Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI

Students Activities

DS PRESS: DS press is a series of discussion sessions organized by the MA students (both 1st and 2nd year). Various issues of national and global relevance have been discussed in this forum. Prior to the discussion the organizers would provide light readings as well so that informed stands can be taken to have a healthy debate. A few important themes disused in this forum are,

Should prostitution be legalized or decriminalized in India,Understanding the Refugee Crisis in Europe, Syria and around the World: Whose responsibility is it? , Censorship in India - The CBFC Controversy - Questions of Free Speech and Expression in India, Juvenile Justice Bill: Regressive or Responsive, Alcohol Ban: Reasons and Consequences, Nationalism and SeditionCreative Expression: Should literature, or any piece of art/entertainment have to justify itself in terms of aesthetic or politics?, Uniform Civil Code: Is India ready? How relevant are the environmental arguments for banning beef? ,Culture of Protest, GST : Opportunities and Challenges etc.


DS-AV is a student initiative where award winning documentaries centeredon social and economic issues of relevance are screened. Each screening is followed by a discussion session which involves both students and faculty participation.

Few important films screened during this session are:

  • Supermen of Malegaon, directed by Faiza Ahmed Khan
  • Kakkoos, directed by DivyaBharath
  • FourHorsemen, directed by Ross Ashcroft

Glimpses from the academic year 2018-19

  • Student Exchange Programs

Students of MA-Development studies benefited from Foreign University Exposures at University of Sydney and Keel University, the UK in the recent past. Students from the MA-Natural Resource and Governance program got selected and participated in the Birmingham International Summer School 2018 on International Environment.

  • Competency Development Workshops for Students

The school has organized workshops and talks as part of the course work enabling them to develop a detailed understanding of the following topics:

•           Demystifying Government Budget - Budget Concepts, Processes and Analysis

•           Women’s Autonomy: The question of Childbirth

•            Agrarian distress in Telangana

•           Reclaiming the Republic

•           Application of ‘R’ in Social Science Research

•           Understanding National Family Health Survey (NFHS) data and its applications

•           Finance for non-finance: Two-day workshop on Financial Management

  •  Engagement with the State

The School has been engaged in working with the Government especially of the two Telugu states Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. It provides support through knowledge engagement-field based studies, capacity building of stakeholders, and so on. TISS-Hyderabad is the knowledge partner for the Statewide study of the Socio, Economic, and Political Status of Scheduled Caste population in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The faculties were engaged in designing the study and study tools and training the resource persons engaged in data collection.

  • Outreach and Capacity Building

As a part of its Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU), TISS-Hyderabad off-campus conducted Faculty Development programs for the faculty of PJTSAU. The program titled ‘People-Centric Development’ covered various aspects related to Livelihoods and Livelihood promotion of small farm producers through market integration and promoting farm producers. About 90 faculty of PJTSAU participated in this program conducted across three different locations of Telangana State in three batches

The faculties and students from the school actively participated in DST-FICCI Global R&D Summit 2019, Organized by FICCI from 21st-22nd February 2019. As a knowledge partner of this summit the students of the School of Livelihood and Development shouldered the responsibility of documenting the conference proceedings. 

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