Teachers Education Masters Programme (TEMP)

TEMP Students' Visit to Educational Institutions


Date and time: Nov. 14, 2019 9:00AM - 3:00PM


As a part of MAE(TE) programme, the Afghan Teacher Educators paid a visit to educational institutions on Children's Day. On November 14, 2019, the students visited Sharon English High School and Muktangan in Mumbai.The 40 students were divided in three batches, of which 20 students visited Sharon English High School, 10 visited Muktangan Teacher Training Centre and 10 visited Muktangan school. Each batch were accompanied by one CEIAR team member.

The students started their journey from  the TISS campus. During the bus journey, Afghan students clicked pictures of bridges, markets, tall buildings and highways. One of the students mentioned," The journey from TISS to the school was very enjoyable. There is immense variety in the city, from the high buildings, to the roadside small homes of the poor people, and the traffic system is very systematic . The greenery of the city has made the environment clean and interesting."

The  visiting students were accorded a a warm welcome by the staff of the institutions. The students interacted with teachers,teacher educators, Headmasters and students from all the three institutions and spent time understanding the challenges and successes of the Indian School system.

We are grateful to the Sharon School, the Muktagan School and the Muktangan Training Centre for facilitating this visit, and interacting with them in detail on the different programmes that they offer, the role of teachers and displaying and explaining the resource materials used and made by teachers.