Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI

Counselling Centre


What is Counselling?
Counselling is a process between an individual and their counsellor that helps the individual to overcome difficulties and change maladaptive or unhealthy emotional, behavioural or cognitive aspects. This leads to a more adaptive pattern of thought and behaviour and a satisfactory change in the individual. Thus, Counselling is an enabling process that provides alternative ways to think, feel and behave in a healthier manner.

Who needs Counselling?
It is a common myth that, Counselling is only for  people who are very disturbed. In fact, counselling can be helpful for any person, who can think, feel and behave appropriately most of the times but sometimes, may require help to enhance, develop, change or improve his/her condition. Students, working professionals, couples, parents may seek counselling for different issues. 

How do I know if I need to see a Counsellor?
When a person experiences negative emotions such as sadness, hopelessness, frequent worrying, difficulty in daily functioning for a significant period of time and cannot cope with it, then they can visit the Counsellor by taking a prior appointment. Some of the concerns with which people approach a counsellor are prolonged sadness, worry, anxiety, indecisiveness, anger, lethargy, procrastination, addictions and so on.


What are the kinds of concerns for which people seek Counselling?
Any concern or experience, from an everyday concern to a unique circumstance or situation can constitute a reason to seek help from a Counsellor. Counselling addresses concerns across many life stages, events and circumstances.

Common reasons why students have sought counselling include:

  • Relationship difficulties such as frequent fights, extramarital affairs, sexual worries, loss of intimacy
  • Academic problems, procrastination, difficulty keeping to deadlines, low confidence
  • Distress related to peer relationships, dealing with rejection
  • Illness, grief and loss
  • Life transition and adjustment issues
  • Personal growth and understanding
  • Addiction related issues
  • Sexuality and gender identity
  • Anxiety, Depression, Stress
  • Decision related to marriage and commitment
  • Separation or divorce 
  • Loneliness
  • Violence and abuse in relationship

Who will know that I am coming for Counselling?
Only your counsellor would know of this. For all those who seek counselling, confidentiality is maintained regarding their personal information, which is not disclosed to any person, group or authority without his/her consent. In case of emergency such as, when someone is feeling overwhelmed and maybe suicidal, the person listed as their emergency contact will be reached.
Sometimes a counsellor may share details about a session or a client with a team member or their supervisor to gain clarity, and seek suggestions on the way forward. This is done without divulging personal details of the client such as their name, course in which they are studying etc. It is done for enhancing to quality of the service and for the benefit of the client. This is termed as shared confidentiality.


How will I benefit from Counselling?
Counselling is a process in which the individual and the counsellor work towards a common goal which is beneficial for the individual. This can lead to a satisfactory and beneficial change in the thoughts, feelings and behaviour of the individual. It can enable them to cope with unmanageable situations in the best way possible. The process helps to enhance the overall well-being of the individual.

How long will I need to come for Counselling?
The duration of the Counselling process differs for each individual. It depends on the complexity of the concerns that the individual has and his/her participation in the process. On an average, counselling sessions can extend between 2-6 sessions.

What are the timings of the Counselling Centre and where is it located?
The Counselling Centre operates from Monday-Saturday from 11.30 a.m to 7.30 p.m in both Main & Naoroji Campus. It is located in the Health Centre in the Main Campus and in Hostel No.5, in the Naoroji Campus. Currently however all sessions are held online.

Are there any charges for Counselling sessions?
There are no fees. The Counselling service is a free service that is provided by the Institute for TISS students and staff.

Will the Counsellor prescribe medication?
Counsellors are not trained to prescribe medications. Based on the Counsellor's assessment if needed, the individual may be referred to the Psychiatrist for evaluation and further treatment. This is done with the consent of the individual.

Can I request a specific time or day for my Counselling?
Yes, we will try to accommodate your request as much as possible, but as evening counselling appointments are in limited supply, we give first priority to students, who are unable to attend during the day because of their classes or fieldwork.

Can I request to meet a specific counsellor?
Again, we will try and accommodate your request, subject to the availability and schedule of the counsellor. Appointments are given based on the appointment queue, counsellor availability and an assessment of your concern that you mention in the Access Form.

Does my problem have to be a serious one to see a Counsellor?
Anything that is bothering and distressing for you is serious enough for us. So do not worry about whether your problem is serious enough to seeking counselling. Many students seek help for their personal, relational, familial, academic as well as identity related concerns such as those related to being a gender-sexual minority, religious minority and so on.
Seeing a Counsellor is about making a positive choice to get the help that you need. And the sooner you do that the better, when something is relatively minor, so that it can be resolved quickly and not grow into a more serious concern.


Will records be kept about my Counselling?
Yes. In accordance with standards of professional practice, the counselling centre maintains records of the clients seeking service of the center. Individual counsellors make notes about sessions. All interactions between students and counsellors such as, counselling sessions and/or reports are kept confidential and not shared with anybody. This information cannot be sought or obtained by anyone under RTI as it is a confidential document.


What if I am worried about someone else, who needs help?
If you are worried about a peer, friend, partner, or relative, you are welcome to arrange a single consultation session to discuss your concerns. We can explore referral options together.



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