Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI

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Industrial Relations Conclave 2019


Sept. 6, 2019 10:00AM - Sept. 7, 2019 6:00PM

Venue: New Conference Hall, Old Campus, TISS Mumbai

For more details: Download Brochure

Registration Link: https://support.tiss.edu/conf_regi_form/

The conclave will provide a forum for industry professionals, academicians, legal practitioners, IR thought leaders and students from across the country to exchange their thoughts and perspectives on the latest challenges in the IR landscape of India. The conclave will consist of panel discussions & lectures by experts, interactive sessions & paper presentation from students of leading B-Schools of India. Through this, we intend to spearhead the next phase in the discourses surrounding IR and Labor welfare in the context of rapidly changing industry realities of 21st century.

For queries, contact:

Prof. NS Iyer - +91 9820616110 (iyersubba@gmail.com)

Dr. Johnson Minz - +91 8080788259 (johnson.minz@tiss.edu)

Registration Fee for Delegates*

Corporate Professionals - Rs 5000/- +18% GST Charges

Faculty, Academicians & Executive PG Students - Rs 2500/-  + 18% GST charges

Students - Rs 1000/-

* Registration fee includes refreshments & lunch for both days and a delegate kit

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