M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics (TNAU), Ph.D. in Economics (Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata)
Professor, Centre for Study of Developing Economies, School of Development Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Deonar, Mumbai - 400088;
Telephone: +91-22-25525336
Fax: +91-22-25525050
Professor, School of Development Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, from April 2013.
Non-ministerial Member, State Planning Board, Government of Kerala, from September 2016.
Dean, School of Development Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, from June 2015 to May 2018.
NABARD Chair Professor, School of Development Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, from June 2016 till January 2021.
Associate Professor, School of Development Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, from April 2010 till March 2013.
Assistant Professor, School of Social Sciences, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, from March 2006 till March 2010.
Visiting Scholar, Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum, from March 2005 till February 2006.
Daniel Cosío Villegas Visiting Post-Doctoral Researcher, Centro de Estudios Económicos, El Colegio de México, Mexico City, 2004.
My overall research interests are in:
Currently, my research focuses on:
(Read reviews of the book in the Journal of Agrarian Change; Journal of Peasant Studies; Economic and Political Weekly; The Hindu; Frontline; Himal South Asian; Agricultural Extension in South Asia; Indian Journal of Human Development; The Book Review; Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development; among others)
“Agrarian Transformation and Commercialisation: An Overview of Change in a Banana-growing Village in Maharashtra” (with Karan Raut), Economic and Political Weekly, 59 (43), 26 October 2024. Read...
"India’s Agricultural Economy, 2014 to 2024: Policies and Outcomes", Review of Agrarian Studies, 14 (1), 2024. Read...
"Devolution to States from the Net Proceeds in India: Methodological Issues and Assessment of Finance Commission Recommendations", Economic and Political Weekly, 59 (28), July 13, 2024. Read...
"An Integrated Vision for Kuttanad: The Enduring Contribution of M. S. Swaminathan", Review of Agrarian Studies, 13 (2), 2024. Read...
"Public Agricultural Science and Yield Barriers in Foodgrains: A Long View on the Indian Experience", Economic and Political Weekly, 58 (43), October 28, 2023. Read...
"Science, Technology and Agriculture", Introduction to the Review of Rural Affairs (as guest editor), Economic and Political Weekly, 58 (43), October 28, 2023. Read...
"Illegibly Legible: Outcomes of a Land Records Modernisation Programme in South India", (with Padmini Ramesh), Journal of Agrarian Change, 23 (4), 2023. Read...
"India’s Agricultural Economy During the Covid-19 Lockdown: An Empirical Assessment", Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 77 (1), January-March, 2022. Read...
"Private Profits, Technology Denial and Global Vaccine Inequity", Editorial, Economic and Political Weekly, 57 (11), 12 March, 2022. Read...
"Public Policy and Human-Animal Conflicts: Elephant Deaths in Kerala", Review of Agrarian Studies, 11 (2), 2021. Read...
“The Legacy of Public Action and Gender-sensitivity of the Pandemic Response in Kerala State, India” (with Mridul Eapen), Economia Politica, 38 (3), Special Issue on Women, Pandemics and the Global South, 2021. Read...
"The Spectacle as a Distraction", Editorial, Economic and Political Weekly, 56 (44), October 30, 2021. Read...
"Politics and Economics of Vaccine Policy", Editorial, Economic and Political Weekly, 56 (18), May 1, 2021. Read...
"Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Indian Economy: A Critical Analysis" (with Tejal Kanitkar), Investigación Económica, 80 (315), 2021. Read...
"Introduction: The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic", Introduction to the In Focus section on Covid-19 pandemic and agriculture, Review of Agrarian Studies, 10 (1), 2020. Read...
"Agriculture and the Covid-19 Pandemic: An Analysis with Special Reference to India", Review of Agrarian Studies, 10 (1), 2020. Read...
"Underestimation of Farm Costs: A Note on the Methodology of the CACP" (with Ashish Kamra), Review of Agrarian Studies, 9 (1), 2019. Read...
"Exhausting the Limits of the Possible: Vineet Kohli (1979–2018)", Economic and Political Weekly, Obituary, 53 (31), August 2018. Read...
"Selecting a 'village' in the Malabar region, Kerala: A Note", Review of Agrarian Studies, 8 (1), 2018. Read...
"Moving Out of Cotton: Notes from a Longitudinal Survey in Two Vidarbha Villages" (with Karan Raut and Tushar Kamble), Review of Agrarian Studies, 6 (3), 2016. Read...
"Economic Rationale of ‘Demonetisation’: Scrutiny of the Government’s Claims" (with Vineet Kohli), Economic and Political Weekly, 51 (53), December 2016. Read...
"Jats, Khaps and Riots: Communal Politics and the Bharatiya Kisan Union in Northern India", Journal of Agrarian Change, 17 (1), 2017, Read... [this article won the Bernstein and Byres Prize for 2017; read the announcement here]
“Aspects of the Peasant Movement in Malabar: An Interview with E. K. Nayanar”, Review of Agrarian Studies, 4 (2), 2014. Read...
“The Interviews: An Introduction”, Review of Agrarian Studies, 4 (2), 2014. Read...
“Bank Credit to Agriculture in India in the 2000s: Dissecting the Revival” (with Pallavi Chavan), Review of Agrarian Studies, 4 (1), 2014. Read...
“India’s Agricultural Debt Waiver Scheme, 2008”, Review of Agrarian Studies, 3 (1), 2013. Read...
"Large-scale Investments in Agriculture in India", IDS Bulletin, 43 (1), Special issue: "Standing on the Threshold: Food Justice in India", July 2012, pp. 92-103. Read...
“Land Conflicts and Attacks on Dalits: A Case Study from a Village in Marathwada, India” (with Tushar Kamble), Review of Agrarian Studies, 2 (2), July-December, 2012. Read...
“Performance-based Budgeting: A Review of Experience and Lessons”, Indian Journal of Social Work, 72 (4), October 2011, pp. 483-504.
“Agricultural Employment in a Vidarbha village: Results from a Resurvey” (with Karankumar Raut), Review of Agrarian Studies, 1 (2), June-December, 2011. Read...
“Changes in the Number of Rural Bank Branches in India, 1991 to 2008” (with Pallavi Chavan), Review of Agrarian Studies, 1 (1), January-June, 2011. Read...
“Expanding Welfare Entitlements in the Neo-Liberal Era: The Case of Food Security in Kerala” (with T. M. Thomas Isaac), Indian Journal of Human Development, 4 (1), 2010. Read...
“The Unique ID Project in India: A Skeptical Note”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ICEB 2010, LNCS 6005, 2010, pp. 153–167. Read...
“Levels and Composition of Public Social and Economic Expenditures in India, 1950-51 to 2005-06”, Social Scientist, 36 (9/10), 2008, pp. 48-94. Read...
“Revival of Agricultural Credit in the 2000s: An Explanation” (with Pallavi Chavan), Economic and Political Weekly, 42 (52), December 29, 2007, pp. 57-64. Read...
“Why do the States not spend? An Exploration of the Phenomenon of Cash Surpluses and the FRBM Legislation” (with T. M. Thomas Isaac), Economic and Political Weekly, 41 (48), December 2, 2006, pp. 4965-4976. Read...
“Public Action, Agrarian Change and the Standard of Living of Agricultural Workers: A Study of a Village in Kerala”, Journal of Agrarian Change, 6 (3), 2006, pp. 306-345. Read...
“Micro-credit and Rural Poverty: An Analysis of Empirical Evidence” (with Pallavi Chavan), Economic and Political Weekly, 37 (10), March 9, 2002, pp. 955-965. Read...
"Monetary Policy, Inflation and Women: A Review with Special Reference to India", in Ritu Dewan (ed.), India Gender Report, Feminist Policy Collective, New Delhi, 2024. Read...
"New Seed Technologies: Socioeconomic Considerations", in K. C. Bansal, W. S. Lakra and Himanshu Pathak (eds.), Transformation of Agri-Food Systems, Springer Nature, Singapore, 2024. Link...
"Introduction: Economic Reforms and Agricultural Policy in India", in Ramakumar, R (ed.), Distress in the Fields: Indian Agriculture After Economic Liberalisation, Tulika Books, New Delhi, 2022. Read...
"Agricultural Credit in India: An Account of Change and Continuity" (with Pallavi Chavan), in Ramakumar, R (ed.), Distress in the Fields: Indian Agriculture After Economic Liberalisation, Tulika Books, New Delhi, 2022. Read...
"A Nation in the Queue: On How Demonetisation Wrecked the Economy and Livelihoods in India", Introduction in R. Ramakumar (ed.), Note-Bandi: Demonetisation and India's Elusive Chase for Black Money, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2018. Read...
"Financial Inclusion in India: A Review", in Rural India Perspective 2017, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, Oxford University Press, 2018. Read...
"Agricultural Credit and Financial Liberalisation in India", in Whither Rural India? Political Economy of Agrarian Transformation in Contemporary India (A Festschrift for Venkatesh Athreya), Tulika Books, New Delhi, 2019. Read...
"Small Farmers and Small Farming: A Definition" (with Venkatesh Athreya, Deepak Kumar and Biplab Sarkar), in Madhura Swaminathan and Sandipan Baksi (eds), How Do Small Farmers Fare? Evidence from Village Studies in India, Tulika Books , New Delhi, 2017. Read...
"A Note on the Agrarian Economy of Karnataka", in Madhura Swaminathan and Arindam Das (eds), Socio-economic Surveys of Three Villages in Karnataka: A Study of Agrarian Relations, Tulika Books, New Delhi, 2017. Read...
"Agriculture and Youth in the Asia-Pacific Region: Status and Challenges with Special Reference to India", in Family Farming Meeting the Zero Hunger Challenge, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2016. Read...
“Caste and Land Distribution: Results from a Village Resurvey in Maharashtra, 1964-2007”, in Himanshu, Praveen Jha and Gerry Rodgers (eds.), The Changing Village in India: Insights from Longitudinal Research, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2015. Read...
“Agrarian Change and Changes in the Socio-Economic Conditions of Dalit Households in a Malabar Village”, in V. K. Ramachandran and Madhura Swaminathan (eds.), Dalit Households in Village Economies, Tulika Books, New Delhi, 2014. Read...
“Social Security in India: A Note” (with Praveen Jha and Nilachala Acharya), in Zoya Hasan and Mushirul Hasan (ed.), India: Social Development Report 2012, Minorities at the Margins, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2013. Read...
“A Brief History of Dalit Agricultural Labourers’ Resistance in Kerala”, in Jose George, Manoj Kumar and Dharmendra Ojha (eds.), Working Class Movement in India in the Wake of Globalisation, Manohar Publishers, New Delhi, 2012.
"Access to Livelihood Assets: Inclusion, Exclusion, and the Reality of Development Interventions" (with Geiser U, Bottazzi P, Epprecht M, Fokou G, Fritschi A, Shahbaz B, Steimann B, Strasser B.), in Wiesmann U, Hurni H (eds.) Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South, University of Bern, Vol. 6. Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia, 2011, pp 313-330. Read...
“Agriculture and Rural Society in Marx’s Capital”, in Marx’s Capital: An Introductory Reader, Leftword Books, New Delhi, 2011. Read...
“Challenges to Fiscal Policy in India in the Era of Reforms” (with T. M. Thomas Isaac), in Praveen Jha (ed.), Progressive Fiscal Policy in India, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2011. Read...
“Continuity and Change: Notes on Agriculture in ‘New India’”, in Anthony D’Costa (ed.), A New India? Critical Perspectives in the Long Twentieth Century, London: Anthem Press, 2010. Read...
“Features of the Economy of Rural Andhra Pradesh”, in V. K. Ramachandran, Vikas Rawal and Madhura Swaminathan (eds.), Socio-economic Surveys of Three Villages in Andhra Pradesh: A Study of Agrarian Relations, Tulika Books, New Delhi, 2010. Read...
“Rural Indebtedness” (with Pallavi Chavan), in V. K. Ramachandran, Vikas Rawal and Madhura Swaminathan (eds.), Socio-economic Surveys of Three Villages in Andhra Pradesh: A Study of Agrarian Relations, Tulika Books, New Delhi, 2010. Read...
“State, Politics and Civil Society: A Note on the Experience of Kerala” (with K. N. Nair), in Urs Geiser and Stephan Rist (eds.) Decentralisation Meets Local Complexity: Local Struggles, State Decentralisation and Access to Natural Resources in South Asia and Latin America, Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South, University of Bern, vol. 4, Geographica Bernensia, Bern, 2009. Read...
“Formal Credit and Rural Worker Households in Kerala: A Case Study of a Malabar Village”, in V. K. Ramachandran and Madhura Swaminathan (eds.) Financial Liberalisation and Rural Banking in India, Tulika Books, New Delhi, 2005. Read...
“Interest Rates on Micro-credit in India: A Note” (with Pallavi Chavan), in V. K. Ramachandran and Madhura Swaminathan (eds.) Financial Liberalisation and Rural Banking in India, Tulika Books, New Delhi, 2005. Read...
RECENT REPORTS (single-authored/lead-authored/co-authored)
Commission for Reforms in Higher Education, co-author, Department of Higher Education, Government of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, 2022. Read...
Trends of Public Spending on Agriculture in India (2010-11 to 2019-20), lead author, for the Foundation for Agrarian Studies, Bengaluru, 2022. Read...
Kerala Development Report: Initiatives, Achievements and Challenges, lead author for the chapter on agriculture and allied activities, for the Kerala State Planning Board, Government of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, February 2021. Read...
Covid-19 Pandemic and Kerala: A Response Strategy, co-author, Department of Finance, Government of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, June 2020. Read...
Quick Assessment of the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic and Lockdown on Kerala’s Economy, lead author for sections on agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries and tourism, for the Kerala State Planning Board, Government of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, May 2020. Read...
A Special Package for Post-Flood Kuttanad, lead author, for the Kerala State Planning Board, Government of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, October, 2019. Read...
Technical Committee Report on the Ongoing Major and Medium Irrigation Projects in Kerala, lead author, for the Kerala State Planning Board, Government of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, August, 2018. Read...
"Impact of the Covid19 Pandemic on the Indian Economy: A Critical Assessment" (with Tejal Kanitkar), Working Paper, NIAS/NSE/EEP/U/WP/18/2020, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru. Read...
"Agrarian Distress in India", Asia & Europe Bulletin, 6/2017, University of Zurich, Switzerland. Read...
"India and the Millennium Development Goals: Progress and Challenges", NCCR North-South Dialogue 38 (Working Paper, Special Research Project 4 – Beyond the MDGs), NCCR North-South, Bern and Zurich, Switzerland, 2011. Read...
“Union Budget 2010-11 and the Poor” (with Aditi Dixit and Tushar Kamble), Research Brief 1, Project on “Monitoring and Analysis of Budgets in Maharashtra State”, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, 2010. Read...
“The 13th Finance Commission: Fiscal Roadmap or Fiscal Roadblock?”, Research Brief 2, Project on “Monitoring and Analysis of Budgets in Maharashtra State”, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, 2010. Read...
“Vulnerability and Development: Implications for Disaster Studies”, in Janki Andharia, “Vulnerability in Disaster Discourse: A Conceptual Review”, Working Paper Number 8, Jamsetji Tata Centre for Disaster Management, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, February, 2009.
“Levels and Composition of Public Social and Economic Expenditures in India, 1950-51 to 2005-06”, Working Paper No. 42, Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore, Singapore, May 2008. Read...
“Agrarian Distress and Rural Livelihoods: A Study in Upputhara Panchayat, Idukki District, Kerala” (with K. N. Nair), Working Paper No. 392, Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum, November 2007. Read...
“What is Vertical Fiscal Imbalance?” (with R. Mohan), The Hindu, September 6, 2024. Read...
"Were Eight Crore New Jobs Created in Three Years?" (with P. C. Mohanan), The Hindu, August 21, 2024. Read...
“Is the Centre being iniquitous in State transfers?”, The Hindu, Parley with Pinaki Chakraborty and Jasmin Nihalani, August 2, 2024. Read...
"Inheritance Taxes: A Key Step Towards Reducing Economic Inequality", Frontline, April 30, 2024. Read...
"Are States Getting Funds They Are Entitled From the Centre?", The Hindu, February 28, 2024. Read...
"Ignoring an Agricultural Sector in Distress", The Hindu, February 2, 2024. Read...
"M. S. Swaminathan Obituary", The Guardian, October 9, 2023. Read...
"He was the Face of the Green Revolution", Hindustan Times, September 28, 2023. Read...
"The Short History of a Large Note", The Hindu, May 31, 2023. Read...
"A Budget without a Vision for Agriculture", The Hindu, February 2, 2023. Read...
"The Threat to Federalism in Agricultural Education", The Hindu, November 21, 2022. Read...
"The Sterile Debate on Freebies in India", People's Economics newsletter, The Morning Context, September 13, 2022. Read...
"Fiscal Fetishism and the Warped Narratives on State Finances", People's Economics newsletter, The Morning Context, August 9, 2022. Read...
"Goodbye Economic Planning. Hello Policy Anarchy", People's Economics newsletter, The Morning Context, July 12, 2022. Read...
"Raising MSPs Won’t Save Agriculture if Costs Keep Rising", People's Economics newsletter, The Morning Context, June 14, 2022. Read...
"What’s Happening in Sri Lanka and How Did the Economic Crisis Start?", The Conversation, April 13, 2022. Read...
"Roots of Sri Lanka’s Economic Crisis", Frontline, April 22, 2022. Read...
"Explaining Sri Lanka’s Economic Crisis", The Hindu, March 31, 2022. Read...
"Decolonize What? The Contentious Terrain of Reforming Social Sciences", People's Economics newsletter, The Morning Context, March 8, 2022. Read...
"Mr Prime Minister, Can You Take Chemistry Out of Agriculture?", People's Economics newsletter, The Morning Context, February 8, 2022. Read...
"In Pursuit of Development: The Tale of Three ‘Models’", People's Economics newsletter, The Morning Context, January 11, 2022. Read...
"Can Adam Smith Challenge Manu? Caste and the Free Market in India", People's Economics newsletter, The Morning Context, December 14, 2021. Read...
"The Death of Hubris, A Confrontation on Hold", The Hindu, November 20, 2021. Read...
"The Problem with the ‘Sachet Revolution’", People's Economics newsletter, The Morning Context, November 9, 2021. Read...
"We Should Have Reached 1 Billion a Lot Earlier", Interview with The Wire, October 22, 2021. View...
"The Ease of Doing Business Index Should Have Been Killed Long Ago", People's Economics newsletter, The Morning Context, October 12, 2021. Read...
"India’s Vaccine Roadmap: Will all Adults be Vaccinated by December End?", Interview with The News Minute, October 6, 2021. Read...
"India Urgently Needs an Alternative Vision of Agricultural Markets", People's Economics newsletter, The Morning Context, September 14, 2021. Read...
"Rajapaksa’s Experiment with Organic Farming in Sri Lanka a Warning to Developing Countries", The Print, September 10, 2021. Read...
"Impossible to Fully Vaccinate All Adults in 2021, Govt's Mistakes to Blame", Interview with The Wire, August 5, 2021. View...
"India’s ‘Arbitrary and Irrational’ Vaccine Policy Spells Trouble", East Asia Forum, July 27, 2021. Read...
"More Evidence on Why the 25% Vaccine Quota for Private Hospitals Should Be Ended", The Wire, July 26, 2021. Read...
"Why India is Missing its Vaccine Targets", Indian Express, July 19, 2021. Read...
"As Govt Vastly Downscales Availability, India’s Vaccine Prospects Continue to Look Bleak", The Wire, July 4, 2021. Read...
"Why Modi's New Vaccine Policy Must Change", Rediff.com, June 8, 2021. Read...
"Modi Forced to Change Tack But New Vaccine Policy Still Promotes Inequity and Inefficiency", The Wire, June 8, 2021. Read...
"Ministerial Hype Can't Hide the Fact That India's June Vaccine Plans Are Totally Unrealistic", The Wire, June 1, 2021. Read...
"Why the Modi Government's 'Positivity' Narrative on COVID-19 Vaccination Plan Doesn’t Add Up", The Wire, May 15, 2021. Read...
"Charging Indians for COVID Vaccines is Bad, Letting Vaccine Producers Charge What They Like is Unconscionable", The Conversation, May 10, 2021. Read...
"As Indian Government Offers Some Answers on Covaxin Patent Rights, More Questions Emerge", Scroll, May 12, 2021. Read...
"State Governments can Purchase only 25% of Vaccines – Belying Centre’s Claim of Equitable Policy", Scroll, May 11, 2021. Read...
"The Harsh Truth Behind India’s Grand Covid Vaccination Claim", The Indian Express, May 6, 2021. Read...
"Whose Intellectual Property is Bharat Biotech’s Publicly Funded Covaxin? India Deserves an Answer", Scroll, April 26, 2021. Read...
"Why Covid Vaccination Should be Free in India", Newsclick, April 23, 2021. Read...
"India’s Decision to Liberalise Vaccine Sales Likely to Push up Prices – and Block Access to Millions", Scroll, April 20, 2021. Read...
"India’s Failure on the Vaccine Front, and What Needs to be Done Now", The Federal, April 19, 2021. Read...
"Farm Laws and ‘Taxation’ of Farmers", The Hindu, February 16, 2021. Read...
"Union Budget 2021-22: Farmers Penalised", Frontline, February 26, 2021. Read...
"Farmer Protest: Why SC Intervention Should be Taken with a Pinch of Salt", The Federal, January 13, 2021. Read...
"Whenever corporate presence grows, small and marginal farmers have a difficult time", Interview, Firstpost.com, December 11, 2020. Read...
"The Perils of Deregulated Imperfect Agrimarkets", The Hindu, December 1, 2020. Read...
"Per Hectare Farm Income: Does Bihar Really Outshine Punjab?" (with Ashish Kamra), Financial Express, November 25, 2020. Read...
"Farm Acts: Unwanted Constitutional Adventurism", The Hindu, October 6, 2020. Read...
"Farm Bills Throw The Baby Out With The Bathwater", Interview, Huffington Post, September 23, 2020. Read...
"No Evidence That Freeing Up Agri Markets Will Spur Private Investment", Interview, Indiaspend, September 22, 2020. Read...
"In corporate farm markets, losses might be passed on to farmers as lower prices", Interview, Moneycontrol.com, September 23, 2020. Read...
"An Agriculture-led Revival as Flawed Claim", The Hindu, September 11, 2020. Read...
"Centre's 'Ease of Doing Business' Ranking is Pointless, It Must Be Dumped", The Federal, September 9, 2020. Read...
"Farmers are at their Wits' End", The Hindu, April 7, 2020. Read...
"India Should Have Already Announced an Economic Package for Coronavirus", The Wire, March 22, 2020. Read...
"A Victory for the Dairy Sector", The Hindu, November 6, 2019. Read...
"RCEP is Against National Interest", Mumbai Mirror, November 5, 2019. Read...
"Why this Deal Won’t be a Win-win for Govt", Asian Age, November 3, 2019. Read...
"Stirring up the Truth about Zero Budget Natural Farming", (with Arjun S. V), The Hindu, October 9, 2020. Read...
"Economic Milestone and A Poignant Anniversary", The Hindu, August 9, 2019. Read...
"Unemployment: Why Amitabh Kant and Surjit Bhalla are Wrong", Newsclick, April 15, 2019. Read...
"NYAY: No Bridge Between Two Indias", Frontline, 36 (8), 13 April-26 April, 2019. Read...
"Crumbs for Farmers", Frontline, 36 (4), 16 February-1 March, 2019. Read...
"Examining Farn Loan Waivers", The Hindu, January 26, 2019. Read...
"Tax Havens Turn Financial Blackholes", Asian Age, February 25, 2018. Read...
"There’s No Reason to Be Confused on How to Calculate the Right MSP", The Wire, February 13, 2018. Read...
"The Taunt Will Pass", Deccan Chronicle, June 13, 2017. Read...
"Brakes on the Rural Economy", Frontline, December 23, 2016. Read...
"Demonetisation: Ineffective, Inadequate and Premature", Business World, November 12, 2016. Read...
“Freedom in Peril”, Frontline, April 10, 2016. Read...
“Seeds of Distress”, Frontline, April 1, 2016. Read...
“All Pervasive Aadhaar Raises Serious Privacy Concerns”, Deccan Herald, March 12, 2016. Read...
“Big Promises, Bigger Discontent”, Asian Age, March 1, 2016. Read...
"GEM has Eerie Similarities with Failed Models of US and UK", Deccan Chronicle, February 7, 2016. Read...
“The Fine Print is not all that Rosy”, Asian Age, March 1, 2015. Read...
“Mirage of Inclusion”, Frontline, October 3, 2014. Read...
“Budget 2014 has UPA's Imprint”, Asian Age, July 12, 2014.
“Compulsion by Stealth”, The Hindu, February 3, 2014. Read...
“Suspend Aadhaar, it is Leading India to a Surveillance State”, Deccan Herald, September 29, 2013. Read...
“Not Such a Straight Poverty line”, The Hindu, August 12, 2013. Read...
“Mixed Metaphors”, Frontline, 30 (16), August 23, 2013. Read...
“A Poll Calculation Gone Wrong”, Asian Age, March 1, 2013. Read...
“Cash Evangelism”, Frontline, 29 (25), Dec 28, 2012. Read...
“Hardly a Model”, Frontline, 29 (21), November 2, 2012. Read...
"A Tale of Errors", Frontline, 29 (13), June 30, 2012. Read...
"Questions and Answers on Microcredit", CERISCOPE Pauvreté, 2012, [en ligne], consulté le 04/03/2012. Read...
"Aadhaar: Time to Disown the Idea", The Hindu, December 16, 2011. Read...
"Identity Concerns", Frontline, 28 (24), November 19, 2011. Read...
"PDS in Peril", Frontline, 28 (24), November 19, 2011. Read...
"Why it failed in UK", Frontline, 28 (24), November 19, 2011. Read...
"Aadhaar: On a platform of myths", The Hindu, July 17, 2011. Read...
“In farmer’s name”, Frontline, 28 (6), March 25, 2011. Read...
“Read the fine print, it’s not very nice”, Asian Age, March 1, 2011. Read...
“A route to disaster”, Frontline, 27 (24), November 20, 2010. Read...
“What the UID conceals”, The Hindu, October 21, 2010. Read...
“Food insecurities”, Frontline, 27 (15), July 30, 2010. Read...
“Fiscal roadblock”, Frontline, 27 (6), March 13, 2010. Read...
“Budget leaves poor to fend for themselves”, Asian Age, February 27, 2010.
“The unsettled debate on Indian poverty”, The Hindu, January 2, 2010. Read...
“High-cost, High-risk”, Frontline, 26 (15), August 14, 2009. Read...
“Poverty of will”, Frontline, 26 (14), July 18, 2009. Read...
“Lessons in apathy”, Frontline, 26 (7), March 28-April 10, 2009. Read...
“For an alternative”, The Hindu, Chennai, July 5, 2006. Read...
"Rajapaksa’s Eco-extremism Spells Doom for Sri Lankan Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods", Read...
"The Eradication of Extreme Poverty in China, 1981 to 2019", Read...
"Bihar versus Punjab: Selective Use of Data Misinforms Policy", Read...
"Missing the Elephant in the Room: The Need to Address Human-Animal Conflict", Read...
"The Covid-19 Pandemic and Indian Agriculture: A Note", Read...
"When the Invisible Disappeared: Migrant Labour in Agriculture in the Pandemic", Read...
"Agriculture in Budget 2018-19", Read...
"Budget 2017-18: No Relief for the Indian Farmer", Read...
"BREXIT and the UK Farmer", Read...
"Land Politics, Agrarian Movements and Scholar-Activism", Read...
"On the New 'Land Politics'", Read...
"Cotton Cultivation: Bt Varieties and Hybrids", Read...
Will be updated soon...
(courses offered recently)
Development Experiences: International Perspectives (M.Phil./Ph.D in Development Studies)
Political Economy of Agrarian Change (M.Phil./Ph.D in Development Studies)
Concept, History and Theories of Development (MA in Development Studies)
The Political Economy of Development (MA in Development Studies)
Agrarian Relations and Agriculture in India (MA in Development Studies)