Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI

Applied Theatre Workshop


Nov. 4, 2023

Venue: Room no. B2, 2nd Floor, Academic Building 2, Naoroji Campus, TISS Mumbai.

Registration link for the workshop is : https://forms.gle/ob2EQAoUY2zrBYSJ7

Applied Theatre Workshop: 

Applied Theatre refers to the practice of using theatre based techniques as tools to discover and learn, to explore issues of concern to communities, to identify problems and actively rehearse solutions and to provoke and shape social change It creates space of deep. listening, care and catharsis

The Applied Theatre workshop creates a space for the participants to experience the tools and devices of Applied Theatre that support participants to share their inner-conflicts, build empathic listening and find newer possibilities and perspectives to re-imagine their personal, social and societal limitations and systemic issues.

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