Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI


Kharbanda, D., & Khunyakari, R. (2023). Analyzing Young Children’s Thinking on Design Problems Embedded in Story Contexts. Early Childhood Education Journal. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10643-023-01551-2

M. Ramchand, R. Khunyakari & A. Bose (Eds.) (2023). Learning without Burden - A quarter of a century after the Yashpal Committee Report: Where are we and what have we learnt? India: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group. International and South-Asian editions. DOI: 10.4324/9781003046059

Singh, G. & Khunyakari, R. (2023). Analysing scaffolds in learning systems concepts in school biology. Contemporary Education Dialogue, 20(1), 17-38. https://doi.org/10.1177/09731849221145748


Khunyakari, R. (2022). Toys, Design and Technology: Intergenerational connects and embodied cultural practices. In Mishack T. Gumbo & P. John Williams (eds.). Indigenous Technology Knowledge Systems: Decolonizing the Technology Education Curriculum. Singapore: Springer Nature Pte Ltd.

Khunyakari, R. (2022). Enkindling “gestaltic” stimulation of knowledge encounters through perspectives in practice: Affordances of design-based concept learning. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 27(1), 154-161. https://ojs.lboro.ac.uk/DATE/article/view/3178


Khunyakari, R. (2021). Tasks for mediating the process of knowing and learning to design and make. Techne Series A: Research in Sloyd Education and Craft Science, 28(2), 357-366. https://journals.oslomet.no/index.php/techneA/article/view/4336

Khunyakari, R. (2021). Cultural metaphors as means to contextualised understanding of child and childhood. Children & Society, 35(4), 613-629. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/chso.12457?af=R

P. M. Sarangapani, R. Pappu (eds.), (2021). Handbook of Education Systems in South Asia. Global Education Systems. Singapore: Springer, https://link.springer.com/referencework/10.1007/978-981-13-3309-5

Sarangapani, P.M, Pappu R. (2021). Education systems in South Asia: An Introduction. In P. M. Sarangapani, R. Pappu (eds.), Handbook of Education Systems in South Asia. Global Education Systems. Singapore: Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-3309-5_77-1


Joshi, P. K., Jain, Y., Khunyakari, R., & Basu, S. (2020). An Alternative Approach to Calculate Discriminative Index. GPG Journal of Science Education, 1(1), 24-37. http://www.gpglobalize.in/vol-1-july-sept2020.html

Khunyakari, R. (2020). Modelling in design-and-make: Synthesis of biological cell into a board game. In K. Mashood, T. Sengupta, C. Ursekar, H. Raval and S. Dutta (Eds.) Proceedings of epiSTEME-8: International Conference to Review Research in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, 475-483, HBCSE, Jan 03-06. India, Mumbai: Gaurang Publishing Globalize Pvt. Ltd.

Pappu R. (2020). Gender Equity in Education: Changes and Challenges in South Asia. In P. M. Sarangapani, R. Pappu (eds.), Handbook of Education Systems in South Asia. Global Education Systems. Singapore: Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-3309-5_35-1

Pappu R., Vasanta D. (2020).Child Labor and Education in South Asia. In P.M. Sarangapani, R.Pappu (Eds) Handbook of Education Systems in South Asia. Global Education Systems. Singapore: Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-3309-5_73-1


Karandikar, R. & Khunyakari, R. (2019). Experimental activities in the article, A Milky Way To Learn Biology. iWonder, 3, 43-46, Azim Premji University. https://azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in/publications/2019/magazine/iwonder-issue-3

Khunyakari, R. (2019). Analysing ‘values’ in collaborative development of D&T education units. In Sarah Pule & Marc de Vries (Eds.) Proceedings PATT 37: Developing a knowledge economy through technology and engineering education. Dept. of Technology and Entrepreneurship Education, University of Malta, Msida.

Mehendale, A., Velugu, B., Ramchand, M., & Sawhney, S. (2019). N for Nose: Status of the Education Report for India 2019; Children with Disabilities. UNESCO, New Delhi. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000368780.locale=en

Pappu R. (2019). Women’s Education and Social Reform in India: Creating ‘Angels’ in the House? Voices of Teachers and Teacher Educators. 8 (1), 50 - 58.

Pappu R., & Sawhney S. (2019). Building Effective School Libraries: Lessons from the Study of a Library Program in India. International Information & Library Review, 51 (3), 217-230, DOI: 10.1080/10572317.2018.1526617


Pappu R. (2018). The Gender of English in India. In T.V. Kumar (Ed.), People’s Linguistic Survey of India, Volume 37 English and Other International Languages. Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan.

Sawhney, S. (2018). Tokenisation of children’s right to safe and protected environments – Indian teachers’ perspectives on school corporal punishment. In G.M. Sainz. & S. Ilie (Eds.), International Perspectives on Practice and Research into Children’s Rights. (pp.111-137). USA: Centre for Human Rights Studies. https://cedhmx.org/index.php/publicaciones/


Khunyakari, R. & Takker, S. (2017). Challenging the notion of confined classrooms: Thinking of education beyond textbooks. The New Leam, Vol III, No.22-23, March- April, 23-27.

Pappu R. (2017). A Humanist among Social Scientists: Some Thoughts on Literature and Social Sciences. In R.Z. Hazel & L. Sridevi (Eds.), English Language and Literature: Critical Perspectives. Hyderabad: GITAM University Press

Sawhney, S. (2017). Understanding the play of tacit social modelling in classroom interactions: A qualitative analysis. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03057925.2017.1339262


Khunyakari, R. & Takker, S. (2017). Challenging the notion of confined classrooms: Thinking of education beyond textbooks. The New Leam, Vol III, No.22-23, March- April, 23-27.

Pappu R. (2016). Review of Education and Society: Themes, Perspectives, Practices (New Delhi: OUP) by Meenakshi Thapan in Contributions to Indian Sociology, 50: 1, pp. 130 – 132.

Parvathy, B.S., & Sawhney, S. (2016). Exploring the role of ICT in enhancing academic self-concept of students labeled as low achievers. In A. Ramakrishna, A. S. Reddy, S. Anuganti, & P. Laxman (Eds.), ICT Management and Challenges. (pp.234-237). Hyderabad: Pragma Publications. ISBN: 978-93-84845-19-3

Takker, S. & Khunyakari, R. (2016). Reimagining the learning landscape. Teacher Plus, 14(2), pp. 42-45.


Khunyakari, R. (2015) Experiences of Design-and-Make Interventions with Indian Middle School Students. Contemporary Education Dialogue, 12(2), 139-176. ISSN: 73-1849, Online ISSN: 2249-5320

Khunyakari, R. (2015). Re-thinking learning and assessment: Some concerns and prospects. Teacher Plus. July [ISSN: 0973-778]

Pappu R. (2015). Review of Contested Politics of Educational Reform in India: Aligning Opportunities with Interest by Manisha Priyam (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2015) in Contemporary Education Dialogue, 14:2, 2017

Pappu R., Goswami N. (2015). Introduction. Indian Journal of Gender Studies. 22 (2), 159 – 169. 

Pappu R. (2015). Towards a Framework for Forging Links: Exploring the Connections between Women’s Education, Empowerment and Employment. Indian Journal of Gender Studies. 22 (2), 300 – 321. 

Sawhney, S. (2015). Unpacking the nature and practices of inclusive education: the case of two schools in Hyderabad, India. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 19(9) 887-907. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13603116.2015.1015178

Sawhney, S. (2015). Disciplinary practices: Understanding stakeholders’ perceptions. In K. S. S. Reddy, R. K. Murthy, P. Shanker, & G. Madhukar (Eds.), Mental Health in Schools. (pp.26-32). Gujarat: Publish World. ISBN: 978-81-92891-05-7

Takker, S. & Khunyakari, R. (2015) Re-imagining classrooms as spaces for learning and professional development of teachers and teacher educators. Voices of Teachers and Teacher Educators, 4(2), 47-53. Delhi: NCTE, MHRD, GoI. ISSN: 2455-1376.

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