Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI

Design Thinking Course 2023


Nov. 2, 2023 - Nov. 5, 2023

Venue: TISS

We're excited to open applications for a Design Thinking Course which will be conducted from 2nd November to 5th November, 2023. This course will equip and train participants in the creative process of designing technology-based solutions for a pertinent educational problem. Participants will be encouraged to identify and work with a teaching-learning issue emerging from their context. Through hands-on design experiences, participants will create a prototype for their tools/materials, test it and move towards another iteration of the same. Candidates will continue to work remotely on their designs and complete all tasks online to earn a course certificate.

To know more about the eligibility criteria, please check the poster, and fill the application form using this link - https://bit.ly/CETE_DT2023

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