Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI

Clairvoyance 2024


Jan. 7, 2024 - Feb. 8, 2024

Venue: Convention Centre, New Campus, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai

Welcome to Clairvoyance 2024!


With a legacy of 25 years, the Organising committee brings to you the 26th year of the National Annual Health Conference as hosted by the School of Health Systems Studies of TISS, Mumbai. The official dates for the conference are the 7th and 8th of February, 2024. The official venue for the conference is the Convention Centre, New Campus, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.




Health: Today and Beyond: Fostering Conversations and Navigating the Future of Wellness


In its 26th edition, Clairvoyance 2024 continues its legacy of providing a unique space for thought leaders and healthcare enthusiasts to unravel the intricacies of health systems. This year's conference serves as a focal point for examining critical issues in healthcare, fostering dialogue, and envisioning the trajectory of the field.

Be part of this unparalleled opportunity to shape the narrative of healthcare's future. Clairvoyance 2024 is not just a conference; it's a journey toward envisioning and creating a resilient and inclusive healthcare landscape for generations to come.

Clairvoyance 2024 invites participants to reflect on the evolving theme: "Health: Today and Beyond." Building on the foundation laid by the 26th edition's theme, This conference seeks to go beyond celebration and delve into the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in the ever-changing healthcare environment.

The sub-themes of the conference are as follows:

  1. Innovations to Reach the Last Mile: Explore the forefront of healthcare innovation, delving into the Future of Digital Health and navigating the complexities of Data Privacy.

  1. Panel Discussion: Scaling up the Digital Health Revolution

  • Development to Deployment to Nationwide scale up – India’s digital health transformation journey.

  • Digital Public goods to reach the unreached.

  • Data-driven policy making in digital health.

  • Addressing the three pillars of Digital health – Individualisation, Interoperability and data privacy

  1. Keynote Speech: Uncover the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence in reshaping the healthcare landscape.

  • Venturing Artificial Intelligence to Provide Quality Healthcare Services.

  1. Leaving No One Behind: Promote Equitable and Inclusive Healthcare by understanding the pivotal role of Human Resources in Health.

  1. Panel Discussion: Addressing Human Capital in Health: A Comprehensive Exploration of Human Resources for Health

  • Human Resource Challenges in the Public Healthcare System.

  • Addressing Diversity in the Public Health Workforce.

  • Dynamics of human resource planning, increasing attrition rates, policies, diversity of the healthcare workers in Private Hospitals.

  • How does human Resource Management work in Government hospitals?

  1. Keynote Speeches: Voices from the Margins: Amplify Voices of the Margin, shedding light on the unique healthcare challenges faced by tribal communities and individuals affected by stigmas related to leprosy and tuberculosis.

  • Mental Health: Beyond the Binary.

  • A Journey through the Health System.

  • Lived Experiences with the Indigenous Communities.

  1. Sustainable and Resilient Health Systems: Navigate the future of Green Hospitals and delve into strategies for Sustainable Healthcare.

  1. Keynote Speeches: Green Hospitals

  • Healthcare Leadership for Resilience and Recovery : Green Hospitals.

  • Transforming Public Hospital to Green Hospital: Need of the hour?

  1. Panel Discussion: One health: Interconnected Health Challenges and Transformative Solutions: Explore the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health through the lens of One Health, contributing to resilient health systems.

  • Role of animals (wild and domestic) in the transmission of infectious diseases to humans.

  • The emergence and consequences of antimicrobial resistance, emphasising its global impact on human and animal health.

  • Environmental factors that contribute to the emergence and spread of diseases.

  • Challenges while implementing One health strategies and the possible solutions to overcome these barriers

  1. Securing India’s Health and Making it a Political Priority: UHC models: Make Health a Political Priority by examining successful models and identifying areas for improvement in Universal Health Care (UHC).

  1. Panel Discussion: What’s working? What’s not? What’s next?

  • Policy learnings for India from the South East Asian Countries in the UHC movement.

  • Good Health at Low Cost: The Tamil Nadu Model.

  • Where are we in Universal Health Care: Public opinion discourse.

  • Way forward; From Aspirations to Action - Implementing a sustainable UHC model for India

  1. Keynote Speeches: Power and Price: Shaping Policies for Affordable & Safe healthcare in India’s booming Pharmaceutical Age: Analyse the intricate dynamics of Power and Price, shaping policies for affordable and safe healthcare in India's burgeoning Pharmaceutical Age.

  • Addressing Drug Pricing Policies in India's Pharmaceutical Industry

  • Learning from Bitter Truths: Reimagining GMP Compliance for a Robust and Responsible Pharma Industry.

The organising committee has also opened up the opportunity to participate in five competitions where interested delegates can showcase their talents and skill sets:

  • Think AI: Business Model Competition

Topic: Optimising Future of AI through healthcare

  • CineCut: Short Film Competition

Topic: Health As you see it

  • PaperPinnacle: Paper presentation competition

Topic: Themes and sub-themes of Clairvoyance 2024

  • Resilience Canvas: Poster Competition

Topic: Sustainable and Resilient Healthcare systems

  • QuizZERIA: Quiz Competition

Topic: Healthcare

Come be a part of this unparalleled opportunity to shape the narrative of healthcare's future. Clairvoyance 2024 is not just a conference; it's a journey toward envisioning and creating a resilient and inclusive healthcare landscape for generations to come.

The registration link for the conference and the competitions: Clairvoyance 2024 Registration

The organizing committee will release the conference schedule very soon!

Keep an eye on the website for further updates and details on the conference.





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