M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. (Delhi)
Manish K. Jha is a Professor at the School of Social Work at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. He has served as Dean, School of Social Work (2015-2018) and Chairperson, Centre for Community Organisation & Development Practice (2012-2015). He had served as a faculty in the Department of Social work, University of Delhi from 1999 to 2003. In an academic career spanning over two decades of teaching and research on Social Policy, Social Action and Social Movement, Rural society and State, Community Organization and Development Practice, etc., Prof Jha has had the opportunity to engage with students, academicians, development professionals, leaders of the multilateral and non-profit organization across different parts of the country and abroad. He has extensive engagement with post-disaster relief and rehabilitation intervention.
Prof. Jha has published books and edited volumes on Politics of Social Justice and Development and on Human Rights. He has published numerous articles on Migration, Popular Politics, Social Justice, Poverty and Urban space and Disaster and Development, etc. in peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes. He has authored several reports and research projects for Government agencies and Non-profit organizations. He has led several international and national collaborative research projects. He is a member of governing board of various universities, research organizations, and NGOs. His research interest includes social policy, structural social work, poverty, and social justice, migration; and middle classes in Indian cities.
He has been a visiting professor and fellow at numerous universities outside the country. This includes School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London (2009); School of Social Justice, University College Dublin, Ireland (2011); School of Applied Social Sciences, Durham University, UK (2013), Gothenburg University, Sweden (2013) and Oldenburg University, Germany (2015, 2018), University of Eastern Findland, Kuopio (2017), etc.
Prof Jha is the Associate Editor of The Indian Journal of Social Work (https://tiss.edu/view/6/research/the-indian-journal-of-social-work/) and The International Journal of Community and Social Development (https://journals.sagepub.com/home/cod) and Editorial Advisory Board Member of the journal Indenture Papers (http://globalgirmitinstitute.org/papers-on-indenture/)
Middle Classes in Indian Cities
Populist Politics
Urban Community, Vulnerability and Community Organisation
Social Policy, Welfare and Development
Human Development and Human Security
Social Justice
Beyond Consumption: India's New Middle Class in The Neo-Liberal Times. London and New York: Routledge. 2022. See Here
Data Centres As Infrastructure: Frontiers of Digital Governance in Contemporary India. Hyderabad: Orient BlackSwan. 2022. See Here
Traversing Bihar: Politics of Social Justice and Development. New Delhi: Orient BlackSwan. 2014. See Here
Human Rights: Agencies and Agenda, Saloni Publications, New Delhi, 2003.
Environmental Justice and Community Approach in Social Work See Here
Migrant Mumbai Voices, SMCSChannel TISS- See Here
Sharing Best Practices in Crisis Preparedness in Social Work (TFK Social work). Finnish National Agency for Education. https://converis.jyu.fi/converis/portal/detail/Project/101411225?lang=en_GB
Addressing the Challenges of Civil Society Organizational Action in Post-COVID Urban India", University of Chicago India Centre.
The making of inclusive and/or exclusive cities through the lens of social work and its participatory tools and approaches: What right to the City for the inhabitants and the communities of new neighbourhoods in Switzerland and India?". Research Partnership Grant (call 2021). Zurich University of Applied Sciences. Leading House South Asia & Iran. ZHAW.
Lund University's Action Plan For Cooperation With Asia 2019 – 2021" (SAMV 2016/504).
Aspiration and Struggles: A Study of New Middle Classes in India (Sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research)
Department Research Support under the Special Assistance Programme (Sponsored by University Grants Commission)
Good Practices in Overcoming Deprivation in India and UK, the thematic collaboration between TISS and University of East London (UKIERI- UK India Education and Research Initiative, Sponsored by British Council)
Cities, Rural Migrants and the Urban Poor – Issues of Violence and Social Justice, Calcutta Research Group (Supported by Ford Foundation)
E-Content Project, Social Work, University Grants Commission and Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India
International Development Project Award from the Animals & Society Institute (ASI) and The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)
Erasumus + award with University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland.
City and Data Centre, a collaborative project with WEstern Sydney University and MCRG, Kolkata.
Populism and political Practices, RLS & CRG.
Migrant Workers and Urbanization in Politically Sensitive Areas: A Study of Kashmir & Manipur, sponsored under IMPRESS-ICSSR