Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI



The Indian Journal of Social Work (IJSW), a pioneering publication of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), while focusing on the theory and practice of social work, is consistently involved in the production and exchange of knowledge across diverse fields of practice. This flagship journal of TISS is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal published in January, April, July, and October. The first print issue of the IJSW was published in 1940 and maintains a record of uninterrupted publishing for 84 years. It stands tall among the social work journals published in the global South. Emphasising the values of inclusiveness, participation, justice, care, and solidarity, the IJSW’s scope cuts across international, multidisciplinary issues of sustainable futures in the global South.


Aims and Scope

The IJSW seeks to address gaps in current knowledge and stimulate policy discussions on the most critical issues by providing a platform for academicians, researchers and practitioners to share and disseminate their theoretical and empirical knowledge in all aspects of social work and related fields. The IJSW publishes high-quality theoretical, analytical, and empirical works on social policy and social development, community organisation and development practice, criminology and justice, children and families, women-centred social work, indigenous communities, Dalit and Tribal empowerment, disability, LGBTQA+, public health, mental health, disaster management, livelihoods and social entrepreneurship, and lifelong learning. The IJSW also plays an essential role as an interdisciplinary think tank facilitating discussions and publications on social work education, emergent complex problems, and related fields of practice, such as artificial intelligence and social work, climate change and sustainability, social innovation, migration, and international social work.

We encourage authors to submit original research articles that provide interdisciplinary insights on the link between theory and practice. Additionally, we have a section, ‘Notes from the Field’, specifically about sharing stories and learning from the field. Apart from peer-reviewed articles, the IJSW also encourages readers to contribute to the section on ‘Reader’s Comments’.  

The IJSW aims for the highest standards in its published material. All research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections, or supplements, are subjected to rigorous peer review.


Call for Papers

The IJSW invites original research papers and articles belonging to the following categories:

  • Theoretical/historical/empirical/methodological/epistemological analyses
  • Reviews of policies/programmes/legislations/voluntary organisations/ professional interventions
  • Curriculum development/Teaching aids
  • Research summaries
  • News from professional associations in social work
  • Book reviews, Book review essays, and media reviews
  • Discussion Note and Notes from the field
  • Interviews
  • Reader’s Comments

IJSW Guidelines

Communication concerning the submission of articles should be addressed to the Associate Editor, the IJSW. The Associate Editor will correspond with the primary author

All submissions, queries or comments should be directed to ijsw@tiss.edu only.


Please click here to download the IJSW Guidelines for Authors and Book Reviewers


The IJSW Editorial and Advisory Board


Chairperson and Editor

Director/Vice-Chancellor, TISS

Prof. Armaity Desai
Former Chairperson,
University Grants Commission,
New Delhi



Prof. Gopal Guru
Former Professor,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi



Prof. Antionette Lombard
University of Pretoria, South Africa



Prof. Manohar Pawar
Charles Sturt University, Australia



Prof. Gautam Yadama
Boston College, U.S.A.



Prof. Robert Chaskins
The University of Chicago, U.S.A.

Associate Editor

Prof. Manish K. Jha
School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai

Book Review Editor

Prof. Aseem Prakash
Deputy Director, TISS, Hyderabad


Prof. Sunil D. Santha
School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai

Prof. Abdul Shaban
School of Development Studies, TISS, Mumbai

Dr. Sohini Sengupta
School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai

External Experts

Prof. Bong Joo Lee
Seoul National University, South Korea

Prof. Amar Jesani
Editor, Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, Mumbai


Neena Barnes
Project Officer, IJSW

Vijender Singh
Senior D.T.P. Operator, Publications Unit

Bhavesh Patel
Online Manager

Swapnil Sasane
Office Assistant, Publications Unit


Abstracting and Indexing

Articles from The Indian Journal of Social Work are abstracted and indexed in the following


Name of the Abstract/Index Published by
Social Science Citation Index Institute for Scientific Information, USA

Current Contents on Diskette and in on line files such  as SciSearch and Current Contents Search

Institute for Scientific Information, USA
Sociological Abstracts

Sociological Abstracts, Inc. and International Sociological Association, USA

Social Planning/Policy and Development Abstracts

Sociological Abstracts, Inc. and International Sociological Association, USA

Indian Psychological Abstracts and Reviews Utkal University, Bhubaneshwar
Microfiche Prints United States Library of Congress
Microforms University Microfilms International, USA
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal

International Association of Psychosocial  Rehabilitation Services, USA

SAARC Social Sciences Database Nexus Information Services Corporation, Hyderabad
South Asian Economic Abstracts Information Research Academy, Kolkata
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences London School of Economics, London
J-Gate Informatics (India) Limited, Bengaluru
Scopus Elsevier





Countries Individual Institutional
India Rs. 750/- Rs. 1750/-

South Asia, South East Asia, The Middle East, Africa and South America

US$ 60/- US$ 120/-
North America, Europe and Australia US$ 100/- US$ 150/-

*with effect from January 1, 2018

Rates For Individual Issues and Articles

IJSW India The Middle East,
South Asia,
South East Asia, 
Africa and
South America
North America,
Europe and Australia
General Issue Rs.500/- US$ 35/- US$ 45/-
Special Issue Rs.650/- US$ 45/- US$ 45/-
Individual Article Rs.150/- US$ 15/- US$ 15/-


For the online version of the IJSW, please visithttp://journals.tiss.edu/ijsw/index.php/ijsw

For soft copies of Individual Articles/Full Issue, please e-mail: subscriptions.ijsw@tiss.edu

Payment can be made via one of the following options:

  • Banker's Draft/Cheque in favour of Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
  • For Bank account details please mail us at: subscriptions.ijsw@tiss.edu

Phone: +91-22-2552 5237

Email: subscriptions.ijsw@tiss.edu

Catalogue of the IJSW Special Issues




The Indian Journal of Social Work (IJSW), a pioneering publication of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), while focusing on the theory and practice of social work, is consistently involved in the production and exchange of knowledge across diverse fields of practice. This flagship journal of TISS is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal published in January, April, July, and October. The first print issue of the IJSW was published in 1940 and maintains a record of uninterrupted publishing for 84 years. It stands tall among the social work journals published in the global South. Emphasising the values of inclusiveness, participation, justice, care, and solidarity, the IJSW’s scope cuts across international, multidisciplinary issues of sustainable futures in the global South.


Aims and Scope

The IJSW seeks to address gaps in current knowledge and stimulate policy discussions on the most critical issues by providing a platform for academicians, researchers and practitioners to share and disseminate their theoretical and empirical knowledge in all aspects of social work and related fields. The IJSW publishes high-quality theoretical, analytical, and empirical works on social policy and social development, community organisation and development practice, criminology and justice, children and families, women-centred social work, indigenous communities, Dalit and Tribal empowerment, disability, LGBTQA+, public health, mental health, disaster management, livelihoods and social entrepreneurship, and lifelong learning. The IJSW also plays an essential role as an interdisciplinary think tank facilitating discussions and publications on social work education, emergent complex problems, and related fields of practice, such as artificial intelligence and social work, climate change and sustainability, social innovation, migration, and international social work.

We encourage authors to submit original research articles that provide interdisciplinary insights on the link between theory and practice. Additionally, we have a section, ‘Notes from the Field’, specifically about sharing stories and learning from the field. Apart from peer-reviewed articles, the IJSW also encourages readers to contribute to the section on ‘Reader’s Comments’.  

The IJSW aims for the highest standards in its published material. All research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections, or supplements, are subjected to rigorous peer review.


Call for Papers

The IJSW invites original research papers and articles belonging to the following categories:

  • Theoretical/historical/empirical/methodological/epistemological analyses
  • Reviews of policies/programmes/legislations/voluntary organisations/ professional interventions
  • Curriculum development/Teaching aids
  • Research summaries
  • News from professional associations in social work
  • Book reviews, Book review essays, and media reviews
  • Discussion Note and Notes from the field
  • Interviews
  • Reader’s Comments

IJSW Guidelines

Communication concerning the submission of articles should be addressed to the Associate Editor, the IJSW. The Associate Editor will correspond with the primary author

All submissions, queries or comments should be directed to ijsw@tiss.edu only.


Please click here to download the IJSW Guidelines for Authors and Book Reviewers


The IJSW Editorial and Advisory Board


Chairperson and Editor

Director/Vice-Chancellor, TISS

Prof. Armaity Desai
Former Chairperson,
University Grants Commission,
New Delhi



Prof. Gopal Guru
Former Professor,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi



Prof. Antionette Lombard
University of Pretoria, South Africa



Prof. Manohar Pawar
Charles Sturt University, Australia



Prof. Gautam Yadama
Boston College, U.S.A.



Prof. Robert Chaskins
The University of Chicago, U.S.A.

Associate Editor

Prof. Manish K. Jha
School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai

Book Review Editor

Prof. Aseem Prakash
Deputy Director, TISS, Hyderabad


Prof. Sunil D. Santha
School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai

Prof. Abdul Shaban
School of Development Studies, TISS, Mumbai

Dr. Sohini Sengupta
School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai

External Experts

Prof. Bong Joo Lee
Seoul National University, South Korea

Prof. Amar Jesani
Editor, Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, Mumbai


Neena Barnes
Project Officer, IJSW

Vijender Singh
Senior D.T.P. Operator, Publications Unit

Bhavesh Patel
Online Manager

Swapnil Sasane
Office Assistant, Publications Unit


Abstracting and Indexing

Articles from The Indian Journal of Social Work are abstracted and indexed in the following


Name of the Abstract/Index Published by
Social Science Citation Index Institute for Scientific Information, USA

Current Contents on Diskette and in on line files such  as SciSearch and Current Contents Search

Institute for Scientific Information, USA
Sociological Abstracts

Sociological Abstracts, Inc. and International Sociological Association, USA

Social Planning/Policy and Development Abstracts

Sociological Abstracts, Inc. and International Sociological Association, USA

Indian Psychological Abstracts and Reviews Utkal University, Bhubaneshwar
Microfiche Prints United States Library of Congress
Microforms University Microfilms International, USA
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal

International Association of Psychosocial  Rehabilitation Services, USA

SAARC Social Sciences Database Nexus Information Services Corporation, Hyderabad
South Asian Economic Abstracts Information Research Academy, Kolkata
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences London School of Economics, London
J-Gate Informatics (India) Limited, Bengaluru
Scopus Elsevier





Countries Individual Institutional
India Rs. 750/- Rs. 1750/-

South Asia, South East Asia, The Middle East, Africa and South America

US$ 60/- US$ 120/-
North America, Europe and Australia US$ 100/- US$ 150/-

*with effect from January 1, 2018

Rates For Individual Issues and Articles

IJSW India The Middle East,
South Asia,
South East Asia, 
Africa and
South America
North America,
Europe and Australia
General Issue Rs.500/- US$ 35/- US$ 45/-
Special Issue Rs.650/- US$ 45/- US$ 45/-
Individual Article Rs.150/- US$ 15/- US$ 15/-


For the online version of the IJSW, please visithttp://journals.tiss.edu/ijsw/index.php/ijsw

For soft copies of Individual Articles/Full Issue, please e-mail: subscriptions.ijsw@tiss.edu

Payment can be made via one of the following options:

  • Banker's Draft/Cheque in favour of Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
  • For Bank account details please mail us at: subscriptions.ijsw@tiss.edu

Phone: +91-22-2552 5237

Email: subscriptions.ijsw@tiss.edu

Catalogue of the IJSW Special Issues




The Indian Journal of Social Work (IJSW), a pioneering publication of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), while focusing on the theory and practice of social work, is consistently involved in the production and exchange of knowledge across diverse fields of practice. This flagship journal of TISS is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal published in January, April, July, and October. The first print issue of the IJSW was published in 1940 and maintains a record of uninterrupted publishing for 84 years. It stands tall among the social work journals published in the global South. Emphasising the values of inclusiveness, participation, justice, care, and solidarity, the IJSW’s scope cuts across international, multidisciplinary issues of sustainable futures in the global South.


Aims and Scope

The IJSW seeks to address gaps in current knowledge and stimulate policy discussions on the most critical issues by providing a platform for academicians, researchers and practitioners to share and disseminate their theoretical and empirical knowledge in all aspects of social work and related fields. The IJSW publishes high-quality theoretical, analytical, and empirical works on social policy and social development, community organisation and development practice, criminology and justice, children and families, women-centred social work, indigenous communities, Dalit and Tribal empowerment, disability, LGBTQA+, public health, mental health, disaster management, livelihoods and social entrepreneurship, and lifelong learning. The IJSW also plays an essential role as an interdisciplinary think tank facilitating discussions and publications on social work education, emergent complex problems, and related fields of practice, such as artificial intelligence and social work, climate change and sustainability, social innovation, migration, and international social work.

We encourage authors to submit original research articles that provide interdisciplinary insights on the link between theory and practice. Additionally, we have a section, ‘Notes from the Field’, specifically about sharing stories and learning from the field. Apart from peer-reviewed articles, the IJSW also encourages readers to contribute to the section on ‘Reader’s Comments’.  

The IJSW aims for the highest standards in its published material. All research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections, or supplements, are subjected to rigorous peer review.


Call for Papers

The IJSW invites original research papers and articles belonging to the following categories:

  • Theoretical/historical/empirical/methodological/epistemological analyses
  • Reviews of policies/programmes/legislations/voluntary organisations/ professional interventions
  • Curriculum development/Teaching aids
  • Research summaries
  • News from professional associations in social work
  • Book reviews, Book review essays, and media reviews
  • Discussion Note and Notes from the field
  • Interviews
  • Reader’s Comments

IJSW Guidelines

Communication concerning the submission of articles should be addressed to the Associate Editor, the IJSW. The Associate Editor will correspond with the primary author

All submissions, queries or comments should be directed to ijsw@tiss.edu only.


Please click here to download the IJSW Guidelines for Authors and Book Reviewers


The IJSW Editorial and Advisory Board


Chairperson and Editor

Director/Vice-Chancellor, TISS

Prof. Armaity Desai
Former Chairperson,
University Grants Commission,
New Delhi



Prof. Gopal Guru
Former Professor,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi



Prof. Antionette Lombard
University of Pretoria, South Africa



Prof. Manohar Pawar
Charles Sturt University, Australia



Prof. Gautam Yadama
Boston College, U.S.A.



Prof. Robert Chaskins
The University of Chicago, U.S.A.

Associate Editor

Prof. Manish K. Jha
School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai

Book Review Editor

Prof. Aseem Prakash
Deputy Director, TISS, Hyderabad


Prof. Sunil D. Santha
School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai

Prof. Abdul Shaban
School of Development Studies, TISS, Mumbai

Dr. Sohini Sengupta
School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai

External Experts

Prof. Bong Joo Lee
Seoul National University, South Korea

Prof. Amar Jesani
Editor, Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, Mumbai


Neena Barnes
Project Officer, IJSW

Vijender Singh
Senior D.T.P. Operator, Publications Unit

Bhavesh Patel
Online Manager

Swapnil Sasane
Office Assistant, Publications Unit


Abstracting and Indexing

Articles from The Indian Journal of Social Work are abstracted and indexed in the following


Name of the Abstract/Index Published by
Social Science Citation Index Institute for Scientific Information, USA

Current Contents on Diskette and in on line files such  as SciSearch and Current Contents Search

Institute for Scientific Information, USA
Sociological Abstracts

Sociological Abstracts, Inc. and International Sociological Association, USA

Social Planning/Policy and Development Abstracts

Sociological Abstracts, Inc. and International Sociological Association, USA

Indian Psychological Abstracts and Reviews Utkal University, Bhubaneshwar
Microfiche Prints United States Library of Congress
Microforms University Microfilms International, USA
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal

International Association of Psychosocial  Rehabilitation Services, USA

SAARC Social Sciences Database Nexus Information Services Corporation, Hyderabad
South Asian Economic Abstracts Information Research Academy, Kolkata
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences London School of Economics, London
J-Gate Informatics (India) Limited, Bengaluru
Scopus Elsevier





Countries Individual Institutional
India Rs. 750/- Rs. 1750/-

South Asia, South East Asia, The Middle East, Africa and South America

US$ 60/- US$ 120/-
North America, Europe and Australia US$ 100/- US$ 150/-

*with effect from January 1, 2018

Rates For Individual Issues and Articles

IJSW India The Middle East,
South Asia,
South East Asia, 
Africa and
South America
North America,
Europe and Australia
General Issue Rs.500/- US$ 35/- US$ 45/-
Special Issue Rs.650/- US$ 45/- US$ 45/-
Individual Article Rs.150/- US$ 15/- US$ 15/-


For the online version of the IJSW, please visithttp://journals.tiss.edu/ijsw/index.php/ijsw

For soft copies of Individual Articles/Full Issue, please e-mail: subscriptions.ijsw@tiss.edu

Payment can be made via one of the following options:

  • Banker's Draft/Cheque in favour of Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
  • For Bank account details please mail us at: subscriptions.ijsw@tiss.edu

Phone: +91-22-2552 5237

Email: subscriptions.ijsw@tiss.edu

Catalogue of the IJSW Special Issues




The Indian Journal of Social Work (IJSW), a pioneering publication of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), while focusing on the theory and practice of social work, is consistently involved in the production and exchange of knowledge across diverse fields of practice. This flagship journal of TISS is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal published in January, April, July, and October. The first print issue of the IJSW was published in 1940 and maintains a record of uninterrupted publishing for 84 years. It stands tall among the social work journals published in the global South. Emphasising the values of inclusiveness, participation, justice, care, and solidarity, the IJSW’s scope cuts across international, multidisciplinary issues of sustainable futures in the global South.


Aims and Scope

The IJSW seeks to address gaps in current knowledge and stimulate policy discussions on the most critical issues by providing a platform for academicians, researchers and practitioners to share and disseminate their theoretical and empirical knowledge in all aspects of social work and related fields. The IJSW publishes high-quality theoretical, analytical, and empirical works on social policy and social development, community organisation and development practice, criminology and justice, children and families, women-centred social work, indigenous communities, Dalit and Tribal empowerment, disability, LGBTQA+, public health, mental health, disaster management, livelihoods and social entrepreneurship, and lifelong learning. The IJSW also plays an essential role as an interdisciplinary think tank facilitating discussions and publications on social work education, emergent complex problems, and related fields of practice, such as artificial intelligence and social work, climate change and sustainability, social innovation, migration, and international social work.

We encourage authors to submit original research articles that provide interdisciplinary insights on the link between theory and practice. Additionally, we have a section, ‘Notes from the Field’, specifically about sharing stories and learning from the field. Apart from peer-reviewed articles, the IJSW also encourages readers to contribute to the section on ‘Reader’s Comments’.  

The IJSW aims for the highest standards in its published material. All research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections, or supplements, are subjected to rigorous peer review.


Call for Papers

The IJSW invites original research papers and articles belonging to the following categories:

  • Theoretical/historical/empirical/methodological/epistemological analyses
  • Reviews of policies/programmes/legislations/voluntary organisations/ professional interventions
  • Curriculum development/Teaching aids
  • Research summaries
  • News from professional associations in social work
  • Book reviews, Book review essays, and media reviews
  • Discussion Note and Notes from the field
  • Interviews
  • Reader’s Comments

IJSW Guidelines

Communication concerning the submission of articles should be addressed to the Associate Editor, the IJSW. The Associate Editor will correspond with the primary author

All submissions, queries or comments should be directed to ijsw@tiss.edu only.


Please click here to download the IJSW Guidelines for Authors and Book Reviewers


The IJSW Editorial and Advisory Board


Chairperson and Editor

Director/Vice-Chancellor, TISS

Prof. Armaity Desai
Former Chairperson,
University Grants Commission,
New Delhi



Prof. Gopal Guru
Former Professor,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi



Prof. Antionette Lombard
University of Pretoria, South Africa



Prof. Manohar Pawar
Charles Sturt University, Australia



Prof. Gautam Yadama
Boston College, U.S.A.



Prof. Robert Chaskins
The University of Chicago, U.S.A.

Associate Editor

Prof. Manish K. Jha
School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai

Book Review Editor

Prof. Aseem Prakash
Deputy Director, TISS, Hyderabad


Prof. Sunil D. Santha
School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai

Prof. Abdul Shaban
School of Development Studies, TISS, Mumbai

Dr. Sohini Sengupta
School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai

External Experts

Prof. Bong Joo Lee
Seoul National University, South Korea

Prof. Amar Jesani
Editor, Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, Mumbai


Neena Barnes
Project Officer, IJSW

Vijender Singh
Senior D.T.P. Operator, Publications Unit

Bhavesh Patel
Online Manager

Swapnil Sasane
Office Assistant, Publications Unit


Abstracting and Indexing

Articles from The Indian Journal of Social Work are abstracted and indexed in the following


Name of the Abstract/Index Published by
Social Science Citation Index Institute for Scientific Information, USA

Current Contents on Diskette and in on line files such  as SciSearch and Current Contents Search

Institute for Scientific Information, USA
Sociological Abstracts

Sociological Abstracts, Inc. and International Sociological Association, USA

Social Planning/Policy and Development Abstracts

Sociological Abstracts, Inc. and International Sociological Association, USA

Indian Psychological Abstracts and Reviews Utkal University, Bhubaneshwar
Microfiche Prints United States Library of Congress
Microforms University Microfilms International, USA
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal

International Association of Psychosocial  Rehabilitation Services, USA

SAARC Social Sciences Database Nexus Information Services Corporation, Hyderabad
South Asian Economic Abstracts Information Research Academy, Kolkata
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences London School of Economics, London
J-Gate Informatics (India) Limited, Bengaluru
Scopus Elsevier





Countries Individual Institutional
India Rs. 750/- Rs. 1750/-

South Asia, South East Asia, The Middle East, Africa and South America

US$ 60/- US$ 120/-
North America, Europe and Australia US$ 100/- US$ 150/-

*with effect from January 1, 2018

Rates For Individual Issues and Articles

IJSW India The Middle East,
South Asia,
South East Asia, 
Africa and
South America
North America,
Europe and Australia
General Issue Rs.500/- US$ 35/- US$ 45/-
Special Issue Rs.650/- US$ 45/- US$ 45/-
Individual Article Rs.150/- US$ 15/- US$ 15/-


For the online version of the IJSW, please visithttp://journals.tiss.edu/ijsw/index.php/ijsw

For soft copies of Individual Articles/Full Issue, please e-mail: subscriptions.ijsw@tiss.edu

Payment can be made via one of the following options:

  • Banker's Draft/Cheque in favour of Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
  • For Bank account details please mail us at: subscriptions.ijsw@tiss.edu

Phone: +91-22-2552 5237

Email: subscriptions.ijsw@tiss.edu

Catalogue of the IJSW Special Issues




The Indian Journal of Social Work (IJSW), a pioneering publication of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), while focusing on the theory and practice of social work, is consistently involved in the production and exchange of knowledge across diverse fields of practice. This flagship journal of TISS is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal published in January, April, July, and October. The first print issue of the IJSW was published in 1940 and maintains a record of uninterrupted publishing for 84 years. It stands tall among the social work journals published in the global South. Emphasising the values of inclusiveness, participation, justice, care, and solidarity, the IJSW’s scope cuts across international, multidisciplinary issues of sustainable futures in the global South.


Aims and Scope

The IJSW seeks to address gaps in current knowledge and stimulate policy discussions on the most critical issues by providing a platform for academicians, researchers and practitioners to share and disseminate their theoretical and empirical knowledge in all aspects of social work and related fields. The IJSW publishes high-quality theoretical, analytical, and empirical works on social policy and social development, community organisation and development practice, criminology and justice, children and families, women-centred social work, indigenous communities, Dalit and Tribal empowerment, disability, LGBTQA+, public health, mental health, disaster management, livelihoods and social entrepreneurship, and lifelong learning. The IJSW also plays an essential role as an interdisciplinary think tank facilitating discussions and publications on social work education, emergent complex problems, and related fields of practice, such as artificial intelligence and social work, climate change and sustainability, social innovation, migration, and international social work.

We encourage authors to submit original research articles that provide interdisciplinary insights on the link between theory and practice. Additionally, we have a section, ‘Notes from the Field’, specifically about sharing stories and learning from the field. Apart from peer-reviewed articles, the IJSW also encourages readers to contribute to the section on ‘Reader’s Comments’.  

The IJSW aims for the highest standards in its published material. All research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections, or supplements, are subjected to rigorous peer review.


Call for Papers

The IJSW invites original research papers and articles belonging to the following categories:

  • Theoretical/historical/empirical/methodological/epistemological analyses
  • Reviews of policies/programmes/legislations/voluntary organisations/ professional interventions
  • Curriculum development/Teaching aids
  • Research summaries
  • News from professional associations in social work
  • Book reviews, Book review essays, and media reviews
  • Discussion Note and Notes from the field
  • Interviews
  • Reader’s Comments

IJSW Guidelines

Communication concerning the submission of articles should be addressed to the Associate Editor, the IJSW. The Associate Editor will correspond with the primary author

All submissions, queries or comments should be directed to ijsw@tiss.edu only.


Please click here to download the IJSW Guidelines for Authors and Book Reviewers


The IJSW Editorial and Advisory Board


Chairperson and Editor

Director/Vice-Chancellor, TISS

Prof. Armaity Desai
Former Chairperson,
University Grants Commission,
New Delhi



Prof. Gopal Guru
Former Professor,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi



Prof. Antionette Lombard
University of Pretoria, South Africa



Prof. Manohar Pawar
Charles Sturt University, Australia



Prof. Gautam Yadama
Boston College, U.S.A.



Prof. Robert Chaskins
The University of Chicago, U.S.A.

Associate Editor

Prof. Manish K. Jha
School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai

Book Review Editor

Prof. Aseem Prakash
Deputy Director, TISS, Hyderabad


Prof. Sunil D. Santha
School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai

Prof. Abdul Shaban
School of Development Studies, TISS, Mumbai

Dr. Sohini Sengupta
School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai

External Experts

Prof. Bong Joo Lee
Seoul National University, South Korea

Prof. Amar Jesani
Editor, Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, Mumbai


Neena Barnes
Project Officer, IJSW

Vijender Singh
Senior D.T.P. Operator, Publications Unit

Bhavesh Patel
Online Manager

Swapnil Sasane
Office Assistant, Publications Unit


Abstracting and Indexing

Articles from The Indian Journal of Social Work are abstracted and indexed in the following


Name of the Abstract/Index Published by
Social Science Citation Index Institute for Scientific Information, USA

Current Contents on Diskette and in on line files such  as SciSearch and Current Contents Search

Institute for Scientific Information, USA
Sociological Abstracts

Sociological Abstracts, Inc. and International Sociological Association, USA

Social Planning/Policy and Development Abstracts

Sociological Abstracts, Inc. and International Sociological Association, USA

Indian Psychological Abstracts and Reviews Utkal University, Bhubaneshwar
Microfiche Prints United States Library of Congress
Microforms University Microfilms International, USA
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal

International Association of Psychosocial  Rehabilitation Services, USA

SAARC Social Sciences Database Nexus Information Services Corporation, Hyderabad
South Asian Economic Abstracts Information Research Academy, Kolkata
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences London School of Economics, London
J-Gate Informatics (India) Limited, Bengaluru
Scopus Elsevier





Countries Individual Institutional
India Rs. 750/- Rs. 1750/-

South Asia, South East Asia, The Middle East, Africa and South America

US$ 60/- US$ 120/-
North America, Europe and Australia US$ 100/- US$ 150/-

*with effect from January 1, 2018

Rates For Individual Issues and Articles

IJSW India The Middle East,
South Asia,
South East Asia, 
Africa and
South America
North America,
Europe and Australia
General Issue Rs.500/- US$ 35/- US$ 45/-
Special Issue Rs.650/- US$ 45/- US$ 45/-
Individual Article Rs.150/- US$ 15/- US$ 15/-


For the online version of the IJSW, please visithttp://journals.tiss.edu/ijsw/index.php/ijsw

For soft copies of Individual Articles/Full Issue, please e-mail: subscriptions.ijsw@tiss.edu

Payment can be made via one of the following options:

  • Banker's Draft/Cheque in favour of Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
  • For Bank account details please mail us at: subscriptions.ijsw@tiss.edu

Phone: +91-22-2552 5237

Email: subscriptions.ijsw@tiss.edu

Catalogue of the IJSW Special Issues




The Indian Journal of Social Work (IJSW), a pioneering publication of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), while focusing on the theory and practice of social work, is consistently involved in the production and exchange of knowledge across diverse fields of practice. This flagship journal of TISS is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal published in January, April, July, and October. The first print issue of the IJSW was published in 1940 and maintains a record of uninterrupted publishing for 84 years. It stands tall among the social work journals published in the global South. Emphasising the values of inclusiveness, participation, justice, care, and solidarity, the IJSW’s scope cuts across international, multidisciplinary issues of sustainable futures in the global South.


Aims and Scope

The IJSW seeks to address gaps in current knowledge and stimulate policy discussions on the most critical issues by providing a platform for academicians, researchers and practitioners to share and disseminate their theoretical and empirical knowledge in all aspects of social work and related fields. The IJSW publishes high-quality theoretical, analytical, and empirical works on social policy and social development, community organisation and development practice, criminology and justice, children and families, women-centred social work, indigenous communities, Dalit and Tribal empowerment, disability, LGBTQA+, public health, mental health, disaster management, livelihoods and social entrepreneurship, and lifelong learning. The IJSW also plays an essential role as an interdisciplinary think tank facilitating discussions and publications on social work education, emergent complex problems, and related fields of practice, such as artificial intelligence and social work, climate change and sustainability, social innovation, migration, and international social work.

We encourage authors to submit original research articles that provide interdisciplinary insights on the link between theory and practice. Additionally, we have a section, ‘Notes from the Field’, specifically about sharing stories and learning from the field. Apart from peer-reviewed articles, the IJSW also encourages readers to contribute to the section on ‘Reader’s Comments’.  

The IJSW aims for the highest standards in its published material. All research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections, or supplements, are subjected to rigorous peer review.


Call for Papers

The IJSW invites original research papers and articles belonging to the following categories:

  • Theoretical/historical/empirical/methodological/epistemological analyses
  • Reviews of policies/programmes/legislations/voluntary organisations/ professional interventions
  • Curriculum development/Teaching aids
  • Research summaries
  • News from professional associations in social work
  • Book reviews, Book review essays, and media reviews
  • Discussion Note and Notes from the field
  • Interviews
  • Reader’s Comments

IJSW Guidelines

Communication concerning the submission of articles should be addressed to the Associate Editor, the IJSW. The Associate Editor will correspond with the primary author

All submissions, queries or comments should be directed to ijsw@tiss.edu only.


Please click here to download the IJSW Guidelines for Authors and Book Reviewers


The IJSW Editorial and Advisory Board


Chairperson and Editor

Director/Vice-Chancellor, TISS

Prof. Armaity Desai
Former Chairperson,
University Grants Commission,
New Delhi



Prof. Gopal Guru
Former Professor,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi



Prof. Antionette Lombard
University of Pretoria, South Africa



Prof. Manohar Pawar
Charles Sturt University, Australia



Prof. Gautam Yadama
Boston College, U.S.A.



Prof. Robert Chaskins
The University of Chicago, U.S.A.

Associate Editor

Prof. Manish K. Jha
School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai

Book Review Editor

Prof. Aseem Prakash
Deputy Director, TISS, Hyderabad


Prof. Sunil D. Santha
School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai

Prof. Abdul Shaban
School of Development Studies, TISS, Mumbai

Dr. Sohini Sengupta
School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai

External Experts

Prof. Bong Joo Lee
Seoul National University, South Korea

Prof. Amar Jesani
Editor, Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, Mumbai


Neena Barnes
Project Officer, IJSW

Vijender Singh
Senior D.T.P. Operator, Publications Unit

Bhavesh Patel
Online Manager

Swapnil Sasane
Office Assistant, Publications Unit


Abstracting and Indexing

Articles from The Indian Journal of Social Work are abstracted and indexed in the following


Name of the Abstract/Index Published by
Social Science Citation Index Institute for Scientific Information, USA

Current Contents on Diskette and in on line files such  as SciSearch and Current Contents Search

Institute for Scientific Information, USA
Sociological Abstracts

Sociological Abstracts, Inc. and International Sociological Association, USA

Social Planning/Policy and Development Abstracts

Sociological Abstracts, Inc. and International Sociological Association, USA

Indian Psychological Abstracts and Reviews Utkal University, Bhubaneshwar
Microfiche Prints United States Library of Congress
Microforms University Microfilms International, USA
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal

International Association of Psychosocial  Rehabilitation Services, USA

SAARC Social Sciences Database Nexus Information Services Corporation, Hyderabad
South Asian Economic Abstracts Information Research Academy, Kolkata
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences London School of Economics, London
J-Gate Informatics (India) Limited, Bengaluru
Scopus Elsevier





Countries Individual Institutional
India Rs. 750/- Rs. 1750/-

South Asia, South East Asia, The Middle East, Africa and South America

US$ 60/- US$ 120/-
North America, Europe and Australia US$ 100/- US$ 150/-

*with effect from January 1, 2018

Rates For Individual Issues and Articles

IJSW India The Middle East,
South Asia,
South East Asia, 
Africa and
South America
North America,
Europe and Australia
General Issue Rs.500/- US$ 35/- US$ 45/-
Special Issue Rs.650/- US$ 45/- US$ 45/-
Individual Article Rs.150/- US$ 15/- US$ 15/-


For the online version of the IJSW, please visithttp://journals.tiss.edu/ijsw/index.php/ijsw

For soft copies of Individual Articles/Full Issue, please e-mail: subscriptions.ijsw@tiss.edu

Payment can be made via one of the following options:

  • Banker's Draft/Cheque in favour of Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
  • For Bank account details please mail us at: subscriptions.ijsw@tiss.edu

Phone: +91-22-2552 5237

Email: subscriptions.ijsw@tiss.edu

Catalogue of the IJSW Special Issues




The Indian Journal of Social Work (IJSW), a pioneering publication of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), while focusing on the theory and practice of social work, is consistently involved in the production and exchange of knowledge across diverse fields of practice. This flagship journal of TISS is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal published in January, April, July, and October. The first print issue of the IJSW was published in 1940 and maintains a record of uninterrupted publishing for 84 years. It stands tall among the social work journals published in the global South. Emphasising the values of inclusiveness, participation, justice, care, and solidarity, the IJSW’s scope cuts across international, multidisciplinary issues of sustainable futures in the global South.


Aims and Scope

The IJSW seeks to address gaps in current knowledge and stimulate policy discussions on the most critical issues by providing a platform for academicians, researchers and practitioners to share and disseminate their theoretical and empirical knowledge in all aspects of social work and related fields. The IJSW publishes high-quality theoretical, analytical, and empirical works on social policy and social development, community organisation and development practice, criminology and justice, children and families, women-centred social work, indigenous communities, Dalit and Tribal empowerment, disability, LGBTQA+, public health, mental health, disaster management, livelihoods and social entrepreneurship, and lifelong learning. The IJSW also plays an essential role as an interdisciplinary think tank facilitating discussions and publications on social work education, emergent complex problems, and related fields of practice, such as artificial intelligence and social work, climate change and sustainability, social innovation, migration, and international social work.

We encourage authors to submit original research articles that provide interdisciplinary insights on the link between theory and practice. Additionally, we have a section, ‘Notes from the Field’, specifically about sharing stories and learning from the field. Apart from peer-reviewed articles, the IJSW also encourages readers to contribute to the section on ‘Reader’s Comments’.  

The IJSW aims for the highest standards in its published material. All research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections, or supplements, are subjected to rigorous peer review.


Call for Papers

The IJSW invites original research papers and articles belonging to the following categories:

  • Theoretical/historical/empirical/methodological/epistemological analyses
  • Reviews of policies/programmes/legislations/voluntary organisations/ professional interventions
  • Curriculum development/Teaching aids
  • Research summaries
  • News from professional associations in social work
  • Book reviews, Book review essays, and media reviews
  • Discussion Note and Notes from the field
  • Interviews
  • Reader’s Comments

IJSW Guidelines

Communication concerning the submission of articles should be addressed to the Associate Editor, the IJSW. The Associate Editor will correspond with the primary author

All submissions, queries or comments should be directed to ijsw@tiss.edu only.


Please click here to download the IJSW Guidelines for Authors and Book Reviewers


The IJSW Editorial and Advisory Board


Chairperson and Editor

Director/Vice-Chancellor, TISS

Prof. Armaity Desai
Former Chairperson,
University Grants Commission,
New Delhi



Prof. Gopal Guru
Former Professor,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi



Prof. Antionette Lombard
University of Pretoria, South Africa



Prof. Manohar Pawar
Charles Sturt University, Australia



Prof. Gautam Yadama
Boston College, U.S.A.



Prof. Robert Chaskins
The University of Chicago, U.S.A.

Associate Editor

Prof. Manish K. Jha
School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai

Book Review Editor

Prof. Aseem Prakash
Deputy Director, TISS, Hyderabad


Prof. Sunil D. Santha
School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai

Prof. Abdul Shaban
School of Development Studies, TISS, Mumbai

Dr. Sohini Sengupta
School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai

External Experts

Prof. Bong Joo Lee
Seoul National University, South Korea

Prof. Amar Jesani
Editor, Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, Mumbai


Neena Barnes
Project Officer, IJSW

Vijender Singh
Senior D.T.P. Operator, Publications Unit

Bhavesh Patel
Online Manager

Swapnil Sasane
Office Assistant, Publications Unit


Abstracting and Indexing

Articles from The Indian Journal of Social Work are abstracted and indexed in the following


Name of the Abstract/Index Published by
Social Science Citation Index Institute for Scientific Information, USA

Current Contents on Diskette and in on line files such  as SciSearch and Current Contents Search

Institute for Scientific Information, USA
Sociological Abstracts

Sociological Abstracts, Inc. and International Sociological Association, USA

Social Planning/Policy and Development Abstracts

Sociological Abstracts, Inc. and International Sociological Association, USA

Indian Psychological Abstracts and Reviews Utkal University, Bhubaneshwar
Microfiche Prints United States Library of Congress
Microforms University Microfilms International, USA
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal

International Association of Psychosocial  Rehabilitation Services, USA

SAARC Social Sciences Database Nexus Information Services Corporation, Hyderabad
South Asian Economic Abstracts Information Research Academy, Kolkata
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences London School of Economics, London
J-Gate Informatics (India) Limited, Bengaluru
Scopus Elsevier





Countries Individual Institutional
India Rs. 750/- Rs. 1750/-

South Asia, South East Asia, The Middle East, Africa and South America

US$ 60/- US$ 120/-
North America, Europe and Australia US$ 100/- US$ 150/-

*with effect from January 1, 2018

Rates For Individual Issues and Articles

IJSW India The Middle East,
South Asia,
South East Asia, 
Africa and
South America
North America,
Europe and Australia
General Issue Rs.500/- US$ 35/- US$ 45/-
Special Issue Rs.650/- US$ 45/- US$ 45/-
Individual Article Rs.150/- US$ 15/- US$ 15/-


For the online version of the IJSW, please visithttp://journals.tiss.edu/ijsw/index.php/ijsw

For soft copies of Individual Articles/Full Issue, please e-mail: subscriptions.ijsw@tiss.edu

Payment can be made via one of the following options:

  • Banker's Draft/Cheque in favour of Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
  • For Bank account details please mail us at: subscriptions.ijsw@tiss.edu

Phone: +91-22-2552 5237

Email: subscriptions.ijsw@tiss.edu

Catalogue of the IJSW Special Issues




The Indian Journal of Social Work (IJSW), a pioneering publication of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), while focusing on the theory and practice of social work, is consistently involved in the production and exchange of knowledge across diverse fields of practice. This flagship journal of TISS is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal published in January, April, July, and October. The first print issue of the IJSW was published in 1940 and maintains a record of uninterrupted publishing for 84 years. It stands tall among the social work journals published in the global South. Emphasising the values of inclusiveness, participation, justice, care, and solidarity, the IJSW’s scope cuts across international, multidisciplinary issues of sustainable futures in the global South.


Aims and Scope

The IJSW seeks to address gaps in current knowledge and stimulate policy discussions on the most critical issues by providing a platform for academicians, researchers and practitioners to share and disseminate their theoretical and empirical knowledge in all aspects of social work and related fields. The IJSW publishes high-quality theoretical, analytical, and empirical works on social policy and social development, community organisation and development practice, criminology and justice, children and families, women-centred social work, indigenous communities, Dalit and Tribal empowerment, disability, LGBTQA+, public health, mental health, disaster management, livelihoods and social entrepreneurship, and lifelong learning. The IJSW also plays an essential role as an interdisciplinary think tank facilitating discussions and publications on social work education, emergent complex problems, and related fields of practice, such as artificial intelligence and social work, climate change and sustainability, social innovation, migration, and international social work.

We encourage authors to submit original research articles that provide interdisciplinary insights on the link between theory and practice. Additionally, we have a section, ‘Notes from the Field’, specifically about sharing stories and learning from the field. Apart from peer-reviewed articles, the IJSW also encourages readers to contribute to the section on ‘Reader’s Comments’.  

The IJSW aims for the highest standards in its published material. All research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections, or supplements, are subjected to rigorous peer review.


Call for Papers

The IJSW invites original research papers and articles belonging to the following categories:

  • Theoretical/historical/empirical/methodological/epistemological analyses
  • Reviews of policies/programmes/legislations/voluntary organisations/ professional interventions
  • Curriculum development/Teaching aids
  • Research summaries
  • News from professional associations in social work
  • Book reviews, Book review essays, and media reviews
  • Discussion Note and Notes from the field
  • Interviews
  • Reader’s Comments

IJSW Guidelines

Communication concerning the submission of articles should be addressed to the Associate Editor, the IJSW. The Associate Editor will correspond with the primary author

All submissions, queries or comments should be directed to ijsw@tiss.edu only.


Please click here to download the IJSW Guidelines for Authors and Book Reviewers


The IJSW Editorial and Advisory Board


Chairperson and Editor

Director/Vice-Chancellor, TISS

Prof. Armaity Desai
Former Chairperson,
University Grants Commission,
New Delhi



Prof. Gopal Guru
Former Professor,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi



Prof. Antionette Lombard
University of Pretoria, South Africa



Prof. Manohar Pawar
Charles Sturt University, Australia



Prof. Gautam Yadama
Boston College, U.S.A.



Prof. Robert Chaskins
The University of Chicago, U.S.A.

Associate Editor

Prof. Manish K. Jha
School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai

Book Review Editor

Prof. Aseem Prakash
Deputy Director, TISS, Hyderabad


Prof. Sunil D. Santha
School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai

Prof. Abdul Shaban
School of Development Studies, TISS, Mumbai

Dr. Sohini Sengupta
School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai

External Experts

Prof. Bong Joo Lee
Seoul National University, South Korea

Prof. Amar Jesani
Editor, Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, Mumbai


Neena Barnes
Project Officer, IJSW

Vijender Singh
Senior D.T.P. Operator, Publications Unit

Bhavesh Patel
Online Manager

Swapnil Sasane
Office Assistant, Publications Unit


Abstracting and Indexing

Articles from The Indian Journal of Social Work are abstracted and indexed in the following


Name of the Abstract/Index Published by
Social Science Citation Index Institute for Scientific Information, USA

Current Contents on Diskette and in on line files such  as SciSearch and Current Contents Search

Institute for Scientific Information, USA
Sociological Abstracts

Sociological Abstracts, Inc. and International Sociological Association, USA

Social Planning/Policy and Development Abstracts

Sociological Abstracts, Inc. and International Sociological Association, USA

Indian Psychological Abstracts and Reviews Utkal University, Bhubaneshwar
Microfiche Prints United States Library of Congress
Microforms University Microfilms International, USA
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal

International Association of Psychosocial  Rehabilitation Services, USA

SAARC Social Sciences Database Nexus Information Services Corporation, Hyderabad
South Asian Economic Abstracts Information Research Academy, Kolkata
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences London School of Economics, London
J-Gate Informatics (India) Limited, Bengaluru
Scopus Elsevier





Countries Individual Institutional
India Rs. 750/- Rs. 1750/-

South Asia, South East Asia, The Middle East, Africa and South America

US$ 60/- US$ 120/-
North America, Europe and Australia US$ 100/- US$ 150/-

*with effect from January 1, 2018

Rates For Individual Issues and Articles

IJSW India The Middle East,
South Asia,
South East Asia, 
Africa and
South America
North America,
Europe and Australia
General Issue Rs.500/- US$ 35/- US$ 45/-
Special Issue Rs.650/- US$ 45/- US$ 45/-
Individual Article Rs.150/- US$ 15/- US$ 15/-


For the online version of the IJSW, please visithttp://journals.tiss.edu/ijsw/index.php/ijsw

For soft copies of Individual Articles/Full Issue, please e-mail: subscriptions.ijsw@tiss.edu

Payment can be made via one of the following options:

  • Banker's Draft/Cheque in favour of Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
  • For Bank account details please mail us at: subscriptions.ijsw@tiss.edu

Phone: +91-22-2552 5237

Email: subscriptions.ijsw@tiss.edu

Catalogue of the IJSW Special Issues


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