Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI

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DTSA National Seminar on Livelihoods & Skills for Progress in India


Venue: Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, 400088

Download PosterOrganised by Centre for Social Justice and Governance, School of Social Work, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai

Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) is an institution of excellence in higher education that continually responds to the changing social realities through the development and application of critical knowledge. It continuously works towards creating a people-centered and ecologically sustainable society that promotes and protects the dignity, equality, social justice and human rights for all, with a special emphasis on marginalised and vulnerable groups. In recognition of its expertise, it was awarded “A” Grade and a cumulative grade point of 3.89 out of 4.00 by NAAC in 2016.

Centre for Social Justice and Governance (CSJG) is Centre within the School of Social Work, TISS. It envelops within its fold twin domains of Caste and Tribes. It focuses on historiographies of the socially excluded Dalit and Tribe on the one hand and innovative policy practice on the other. It offers a programme in M.A in Social Work in Dalit and Tribal Studies and Action. The programme is the first of its kind in the world, providing students with wide theoretical and field exposures situated within the lived and shared experiences of Dalits in South Asia and Adivasis from India and other regions of the world. The strength of the programme lies in its pragmatic curricular logic built on the convergence between theory and practice. The students are innovative and committed to the empowerment of Dalit and Tribe as envisioned within the vision and mission of the TISS.

DTSA Seminar is an annual academic activity of the Centre for Social Justice and Governance, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.

Conceptual Framework

Genuine attempts to alleviate people from abject historically imposed poverty in India remains an enormous and ardous task.

Post seventy years of intensive planned development by State as well as Non-State actors, the experience of marginalisation and exclusion persist. While innovations to tackle the said condition are being made, the practice of development is making new demands on Skills for Progress especially in the context of people's livelihoods.

In the light of these socio-historical conditions, it becomes imperative that a rigorous academic platform that engages threadbare with both theory and practice around development and livelihoods be conceived. This innovative space envisages opening up unique opportunities for both development practitioners and theorist across varied socially relevant sectors to revisit the area of skills in livelihood development and creatively delve into the said area through specific subthemes:

  1. Advance Practice Skills in the Development Sector
  2. Education for Empowerment-Theory, Practice and Skills
  3. Livelihood Development and Innovations in Dalit and Adivasi Empowerment
  4. Innovative Social Business Models in Small Towns and Tribal Towns
  5. Creative Approaches to Skill Training in India
  6. Re-visiting and Re-theorising the concept of Skill in Social Work

While the seminar seeks to explore alternative and innovative ways to livelihoods and skills, we invite papers across the sectors that attempts through creative means to make a theoretico-practical dent on the varied aspects of the said sub themes.

Please send your abstracts (300 words) by email along with your contact details (Phone number and address) and current institutional affiliation to the following email: biswaranjan.tripura@tiss.edu


  • Last date for receiving abstracts: 5th January, 2018
  • Intimation regarding acceptance of abstracts: 8th January, 2018
  • Last date for submission of full papers: 29th January, 2018

Information: Participants will have to bear their own expenses which include travelling, food and lodging. Campus Accommodation if needed must be booked ten days before the seminar and payments for the same be made at the Guest House while checking out. Tea and snacks will be served free to all participants.


Certificates of recognition will be given to all participants.


bodhi s.r and Biswaranjan Tripura
Faculty Members
Center for Social Justice and Governance
School of Social work
Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai

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