Assistant Professor
Mumbai Campus,
School of Management and Labour Studies
PH.D. (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai),
M.PHIL (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai),
M.A. (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai),
B.A (Hons.) Economics (University of Delhi)
Dr Mansi Awasthi is an Assistant Professor in the School of Management and Labour Studies at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) in Mumbai, India. She earned her Ph.D. from TISS, Mumbai, with a focus on the regional economy of Uttarakhand State in India.
During her Ph.D. studies, Dr Mansi served as a Doctoral Fellow and affiliated researcher in the Research for Development (r4d) project titled "Ethnic Power Relations and Conflict in the Fragile States." This project was globally coordinated by ETH Zurich and received funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
Currently, Dr Mansi holds the position of Programme Coordinator for the Bachelor of Science (BS) in Analytics and Sustainability Studies Programme.
Her ongoing research is primarily centered on the study of climate-resilient agricultural practices, with a particular emphasis on investigating the potential of millets in regions experiencing rainfall deficiencies, especially among tribal communities in the state of Maharashtra, India.
Her areas of interest are
Employment, migration, and livelihoods.
Agricultural practices with specific focus on millets cultivation.
Hill economy.
Shaji, R., Soman, S., KP, N., & Awasthi, M. (2023). Survey of Agricultural Situation & Practices in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra. Mumbai: Labour Market Research Facility.
Inequalities and the intersecting dimensions in South Asia, a co-authored chapter in an Perceived and Objective Inequalities and Conflict: Global Insights from Dispersed Cases’ by Springer Nature (expected in early 2024).
Sekher M., Awasthi M., Nayak S., Kumar R. (2022) Resource Extraction and Conflict in India. In: Ali H.E., Cederman LE. (eds) Natural Resources, Inequality and Conflict. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Sekher M., Awasthi M. (2020) Revisiting Agriculture Land Use for Disaster Resilient Sustainable Development. In: Malhotra V.K., Fernando R.L.S., Haran N.P. (eds) Disaster Management for 2030 Agenda of the SDG. Disaster Research and Management Series on the Global South. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.
Paul B., Awasthi M. (2020) Interplay of Technology and Labour Productivity: Emerging Story of Consumer Electronics in India. In: Siddharthan N., Narayanan K. (eds) FDI, Technology and Innovation. Springer, Singapore.
Awasthi M. (2020) Framing India's New Middle-Class Politics of Lifestyle in the Globalisation Era. In: Suter C., Madheswaran B., Vani B. P. (eds) The Middle Class in World Society: Negotiations, Diversities and Lived Experiences. Routledge, India.
Awasthi M. (2019) Institutional Responses to Exclusion and Poverty in Highlands. In: Sekher M., Carciumaru R. (eds) Including the Excluded in South Asia. Springer, Singapore.
Sekher M., Awasthi M., Thomas A., Kumar R., Nayak S. (2019) Negotiating Ethnic Conflict in Deeply Divided Societies: Political Bargaining and Power Sharing as Institutional Strategies. In: Ratuva S. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Ethnicity. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.
Awasthi M., Hirzel M. (2016). Ethnic Power Relations in India: The Relevance of Local Politics and the Nuances of Historically Disadvantaged Identity. Retrieved from (2016, July 15).
Exploring the Potential of Cultivating Millets in Talasari Block, Palghar District in Maharashtra - ICSSR Research Project under Special Call for Short-term Empirical Research 2023-24.
Matrix Alegbra - MA/ MSc Analytics
Multivariate Predictive Analytics I - MA/ MSc Analytics
Multivariate Predictive Analytics II - MA/ MSc Analytics
Tableau - MA/ MSc Analytics
IPCC Reports - MA/ MSc Analytics
Research Methods for Social Impact Assessment - MA International Development Practices.
Data for Labour Studies - MA Labour Studies and Practice.
The Global Food, Energy, and Water Nexus – Engaging the US, China, and India for a Sustainable Future, Cornell University and six collaborating schools in China, India, State of Arkansas, and Puerto Rico (few sessions and judge in deabtes).
Labour Economics - Executive Post-graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management & Labour Relations.
Basics of Economics and Indian Economy - BS Analytics and Sustainability Studies.
Social Impact Assessment and Environment Impact Assessment - BS Analytics and Sustainability Studies.
Inferential Statistics - BVoc Social Research Methods