Assistant Professor
Mumbai Campus,
Centre of Excellence in Teacher Education,
School of Education
Ph.D. in Education, TISS Mumbai M.A. in Sociology, Madurai Kamraj University M.Sc. Life Sciences, Madras University
Meera Chandran is Assistant Professor at Centre of Excellence in Teacher Education at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. Her research is located within the disciplinary perspectives of Sociology and Political Economy of Education. She has worked extensively in the fields of development and education designing and conducting research projects before entering the world of academia.
She teaches courses on Sociology of Education, Policy Institutions and Practices, Education, Development and Policy, Teachers and Teaching, Global Teacher Education and so on.
She was Lead - Research of the large-scale award-winning project, Connected Learning Initiative (CLIx), she served as Co-PI of the Government of India SPARC-CLIx project and was involved in a multi university collaborative project on Global Policy in Teacher Education. She is currently Co-PI of CETE’s Longitudinal Study in Teacher Education (LiSTEn).
Sociology of Education, Policy Sociology, Education & Development
Global and Comparative Education & Teacher Education
Teacher's work, knowledge, identities
Urban schooling and livelihoods
Recent Publications
Stump, G.S., Chandran, M., Medh, P., Balli, O. (Forthcoming) Teacher Agency: A teaching case study from the Connected Learning Initiative. Open Access Teaching Case Journals.
Chandran M, Padalkar, S., Shimray, R (Forthcoming) Motivation to become a teacher: Emerging trends from a study of preservice teacher education. Contemporary Education Dialogue, Sage Publications.
Sayed, Y., Chandran, M., & Pappu, R. (2024). Education Policy Imaginary and Crises: The Case of EdTech and the COVID-19 Crisis. Contemporary Education Dialogue, 21(1), 135-142.
Ramchand, M., Chandran, M., Rai, R., & Vithanapathirana, M. (2023). School Practicum Experience in Initial Teacher Education during Times of Disruptions: The Case of Bhutan, India and Sri Lanka. In: Uma Pradhan, Karen Valentin and Mohini Gupta (Eds.). Rethinking Education in the Context of Post-Pandemic South Asia: Challenges and Possibilities. Routledge. ISBN 9781032365664, 242 Pages, Published June 20, 2023 by Routledge
Maniar, V., Chandran, M. (2022). Education and livelihoods in the global south. In Nunan, F., Barnes, C., & Krishnamurthy, S. (Eds.). (2022). The Routledge Handbook on Livelihoods in the Global South (1st ed.). Routledge.
Chandran M., Sharma, P., Kannamma, E. (2021). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education and teaching in Asia-Pacific: Future of work in education. Education International-Asia Pacific, Kuala Lumpur. Accessed on 19/8/24 from
Chandran M. (2021). Teacher accountability and education restructuring: an exploration of teachers’ work identities in an urban school for poor in India. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 1-20.
Chandran M. (2020). Teachers’ Work and Identity, A Case for Strengthening Knowledge Relations. In (Ed) Iyer, P., Proceedings of the International Conferences on Philosophy of Education, Azim Premji University. ISBN:9789387676732
Chandran M., (2020). Making Edtech Work for Secondary Students and their Teachers: Research findings from Connected Learning Initiative- Phase 1. TISS. Accessed on 19/8/24 from,
Sarangapani. P., Chandran M. (2020) Whither the Teaching Profession? Inspecting some silences in the NEP 2020, Accessed on 19/8/24, from,
2020 - Present
Principal Investigator - Study on understanding social mobility & aspirations among urban poor students
2018 - 2020
Lead, Research. Connected Learning Initiative.
Course Lead. Teacher Professional Development in ICT Integration, Connected Learning Initiative
2012 – 2015
Principal Investigator. Teacher Professional Development through Whole Class Technology Integration: A Study in 12 Government Schools in Karnataka
Lead Researcher. Professional Learning Communities of Teachers – A Study on the Voluntary Teacher Forums in Rajasthan
Principal Investigator, Activity Based Learning - A Study among Government School Teachers in Puducherry
2005 – 2010
Research Lead. Baseline study on Whole School Improvement in Low Cost Private Schools in Bangalore
Research Lead. Evaluation of School Safety and Sensitivity
Research Lead. Teachers as Reflective Practitioners
Research Lead. Evaluation of In-service Teacher Professional Development in Government Schools
2016 - Present (MA Eduation & B.Ed M.Ed, TISS Mumbai)
Sociology of Education
Policy Institutions and Practices
Global Teacher Education Policies & Practices
Social Marginality
Education Development and Policy
Teachers & Teaching
Research Methodology
Teacher Professional Development
2012 - 2015 (MA Education & MA Development, Azim Premji University)
Sociology of Education
Advanced Social Research
Introduction to Research
Workshops & Seminars:
Have conducted over 75 Workshops and Seminars with professionals in the field of education.