Assistant Professor
Hyderabad Campus,
Assistant Professor,
School of Gender and Livelihoods
M.A, M.Phil and Ph.D degrees in Political Science
Mobile: 9177207231
Joined TISS Hyderabad in Jan 2016 as Assistant Professor in Prime Minister Rural Development Fellows Scheme (PMRDF) and continuing as Assistant Professor in School of Livelihoods and Development after the conclusion of PMRDF Scheme in Dec. 2017. Before joining TISS Hyderabad, obtained M.A., M.Phil., and Ph.D Degrees from the University of Hyderabad. Visited Uppsala University, Sweden as an Exchange student for a semester during M.Phil. Have been teaching courses in Political Science for M.A. since 2016 and also tauaght three batches of BASS students at TISS Hyderabad. Published couple of articles in national and international journals on the issues pertaing to tribal development, displacement, resettlement and rehabilitation and tribal rights. Apart from teaching, being part of administrative and institutional responsibilities such as Coordinator, M.A. Development Studies; Member, Examination Cell; Member, Dissertation Committee etc.
Research areas mainly include politics of displacement, tribal development, governmnent and politics in India, rural development, public policy etc. Supervised about 50 Masters Dissertations across the programmes viz. Rural Development, Natural Resource and Governance, and Development Studies mainly covering the developmental concerns of the marginalised sections of the population and gaps and challenges in public policy, particularly in the era of golabalisation and liberalisation with regard to the tribes and other subaltern groups.
Book chapter in PMRDF VOL 2 titled "Democracy and Participatory Development" published by Orient Blackswan
1) Organised a Training Workshop for field enumerators for conducting Socio-Economic survey of Scheduled Castes in Andhra Pradesh at TISS Hyderabad.
2) Conducted Social Impact Assessment (SIA) along with Dr Srinivas Surisetti in one of the suburban areas of Hyderabad as part of the government funded project with regard to aquisition of land and prepared a report accordingly.
3) Associated with the ongoing TSCOST project along with other faculty at TISS Hyderabad. The project is sponsered by DST, Govt. of India and Telangana govt.
4) Associated with the ongoing Ultra Tech Cement CSR project in Anantapur dt. with other faculty at TISS Hyderabad.
1) Understanding Politics: 2 Credits- Teaching since 2016 for M.A. (WS, ED, RDG & DS)
2) Political Science and Its Concerns: 4 Credits- For BA studens
3) Politics and Governance in India: 4 Credits- For BA students
4) Public Policy and Local Governance: 2 Credits- For M.A (RDG &DS)
5) State and Development: 2 Credits- For M.A.(DS)
6) International Relations and Indian Foreign Policy: 4 Credits- For B.A
7) Foundation Course for ODCL: Shared with other Faculty
8) Welfare Regimes: 2 Credits- For MA DS
9) Public Policy: Theories and Processes: 2 credits- MA DS