Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI

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Management Development Programme on Diversity & Inclusion in Organisations


Sept. 14, 2017 10:00AM - Sept. 16, 2017 5:00PM

Venue: TISS, Mumbai

A special workshop about leveraging diversity & inclusion in organisations - brought to you by the Centre for Social & Organisational Leadership, C SOL.

Who should attend:

  • Individuals in leadership positions such as heads of businesses and functions
  • Leaders of the diversity & inclusion practice in organisations and heads of HR & OD functions\

Why this programme is important:

Around the world, organisations seem to be making efforts to incorporate diversity and to create cultures of inclusion. However, the motivations behind these efforts are varied, as are the outcomes. For some organisations, diversity & inclusion (D&I) reflects their values of affirmative action. Such organisations may not seek any business outcomes from D&I. For some other organisations, D&I might be a fashionable trend that cannot be avoided. For yet other organisations, D&I might serve as a lever to sustainable and superior performance.

The path to embedding various types of diversity in one’s organisation is not easy. Increasing diversity can increase transaction costs of communication; it can weaken collaboration; it can lead to mistrust and conflict. Ultimately, it can lead to exclusion and poor organisational performance. This programme will help participants explore effective means of implementing diversity & inclusion in their organisations.


This workshop has been designed to explore academic research and contemporary practices surrounding the topic of D&I. We will examine the relationship between diversity and business strategy. Participants will consider how diversity can be embedded into their organisational cultures. Participants will also have the opportunity to explore their personal prejudices - especially those that might exist at the subconscious level. There will be sessions to examine various types of diversity, including: gender, sexuality, disability and generation. In addition, there will be a special session on the law against sexual harassment at the workplace.


Rs. 40,000/- inclusive of taxes, per participant (non-residential). Outstation participants are welcome to stay in the TISS guesthouse (subject to availability) at additional fees. Please note: the workshop ends around 3pm on September 16, 2017.


Dr. Sasmita Palo is a professor with the School of Management and Labour Studies, TISS. She has published extensively in national and international refereed journals. She has headed various research projects. Her areas of specialisation are diversity management and organisation behaviour. At this workshop, Dr. Sasmita Palo will address topics such as types of diversity, the fundamentals of inclusion, and implementing a diversity & inclusion agenda.

Dr. Noel Machado is a visiting professor at the School of Management and Labour Studies - and the Advisor for Industry-Academia collaboration at the Centre for Social & Organisational Leadership, TISS. He was formerly the head of HR consulting with Ernst & Young, Mumbai, and VP human resources with Accenture, India. At this workshop, Dr. Noel Machado will address the relationship between diversity, business strategy & innovation, and the means of embedding diversity into organisational cultures.

Dr. Asha Bajpai is a professor of Law at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies and Human Rights in the School of Law, Rights and Constitutional Governance, TISS. She is recognised as an international expert on child rights and gender justice. She has helped draft the Indian law against sexual harassment. She has been involved in training of judges, police, government officials, NGOS and public prosecutors. At this workshop, Dr. Asha Bajpai will facilitate a session about the Indian law against sexual harassment at the workplace.



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