M. Sc.,
Ph. D. in Environmental Science (Tezpur University, Tezpur)
Post Doctoral (IIT,Gandhinagar)
Personal email id - ritusmita100@gmail.com
Office email id - ritusmita.goswami@tiss.ac.in
Dr. Ritusmita Goswami is currently working as Assistant Professor at the Centre for Ecology, Environment, and Sustainable Development, TISS Guwahati campus. She earned her Ph.D. in Environmental Science from Tezpur University. Dr. Goswami has more than 8 years of experience in research and teaching. During her research journey, she has received many prestigious Awards, Fellowships and Grants including Jagdish Bose National Science Talent Search (JBNSTS) visiting student fellowship from DST-FIST, Govt of India, Grant for project under Women Scientist -B from Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt of India, Grant for project under Young Scientist Scheme of DST, Science and Technology Award for Research (STAR) from Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Govt. of India. She has received another prestigious grant POWER (Promoting Opportunities for Women in Exploratory Research) from SERB, Govt of India to carry out new research in the field of Emerging contaminants. Recently, Dr. Goswami has received another grant under SERB POWER Mobility(SPM) Grant from Govt of India under which she visited KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockhom, Sweden for one month period to carry out research in the field of remediation of emerging contaminants.
The thrust area of her research is exploration of environmental problems and finding sustainable solutions and more specifically she has been working in the field of groundwater contamination; pollution pathways, health risk assessment, and remediation. She has published 32 papers in reputed international journals with high impact factor. She has also published a number of book chapters and more than a dozen publications in many conference proceedings. She has been serving as a reviewer for many reputed international journals, such as Chemosphere, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Ecological Engineering, Groundwater for Sustainable Development, Adsorption Science and Technology, etc. Also, she is engaged with many outreach activities and awareness programs on water literacy and the betterment of the environment.
Groundwater pollution, Contaminant transport in the sediment-water matrix, Emerging contaminats, Arsenic Food chain accumulation study, Pollution remediation, Health risk assessment, Antibiotic resistant Bacteria (ARB), Water literacy and awareness, Citizen Science.
Publications (Last Five years)
A. Publications in International Journals
R. Goswami, N. Neog, C. Bhagat , R.Hdeib, J. Mahlknecht, M. Kumar (2022). Arsenic in the groundwater of the Upper Brahmaputra floodplain: Variability, health risks and potential impacts. Chemosphere 306, 135621. ISSN: 0045-6535
B. Publications as Chapters in Edited Book
Climate change and natural disaster, Field Research Methods, Introduction to GIS and remote sensing, Environmental Impact Assessment, Social Impact Assessment, Environmental audit, Food security issues, Environment and public health, Current environmental issues and problems