M.A. (TISS), M.Sc. (LSE, UK), M.Phil. (NIMHANS), Ph.D. (Mumbai), Post Doctorate (Fogarty - NIH Fellow, University of Florida, USA), Post Doctorate (ICSSR), University of Louisville, USA, Dip. Y.E., Dip. Y.T. (Mumbai)
Shankar Das, Ph.D.
Professor and Dean
School of Health Systems Studies,
Tata Institute of Social Sciences
(A Deemed University)
Mumbai - 400 088, India
Contact No. 91-22-25525532 (Office)
Email: dshankar@tiss.ac.in,
Official Website: https://www.tiss.ac.in/view/9/employee/dshankar/
Prof. Shankar Das, Dean, School of Health Systems Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India. He has over three decades of experience as a teacher, trainer, researcher, and human resources development practitioner in the field of health and development. His professional skills mainly include public health, health promotion, primary health care, and professional education; he has extensive experience working at the senior level with and within the Government, Public Sector, academia, and organizations at local, state, national, and international levels. He enjoys working in challenging social, political, and physical environments and can work in a multicultural and multi-disciplinary team. Prof. Das had the opportunity to work in some low and high-income countries, such as India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Norway, Finland, Japan, the UK, and the USA. Since 2008, he has been working as a Professor at the Centre for Health Policy, Planning and Management (CHPPM) in the School of Health System Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, India. During the initial and formative years (2007 to 2014) of the CHPPM, he provided academic leadership and nurtured the center as the Chairperson. He has initiated and developed collaboration with universities in the UK, USA, and Canada wherein he designed and delivered several academic programs including the Study India Programme (SIP) in Social Care Policy and Programme.
He was actively involved in developing the curriculum for several Post-Graduate and doctoral-level professional programs. He teaches various courses such as Global Public Health, Mental Health, Health and Social Care Policy, Leadership and Strategic Management in Health Care, Public Health Research, Community Health, Holistic Health Counselling, Complementary and Alternative Health Practices, etc. for the Master and M.Phil/Ph.D. programs. He is an avid yoga practitioner and a certified yoga educator. He has earned two PG Diplomas in Yoga Education and Yogic Therapy from an esteemed yoga institute. Prof. Das is a disciple of Late Satya Narayana Goenka Ji and is trained in Vipassanā meditation from his early years. He follows his teachings which emphasize the path of liberation that is scientific, non-sectarian, and universal.
He was invited by the World Health Organisation and the Ministry of Health, Union of Myanmar as a Consultant to advise on national capacity building and technical expertise for improving behavioural components of Health care delivery systems in Myanmar. As part of Human Resource Development initiatives, Unilever Bangladesh invited him to design and deliver a series of capacity-building programs for various healthcare professionals in therapeutic and health management. In the year 2009-2010, he was awarded the TISS-LSE Faculty Fellowship to pursue higher studies at the London School of Economics (LSE), UK, and to develop a Master in Public Health in Health Policy, Economics, and Finance at the TISS, India. He was selected as a Research Associate in the PSSU, at the London School of Economics, where he researched Ethnic Minority Patients' Access to Mental Health Services in the United Kingdom. In the year 2011-2012, he was a Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics (LSE) and worked on Mental Health, Long Term Care Policies in UK and India. He was invited as a Visiting Professor at the College of Medicine and College of Education and Social Care, University of Vermont, USA and to teach a summer course on Integrated and Holistic Health Practice for PG students. For several years he has also developed academic collaborations, and cultural exchange programs and worked with the a) University of Vermont, Burlington, USA, b) University of Florida, Gainesville, USA, c) University of Louisville, USA, d) Colombia University, USA, e) State University of New York, f) USA, Stony Brook University, NY, USA, g) London School of Economics (UK), h) University of Sterling (UK), i) University of Warwick, UK, j) University of Laval, Canada etc. In the year 2014, he completed the Post Doctoral research training in chronic non-communicable disorders and diseases across the life span under the Fogarty Post Doctoral Research Fellowship in the Department of Public Health, University of Florida, USA.
Prof. Das worked as a Director of the International Institute of Health Management Research (IIHMR-D), Dwarka, New Delhi until 11th November 2020. IIHMR Delhi is a premier knowledge institution in the country and plays a major role in promoting and conducting research, training, and capacity development in policy and national health programs. During his tenure, he successfully provided visionary leadership and strategic management that led to huge differences by achieving momentous institutional growth and goals. Being a strong team player, he had always worked in collaboration with senior management, faculty, staff, students, and other key stakeholders.
He has widely published his work in reputed peer-reviewed journals and written chapters, and books on diverse areas such as public health, mental health, sustainable development, well-being, and prosperity. The focus of his work is evidence-informed policy and practice across the spectrum of public health issues and strategies.
Positions and Career Highlights
Editor, Mental Health & Human Resilience International Journal (MHRIJ). MedWin Publishers. Indexed in Academic Research Index: ResearchBIb and Advanced Science Index. 2609 Crooks Rd #229 Troy, MI 48084.
Member, Advisory Committee, Indian Journal of Social Science Research and Development (IJSSRD), India.Social Scientist, Ethics Committee, Clinical Research Institute, Fortis Hospitals Ltd., Mumbai, India.
Technical Advisory Committee Member, EKAM Foundation: Healthy Child Healthy Community, India. http://www.ekamoneness.org/about/integrity/technical-committee/
Award for Research Excellence, the Indus Foundation, Indo-Global Education Summit 2017, New Delhi.
Das Shankar (2023). Indian Spirituality, Yoga and Meditation for Humanitarian Professionals: The Way Forward in ‘Theory and Practice of Social Case Work: An Indian perspective’, (In Press, Sage Publication), New Delhi.
Tripathy T., Das Shankar et. al., (2023). Case Studies on Maternal and Newborn Care among Recently Delivered Women of SC Community through the Role of ASHA in Gonda District of Uttar Pradesh, India. Cross Current International Journal of Medical and Biosciences, ISSN: 2663-2446 (Print) & Open Access.
Rao G. and Shankar Das (2023). Reediness and Current Status of Noncommunicable Diseases Clinics in Andhra Pradesh, IJCMPH-8889.
With Tripathy T, Shankar Das et. al., (2023). Poverty, Health, and Integration of Homoeopathy as a Dimension to End Extreme Poverty International Journal of Arts and Social Science www.ijassjournal.com ISSN: 2581-7922, Volume 6 Issue 5.
With Tripathy T, Shankar Das et. al., (2023). Case Studies on State and District Level Stakeholders Perspective on Home Based Newborn Care Program in Uttar Pradesh, India". Journal: Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 2415-6248 (Online) |ISSN 2415-6256 (Print). Publisher: Scholars Middle East Publishers, UAE, Volume: 8, Issue: 5, Page Number: 108-115. Date of Issue: 17-06-2023.
With Tripathy T., Shankar Das et. al., (2023). Mental Disorders and Homoeopathic Healing Approach. (Original Research Paper) Volume 12, Issue 04, April 2023, Print ISSN No. 2277-8160, DOI: 10.36106/gjra.
With Tripathy T., Shankar Das (2023). Exercise, Diet, Homoeopathy- a Healing Triad of Resistant Hypertension. East African Scholars Journal of Medical Sciences, ISSN: 2617-4421 (Print) & ISSN: 2617-7188 (Online) Published by East African Scholars Publisher, Kenya Volume-6 | Issue-5 | May-2023 | DOI: 10.36349/easms. 2023.v06i05.001
With Tripathy T, Shankar Das et. al., (2023). Exercise, Diet, Homoeopathy- a Healing Triad of Resistant Hypertension. East African Scholars Journal of Medical Sciences. ISSN: 2617-4421 (Print) & ISSN: 2617-7188 (Online) Published by East African Scholars Publisher, Kenya Volume-6 | Issue-5 | May-2023 | DOI: 10.36349/easms. 2023.v06i05.001
With Tripathy T., Shankar Das et. al., (2023). Homeopathic Approach in Thyroid Issues Induced by COVID-19. Saudi Journal of Medicine, ISSN 2518-3389 (Print) | ISSN 2518-3397 (Online) Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
With Tripathy T., Shankar Das et.al., (2023). A Quartet of Adolescent Health -WIFS, Diet, Menstrual Blood Loss, De-worm, and Homeopathy. Indian Journal of Research. Volume – 12, Issue - 04, April - 2023, Print ISSN No. 2250 - 1991 | DOI : 10.36106/paripex, Original Research Paper -Public Health.
With Tripathy T., Shankar Das et.al., (2023). Homoeopathy in Nutritional Issues Induced by COVID-19 Crisis and Beyond, International Journal of Scientific Research. Volume – 12, Issue – 04, April – 2023, Print ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
With Tripathy T., Shankar Das et.al., (2023). Dealing Fatty Liver Through HHH-‘Homeopathy and Hepatic Health Care. SAR Journal of Medicine. ISSN 2707-773X (P), ISSN 2709-6920 (O) https://sarpublication.com/journal/sarjm/home. DOI: 10.36346/sarjm.2023.v04i03.00
Since 1989 he has been teaching several courses such as Global Public Health, Public Health Management, Mental Health, Foundation of Social Care Policies, Current Issues in Health Policy, Community Health, Holistic Health Counselling, Organizational Behavior, Social Case Work, Therapeutic Work with Individual, Groups, and Families, Social Service in Hospitals, Advanced Psychiatric Seminar, Human resource management, Social research, Sexuality, Reproductive health, Yoga, Training technology etc. mainly at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences and as a visiting faculty to various universities, Govt. agencies, and Non-Governmental Organizations in India and abroad.