching in the Centre at TISS, she worked for ten years with an NGO she was a founder member of, which has done pioneering work in the area of street living youth and runaway girls.
Roshni has also been part of networks, advocacy related programs, curriculum building and training. She is engaged with designing and conducting sessions related to self and personal and professional effectiveness. She is also connected with themes of child and youth rights, work with victims, criminal justice social work and a focus on self.
At the 41st All India Criminology Conference in Feb 2019, she was awarded the Indian Society of Criminology, ISC- Fellowship Award.
She serves on the Board of two NGOs Urja Trust and Meljol (India).
Research Interests
Child and Youth Rights, Work with Victims, Criminal Justice Social Work, Victimology, Crime Prevention, Rehabilitation, Social Work Eductaion, NGO Management and focus on Self Development
Some recent research projects (completed and ongoing)
1. Media Landscape of Child Sexual Abuse in India (2023) Completed
2.Implementation of Probation of Offenders Act 1958: A Mapping Study ( 2020)- Completed
3.Scope of Dance Movement Therapy in an Urban Setting ( 2020) - Ongoing
4.Prevention of Sale & Sexual Exploitation of Children: Strengthening Justice Mechanism in Maharashtra 2019- Completed
5. Making Street Children Matter: A Census Study in Mumbai, 2014
6. Socio-Economic Profile and Rehabilitation Needs of Muslims Community in Prisons in Maharashtra, 2011
7. Scoping Study of Homeless Population in M East ward, Mumbai, 2011
8. Status of Implementation of Probation System in Maharashtra, 2008
Nigudkar, M. & Nair-Shaikh, R. (2024). The National Education Policy and Social Work Education in India: Possibilities and Prospects In A.C.S. Keet & C. Noble (Eds.), Social Work Education: Breaking New Grounds and Addressing New Challenges (pp. 45–54). Springer.
Sinha, R., Nair-Shaikh, R., & Raghavan, V. (2022, April 20).
Kumarappa Jagadisan Mohandas,
In Encyclopedia of Social Work. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780199975839.013.1566
Nair, R., Juvva,S., Nadkarni,V.V., Eds ( 2020). Field Instruction in Social Work Education,
The Indian Experience, Routledge ISBN 9780367424565
Thomas, T. and Nair-Shaikh, R. (2019). Closet Drinkers: Alcohol Use Disorder among Women in Delhi. In the Indian Journal of Social Work, 80 (20), April, pp 171-188
Nair, R., & Raghavan, V. (2017). Reviving Criminal Justice Social Work through Probation in India: Historical solutions to contemporary problems. In M. D. Chong & A. P. Francis (Eds.). Demystifying criminal justice social work in India (pp.127-144). New Delhi, India: Sage Publications.
Bhattacharya, A. and Nair, R. (2015) Ethical Considerations in researching Sensitive Topics in India: Study of Girls Living on the Streets of Kolkatta. In the Indian Journal of Social Work, 76(2), April, pp 177-192
Nair, R., and Raghavan, V., (2014) Living on the Edge : Scoping Study of Homeless Population in M East ward, mumbai, Social Work Journal, Bi-annual, 5(2), July-December, pp 35-45
Nair, R., ( 2014) Using Content Analysis in Qualitative Reserach in Social Work: Some Insights.In the Indian Journal of Social Work, 75(4) , October, pp 523-534
Bhattacharya, A. and Nair, R., (2014), Girls on the Street: Their Life experiences and Vulnerability to Sexual Abuse.In the Indian Journal of Social Work, 75(1), January, pp 33-47
Raghavan, V. and Nair, R., (2013) Over-representation of Muslims : Prisons of Maharashtra. In the Economic and Political Weekly, Vol XLVIII (11), pp 12-17
Field Action Project
1. TISS Balaji Criminal Justice Fellowship Program ( 2022- ongoing)
2. Criminal Justice Fellowship Program ( March 2015 to May 2019 )
Current Courses:
1. MSW 1 Core Course-Social Work Practice With Individuals (2 Credits)
2. MSW 2 Specialisation Course-Victimology and Crime Prevention (2 Credits)
3. MSW 1 CBCS EF- Personal and Interpersonal Development of the Practitioner ( 2 Credits)
4. MSW 1 Core Course-Social Welfare Administration ( 2 credits)
5. BSW 1 AEC Course Language and Communication ( 3 Credits)
6. PGD in Counselling Skills Self Awareness ( 2 Credits)
7. MSW 2 Disciplinary Elective Course Projects Planning and Management ( 2 Credits)
Courses Previously Taught:
1.Specialisation Course-Rural Crime and Justice from 2007 to 2017 ( 2 Credits)
2.Professional and Personal Competencies for Effectiveness, MA Online ( 2 Credits)