M.A. (TISS),
Ph.D. (Mumbai)
+91 22 2522 5371
Prof. Amita Bhide is currently Professor, Centre for Urban Policy and Governance in the School of Habitat Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. She has been deeply involved in issues related to urban poor communities, community organization and housing rights movements and advocacy groups. She has extensively researched urban development, urban local governance and planning, water and sanitation, housing and land issues. She has headed several action research projects that seek to create a model of inclusive development in Indian cities. She attempts to develop a theoretical and action model of urbanisation that is relevant for the global south through an engagement with several transformative groups at the city, provincial and national scales.
The geographic focus of her work is Mumbai while more recent engagement is with small and medium towns. She also heads the Transforming M Ward Project, a Field Action Project that seeks to create a model of inclusive urban development in M East Ward, the poorest municipal ward in Mumbai.
Participative and inclusive local governance, counter planning, water and sanitation, housing and land issues, urban social movements, urban inclusion, social transformation vide drinking water schemes, gender empowerment.
Field Action Project
Transforming M-Ward Project, estd. 2011 M (East) Ward, Mumbai.
Research Projects
Boundary Spanning: A Comparative Study of Collaborative Action in Four Cities of India
Coping with COVID-19 through Community Led Action, Learning and Partnership (CLAP)
Construction of A Model Public Toilet Rebuilding a Dilapidated Toilet as A Model Block
Deepening Networks of Tacit Urban Knowledge to Inform Inclusive Policy Frameworks
Engendering the Mumbai Suburban Railway System
Exploring Challenges and Potentials to Gendered Governance in Indian Cities
Empowering Tribal Communities to Improve Nutrition and Strengthening Awareness on Nutrition Related Services Community Action for Nutrition Can Sathi
Gendered Violence and Poor Mental Health among Migrants in precarious situations
Impact of Infrastructure and Governance Transformations of JNNURM on Small, Medium and Large Cities
Knowledge Base for Right to City in India
People, Places and Infrastructure: Countering Urban Violence and Promoting Spatial Justice in Mumbai, Rio and Durban
Staking A Claim: A Study of Displacement and Rehabilitation in Globalising Mumbai
Situating Violence Against Women Within Fender System A Study Among the Tribes on North East India – Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and Meghalaya
TA-8899 IND TA 8899 IND Strengthening Capacity of The National Urban Health Mission
Towards Sustainable Sanitation in India and Brazil (TOSSIB)
Urban Community Greening in M East Ward
Urban Poverty and Exclusion
Urban Housing
Urban Sanitation and Solid Waste Management
Land Housing and Property Perspectives and Alternative
South Asian Cities and Urbanisation
Foundation Course