Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI

Philosophical Themes In Education: Experience, Epistemology, Ethics


Feb. 13, 2024 - Feb. 15, 2024

Venue: Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai

Philosophical Themes of Education

We are excited to present a 3-day workshop hosted by the Centre of Excellence in Teacher Education, TISS Mumbai, titled Philosophical Themes in Education: Experience, Epistemology, Ethics

This will be an unique opportunity to explore the intersection of philosophy and education and to engage with cutting-edge ideas and internationally recognized faculty. The workshop will be of interest to doctoral scholars and early career researchers. However, it is also open to those interested in the focus area and topics.

The workshop will be facilitated by Prof Sundar Sarukkai, Prof Gopal Guru, Prof Mythili Ramchand and Dr Richa Sharma. Participants will have the opportunity for selected work to be included in a published monograph.

πŸ—“οΈ 13th to 15th Feb 2024

πŸ“TISS campus, Mumbai

Please see the poster for more information and fill out this form https://bit.ly/CETE-PTE to apply!

For more information contact Shabari Rao at mp2021ed001@stud.tiss.edu

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