Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI

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International Conference on 'Methodological Issues in Social Entrepreneurship Knowledge and Practice': Conference Invite


Jan. 18, 2017 10:00AM - Jan. 20, 2017 6:00PM

As social entrepreneurship is strongly emerging as a field of practice and research, methodological choices and challenges have not been adequately paid attention both by practitioners and the academic community. To bring insights on many such new practices and research ideas, we at the Center for Social Entrepreneurship at the School of Management and Labour Studies, Tata Institute of Social Science, Mumbai, organize an International Conference on the theme Methodological Issues in Social Entrepreneurship Knowledge and Practice from January 18-20, 2017 at Mumbai with the following research questions for discussion,

  • Is complex nature of the subject a methodological issue?
  • Is the current eco-system of social entrepreneurship enough for creating innovative practices?
  • Is advancement of practice compelling scholars to search for new theoretical perspectives?
  • Is research in social entrepreneurship biased towards the success stories?
  • Is social impact the only tool to drive the research in social entrepreneurship?
  • How to conduct macro studies in social entrepreneurship?

We invite practicing managers, academicians, scholars and social workers from your organizations, schools, centers, departments and universities to join us at the Conference as delegates. The Conference will include expert lectures, presentations on scholarly work and practices in social entrepreneurship, open discussions and meeting of South Asian Network of Impact Master (SANIM) – a network of practitioners and academicians to promote ‘social impact’ across the functions in the business enterprises, academic institutions and non-profit organizations.

The conference registration is open now. We request you to register for the conference before 31 December, 2016. The conference registration fee is as follows, which covers conference kit, break fast, lunch, evening tea and snacks and dinner from January 17 evening to January 20, 2017 evening.


Paper Presenters

Non-paper Presenters

Indian INR12000 INR5000 INR15000 INR8000
International USD500 USD250 USD700 USD600

Kindly make the payment of registration fee through demand draft or multi-city cheque drawn in favour of ‘Tata Institute of Social Sciences’ payable at Mumbai, mailed to 'Dr. Edakkandi Meethal Reji, Assistant Professor , Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, School of Management and Labour Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, V N Purav Marg, Deonar, Mumbai 400 088 (Maharashtra)', email: tiss.cse@tiss.edu. 

We have only limited accommodation. Hence you are advised to register in advance. Accommodation will be provided on twin sharing basis for three nights from 17-19 January 2017.


Important dates for authors/ delegates

Registration Opens October 20, 2016
Registration Closes December 31, 2016
Conference January 18-20, 2017


Registration Process: Please send the scanned copy of the filled up registration form given below to tiss.cse@tiss.edu confirming your participation.

In case of any queries, please feel free to write to us in the mail tiss.cse@tiss.edu

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