Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI

The M.A. programme in Labour Studies and Social Protection (MA LSSP) – introduced at TISS, Guwahati Campus – is aimed to prepare academic experts and professionals in labour studies, policy making and research. This programme is a full time and campus-based programme. The main objective of the programme is to provide an in-depth understanding of the changing nature of employment patterns and employment relations on one hand, and the way in which different socio-economic, political and institutional factors play a role on the other. M.A. programme in Labour Studies and Social Protection, which has a mix of development, employment relations (ER), industrial relations (IR), human resource (HR) corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate governance.

The course highlights the conceptual and theoretical issues concerning the functioning and dynamics of work, labour and livelihood. It does so with an insistence on empirical focus on local transformations in the region. The growth of the informal sector and informal employment in developed as well as developing nations has been increasing in the era of globalization. Hence, how the working class – both in the formal and informal sectors – manage their security needs and these workers are denied the benefits to reduce their deprivation, including benefits from employers, work safety, wages and also state assured benefits, are the prime focus of this course.

Key Features

Focus on perennial problem of unemployment, underemployment and informal employment in developing economies in general, and Indian economy in particular.An in-depth understanding of the conceptual and theoretical understanding of different socio-economic and relevant policy issues pertaining to the labour studies.The course is interdisciplinary in nature that assembles concepts and theories from various disciplines like Economics, History, Law, Political Science and SociologyThe course has strong field work component in terms of internship, field work and writing a dissertation on a labour-related topic to provide a practical grasp of issues.Given the geographical location of the north east campus, students are encouraged to work on various issues pertaining to labour in and around Guwahati in first and third semesters. Students are placed in various organisations for their internship across India.

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