Post-doctoral Research Associate - Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA)
Senior Research Scientist - Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IITD)
Ph.D (HR/OB) - SRM University
M.B.A (HR & IT) - SRM University
B.Sc. (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry) - University of Lucknow
Dr. Aastha Tripathi is an Assistant Professor at the Centre for Social and Organisational Leadership at the School of Management and Labour Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, in Human Resources/Organizational Behaviour. She recently received the "Young Woman Researcher" award from the prestigious Venus International Foundation.
Before joining TISS, she worked as a Post-doctoral Researcher at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA), Gujarat, India. She also worked as a Senior Research Scientist at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IITD), India.
As a UGC-sponsored fellow, she obtained her Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Human Resources/Organizational Behavior and her Master's in Business Administration (MBA), specializing in Human Resources and Information Technology from SRM University, India.
She works in the broad area of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior. Her areas of interest are Learning Agility, Artificial Intelligence, Leadership, High-Performance Work Systems, Learning Culture, Employee Retention, Turnover Intention, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS), SMART- PLS, NVivo, and R.
She has presented papers at various National and International Conferences. Additionally, she serves as a reviewer in various reputed journals such as the Academy of Management, International Journal of Information Management (A*), International Journal of Manpower (A), and South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management (A), to name a few.
She is an "Associate Editor" of the International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM; ABDC-B/SCOPUS). She also serves on various "Editorial Advisory Boards" of reputed journals such as the International Journal of Organizational Analysis (IJOA; ABDC-B/SCOPUS), the Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (SSCI/SCOPUS-Q1), the International Journal of Technology & Human Interaction (IJTHI; ABDC-C/SCOPUS), the Journal of Affective Computing and Human Interfaces (JACHI; ABDC-C/SCOPUS) and the Journal of Human Values (SCOPUS-Q1) to name a few.
She has published in top-notch journals such as the American Business Review (ABDC-A), the International Journal of Organisational Analysis (ABDC-B), the Journal of Public Affairs (ABDC-B), Innovation: Organisation & Management (ABDC-B) and the International Journal of Knowledge & Learning (ABDC-C), to name a few.
Major Research Interests:
Research Skills:
List of a Few Major Research Articles (Indexed in ABDC/ABS/SCOPUS):
Tripathi, A. & Dhir, S. (2024). Flourishing organizational innovation through psychological capital and organizational culture: An empirical examination. Journal of Public Affairs, 24 (3), 29-39, ABDC-B/Q1/SCOPUS.
Tripathi, A. (2024). Organizational learning culture and firm performance: The mediating role of learning agility. Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers, 49 (2), 1-14, ABDC-C/ABS/SCOPUS.
Tripathi, A. & Kalia, P. (2024). Examining the effects of supportive work environment and organizational learning culture on organizational performance in Information Technology companies: The mediating role of learning agility and organizational innovation. Innovation: Organization & Management, 26 (2), 257-277, ABDC-B/SCOPUS.
Tripathi, A. & Kumar, A. (2023). Demystifying the effect of high-performance work systems on job involvement based on dual-path mediation model. American Business Review, 26 (1), 226-244, ABDC-A/SCOPUS.
Tripathi, A. & Dhir, S. (2022). HRD interventions, learning agility and organizational innovation: a PLS-SEM modelling approach. International Journal of Organisational Analysis, 31 (6), 2322-2336 ABDC-B/SCOPUS.
Tripathi, A. & Sankaran, R. (2021). Improving the retention of employees through organisational learning culture: The mediating role of learning agility and the moderating role of gender. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 14(4), 301-323. ABDC-C/SCOPUS.
Tripathi, A., Srivastava, R. & Sankaran, R. (2021). Study of Indian IT companies shows value of increasing both learning agility to reduce turnover intentions. Human Resource Management International Digest, 29 (5), 31-32. ABDC-B/SCOPUS.
Tripathi, A. & Srivastava, R. (2020). A literature review on Turnover and Retention of IT Employees. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 12675-12683. SCOPUS.
Tripathi, A., Srivastava, R. & Sankaran, R. (2020). Role of learning agility and learning culture on turnover intention: an empirical study. Industrial and Commercial Training, 52(2), 105-120, ABDC-B/Q2/SCOPUS.
Tripathi, V., Srivastava, R., Srivastava, A. & Tripathi, A. (2020). Employer Branding: A Strategic Tool for Employee Retention in IT Industry. IUP Journal of Brand Management, 17(1), 21-35. SCOPUS.
Tripathi, A., Dhingra, P. & Srivastava, R. (2019). A review of literature on Recruitment & Retention of Talents: Study in Information Technology Firms. International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, 9(1), 2766-2775. SCOPUS.
Tripathi, A. (2018). Employer Branding- A tool for Talent acquisition. International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 5(7), 896-904. SCOPUS.
Tripathi, A. & Srivastava, R. (2018). Role of Employer Branding on Talent Acquisition- A Literature Review. International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 5(6), 274-277. SCOPUS.
Tripathi, A. & Srivastava, R. (2018). Impact of Social Media in Employer Branding and Talent Acquisition- Study of IT Industry in India. International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management, 4(3), 566-569. SCOPUS.
Tripathi, A. & Srivastava, R. (2019). Work-Life Balance and Employee Retention: An Empirical Introspection in Indian IT Industry. NASMEI- Summer Marketing Information Systems Conference, IIM- Indore.
List of a Few Published Opinion Articles:
Tripathi, A. (2024). Decoding Coffee Badging at Work. People Manager.
Tripathi, A. (2024). Quiet quitting: The new workplace plague. The Hindu Business Line.
Tripathi, A. (2024). Corrosive effects of cynicism in the workplace. ETHRWorld, The Economic Times.
List of a Published Case:
R. Deepa & Tripathi, A. (2024). Puthran and Associates: Enhancing Authentic Leadership. Ivey Publishing.
List of a Few Undertaken Projects:
Invited as a Keynote Speaker/Guest Lecturer:
Associate Editor:
Editorial Board Member:
Conference Reviewer:
Major Teaching Interests: