Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI

Shri. Ravi Sharma, Chief Guest delivering the 84th Convocation Address at TISS

Shri. Ravi Sharma, Chief Guest delivering the 84th Convocation Address at TISS

Good morning, everyone !

Dear Chancellor Prof. D.P. Singh, Vice Chancellor Prof. Manoj Kumar Tiwari, Registrar Shri Narendra Mishra, Deans, Heads of Departments, faculty members, staff members , parents, friends from media and most importantly, the graduates, postgraduates, and doctorates of Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
It is truly a privilege to stand before you on this special day. I am deeply honored to address you at this milestone moment of your life—your convocation.
First and foremost, congratulations to all of you !
This day is yours and belongs to all of you , I would like everyone to rise and put your hands together for all those , who are receiving a degree today , for all graduates , post graduates and doctorates- as a mark of congratulations and best wishes for life .
Thank you !
You are on the cusp of receiving your degrees, a well-deserved recognition of your hard work, determination, and accomplishments. Today is a day to celebrate, but also to reflect on the support of those , who have journeyed with you—your parents, your teachers , your mentors , and your friends—whose guidance and encouragement have played a vital role in your success. So take a moment in thanking them and be grateful to them .
As I look at you today, I’m reminded of my own graduation day from IIT Roorkee, almost 40 years ago. Though the years have passed, the memory feels fresh, as if it was just yesterday. And I do believe that many years from now, you too will look back at this moment of today with the same sense of nostalgia.
TISS is Asia’s oldest institution , precisely 88 years old , dedicated to the study of social sciences, a discipline as precise and impactful as the sciences themselves. I salute to the spirit and vision of Tata’s to set up something like this way back when no one in India was really focusing on the societal reconstruction though such education for the social sector . This prestigious institute has produced exceptional leaders, CEOs, managers, and social change-makers . Today, you are also joining their ranks—a moment of pride and responsibility for you !
As human being , we form deep connections with the places where we learn the most—your childhood , your schools and colleges are among those sacred places. Wherever we learn most , we remember and cherish that most . Here, not only you have learnt but also have lot of shared experiences with classmates who, like you, are learning, growing, and preparing to take flight into the new world. These bonds, forged in the fires of shared learnings & experiences, are some of the strongest bonds you will ever have. Cherish them and nurture these relationships with warmth and sincerity, for they will be lifelong.
The world is passing through challenging times , when prosperity is rising but humanity is really taking a beating . After being CEO of large corporations for more than 14 years , I had decided to leave my corporate career at the age of 50, to dedicate myself to the causes of this humanity - nation-building, societal development, and environmental preservation. Initially, I thought the greatest challenge was education, and I worked towards transforming schools in rural areas. However, I soon realized that even in nations with high levels of education, problems persist. This led me to a deeper realization: the world’s greatest challenge is not education, but the diminishing presence of goodness.
We all want goodness around us to be happy but we have created a world , where we only appreciate success and people do what they get appreciated for !
We live in a world that celebrates success, often measured solely by wealth, while the goodness is often neglected and therefore , in absence of appreciation, the value of goodness has diminished . It is because of shrinking of goodness that people are more stressed, angry , depressed , and anxious , even as our GDP grows. I believe this decline in goodness is the root cause of many of the world’s problems.
This realization became the foundation of my initiative, Mission Chetna and it took upon itself the mission of spreading goodness . Mission Chetna selects individuals , who work selflessly for society, and provide them with emotional, intellectual, and financial support. Chetna helps them grow into independent NGOs. We call these individuals , Chetna Heroes . Mission Chetna has supported many Chetna Heroes and in turn has incubated , nurtured and supported more than 50 NGOs across 12 states in India, impacting the lives of 10 million people.
Today , as I stand before you, I see Chetna Hero in each one of you - ambassadors of goodness ready to solve the problem of diminishing goodness .
You are fortunate to be graduating , when India is transforming itself , you are fortunate to graduate from such an eminent institution like Tata Institute of Social Sciences and most importantly , You are uniquely fortunate to have the opportunity to make spreading goodness the foundation of your professional life ! Only few are blessed with such a meaningful path , where you can practice goodness as part of your career . In this pursuit of goodness , if you work with genuine passion, not only will you change society, but you will also transform yourself into a better human .
Any country can be viewed through two lenses: economic growth, represented by GDP index and the true societal progress, by the "PPP index." You may not have heard of this term because I coined it, but it is the PPP that reveals the real character of a nation.

The first "P" stands for Poverty—the condition of the bottom 10% of the population. The second "P" stands for Pollution—the quality and state of our air, water, and soil.
The third, and most crucial "P," is Personal Social Responsibility—the level of sensitivity and commitment individuals show towards their environment and fellow citizens.

While India has made strides in GDP growth, it faces significant challenges when viewed through the lens of PPP.

I urge you all to commit to being agents of change in improving this PPP. Even if your career may not directly involve social work, keep the spirit of service alive. Contribute to society not just through your profession, but as a way of life. Remember, goodness is shrinking, and destiny has placed you in a unique position as ambassadors of goodness, with a mission to spreading goodness , wherever you are !

Be an ambassador of change for a new India—it needs you now more than ever.

You have the energy and knowledge to become the change maker - change the lives of bottom 10% , change the quality of air water and soil of India for the better and spread the awareness of personal social responsibility in one and all .

India is progressing rapidly, capturing global attention with its consistent growth. At this pace, the dream of a "Viksit Bharat," as envisioned by our Hon’ble Prime Minister, is well within reach. It will indeed be a moment of great pride. However, if we fail to improve the fabric of our society through the PPP framework, the generation of 2047 will hold you and us accountable for its decay. So, take responsibility now and help transform the texture of PPP in our country.

As one of India’s most esteemed institutions, TISS should lead the way in addressing this challenge. I propose that TISS introduce short-term online social science courses for all NGO workers as well as for every Indian youth . Through these courses , the NGOs will become more efficient as majority of employees of Indian NGOs are not formally educated in social sciences and the youth will become more conscious of their responsibilities towards society . These programs should combine online learning with fieldwork opportunities in collaboration with NGOs. If TISS can implement these courses to 20-30 million young people and NGO workers within the next 5-7 years, it would be a game changer for Indian society and I believe TISS owes this to our great country .
You all are beginning a new chapter in life—one that offers both freedom and the opportunity to explore and achieve success. While each of you is striving for success, I encourage you to take a moment to define what success means to you at the start of your career, rather than later.

Based on my experience, here are a few suggestions:m for a successful life :

1. Create a Vision & Mission for Your Life -

Whenever you start any journey you know the destination . Seldom you start a journey without destination in mind . Same is true about the journey of life . I believe that this is the right time for you to create the roadmap of your life - vision and mission of your life .
Even a small startup requires a vision and mission to secure funding. So think beyond your career—consider your life as a whole. Defining your goals will significantly increase your chances of achieving them. Remember - starting with a clear direction will guide your decisions and help you prioritize what truly matters to you - whether it's success, peace, money, health, relationships, happiness, satisfaction or all of them . Remember you would get in life what you clearly define and strive for !
Whatever you will try - you may succeed or fail but whatever you will decide will happen .

2. Prioritize Your Health

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health in four dimensions:
- Physical
- Mental
- Social
- Spiritual
Physical Health : Rakesh Jhunjhunwala , the famous stock broker and a man of 50,000 crore , while confined to wheel chair in his sixties had once said “My worst investment has been my health.” You please Don’t make the same mistake. Life is too short to learn at the cost of one’s own life - learn from others life and commit at least 30 minutes each day to take care of your physical health.
Mental Health : Mental well-being comes from being present in every moment. Aligning your actions with your values reduces internal conflict and brings mental clarity. Consider meditation, which has been proven to improve focus and energy. For those interested, explore "Heartfulness" meditation, which operates globally.
Social Health : The quality of your relationships defines the quality of your life. Build relationships based on trust, respect, and integrity. Stay connected with your friends, nurture your relationships with family, and surround yourself with people , who challenge you to grow. Most importantly, build an honest relationship with yourself—your inner dialogue shapes your life. Your passion and your values are the true guide . The studies have shown that happiness in your life depends on the quality of relationships - with people and with nature !
Spiritual Health : Spirituality is about understanding your purpose and connecting with your inner self. This isn't about religion but finding meaning and peace within. Explore spiritual literature, find a mentor, and embrace practices that enrich your soul. Spiritual growth complements worldly success, bringing deeper fulfillment.
3. Uphold Integrity

Integrity is the foundation of trust in both personal and professional relationships. It strengthens bonds, builds reliability, and enhances your reputation. In the workplace, integrity makes you a valued team member, while in life, it creates lasting trust with those around you. Start with the simplest yet the most difficult - do what you say . Start with small acts and you would realise the difference it makes to your life by enhancing the power of your words .

4. Strive for Excellence

Focusing on excellence, not success, is the key to growth. To achieve excellence, you must learn quickly and adapt. The faster you learn, the further you go. Therefore remember a golden rule and strive for it - it will give you any success - learn fast . Learn to learn fast . Learn to learn to learn fast . Don’t only learn things about skills for career but also learn skills for a great life . Learn to listen effectively , learn to communicate , learn to accept failure and to recover from it with greater resolution , learn not to get disappointed rather learn to be self motivated and motivate others , learn to respect , learn to appreciate , learn to understand and stand for your values , learn to be always present in the moment , learn to remain curious , learn to treat criticism constructively , learn courage & grace , learn to take risk , learn to believe that your past is not connected to your future but the future is dependent on present , learn to care , learn to trust , learn to love , learn to support , learn to collaborate, learn to be kind humble and generous , learn to be grateful , learn to share and most importantly learn to be yourself - that’s the key learning . Learn to achieve excellence in what ever you do - whatever - make excellence a passion a habit and I guarantee - Success will follow you .
5. Stay Humble and Human
Remember that success is often a result of many factors, including destiny and the support of others. Stay humble in success and resilient in failure. Practice kindness, generosity, and humility to lead a happy and balanced life - a great life !
Every great person is successful but every successful person is not great . What’s the difference - human qualities - kindness , integrity , generosity , caring and sharing !
At the core of this issue is the decline of human values and a lack of responsibility among citizens towards the nation and the environment.
I encourage you to contribute to the nation by helping solve societal challenges and raising awareness of PSR. Personal success is important, but giving back to the community enriches both your life and the nation. Soon, you’ll be among the top earners in the country—think about how you can help the bottom 10%
In conclusion, this is your time—embrace it, cherish it, and use it to benefit yourself, your family, your organization, and most importantly, your nation.
Let me also share the 9 mantras of my life -
  1. Life is not a 100 meter race but a marathon so prepare for it accordingly . The loss of 100 meter doesn’t define the outcome of marathon.
  2. Whatever you try , you may succeed or fail but whatever you decide will happen . If it doesn’t happen then you have not decided .
  3. There are only 2 kind of people - people who can do it and people who have done it - belong to the second category.
  4. Also there are only two kind of people - poor and rich - all those who only take care of their families are poor , rich are those who take care of others selflessly - so become rich .
  5. Alway be quality conscious and most about the quality of money you bring home - bad quality money will spoil the quality of your life in terms of peace and happiness. So earn honest money .
  6. Whether you would win or loose a race depends on your purusharth but which race you would be in depends on your blessings so earn blessings . Remember blessings can’t be given they have to be earned .
  7. Sentiments without commitment are like words without meaning - so be committed to your words alway !
  8. Love people and use things - don’t do otherwise .
  9. Relationships are essence of life . Love is like water , care is like air and respect is like soil for the plant of relationship . Relationships based on respect are the one to last !
Thank you for your attention, and I hope you found something valuable in these words.
Let me end with a verse I wrote for my foundation, Mission Chetna, which inspires me every day: 
ग़र चाहो तो तुम भी कुछ कर जाओ,
या फिर औरों की तरह यूँ ही गुजर जाओ,
उठाओ हाथ तुम भी मदद में औरों की,
या फिर यूँ ही जिओ और यूँ ही मर जाओ !!
Once again, congratulations to all of you. I wish you a successful career and a fulfilling life ahead !
Before I end , I would like all of you to rise once more and put your hands together last time in this campus for your teachers , parents , mentors and your friends !
Thank you . My best wishes and blessings to all of you !
Jai Hind !!
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