Tata Institute of Social Sciences
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National Conference Every Child's right to Early Childhood Development: Evolving Inclusive Practices


Nov. 23, 2018 10:00AM - Nov. 24, 2018 7:00PM

Venue: New Delhi

“All Children Together!”

Association for Early Childhood Education and Development (AECED) in collaboration with Centre for Early Childhood Education and Developmentv(CECED), Ambedkar University, Delhi

School of Human Ecology announces National Conference “Every Child's right to Early Childhood Development: Evolving Inclusive  Practices" on 23-24 November 2018.

Pre-Conference Workshop & Visits to Innovative Practice Centers in Early Child Care & Education, 22nd November 2018

VENUE: The conference will be held in New Delhi. The address will be updated soon.

Globally, significant efforts have been made towards early childhood and the most recent is the adoption of Global Goals for Sustainable Development. In September 2015, the post 2015 UN Development Agenda, comprising of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was adopted which replaced the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and for the first time placed ECD in global development agenda. The new SDG Goals recognize ECD as an indispensable foundation for sustainable development and children as agents of change when they channel their infinite potential to create a better world. In the words of former United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon: “The Sustainable Development Goals recognize that early childhood development can help drive the transformation we hope to achieve over the next 15 years.” Early childhood development is directly addressed in Sustainable Development Goal 4and It is specifically mentioned in Target 4.2 of Goal 4: “by 2030 ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education”. But SDG commitments to ECD are much broader than this education-focused target. Strengthening early childhood development is key to achieving at least seven of the SDGs, on poverty, hunger, health (including child mortality), education, gender, water and sanitation and inequality. (Woodhead,2016).

There is now enough evidence from child development research, neuroscience research and economic research that the first eight years of childhood, known as the early years, are the most critical period for children’s lifelong growth and development and that investments in this period give the highest returns. Yet, early childhood continues to be neglected as seen in poor investments, weak implementation mechanisms and lack of multi-sectorial coordination. Around 250 million children or 43 percent of all children under the age of five in low and middle income countries are at higher risk of not reaching their developmental potential due to stunting, poverty and disadvantage. Moreover, children in low and middle income countries face many adversities which, together, affect their health,well being and learning though out their lives. This not only has long-term effects on individuals, but also contributes to the cycle of poverty, inequality, and social exclusion that affects all countries (Lancet Papers, 2016)1. Many children fail to reach their full potential because of inadequate care and early stimulation, poverty, malnutrition, poor health and no access or access to poor quality Early Childhood programs.

Child’s Right to Equitable Early Childhood Development

All children have the right to equitable learning opportunities that help them achieve their full potential as engaged learners. There are four different diversities in young children’s lives namely cultural and racial, development, gender and socio-economic (Mac Naughton 2006). Inclusion and participation are essential to human dignity and to the enjoyment and exercise of human rights. Within the field of education which is reflected in the development of strategies that seek to bring about a genuine equalization of opportunity. (The Salamance World Statement (UNESCO 1994:p 11- signed by 92 governments). Inclusion can have many different interpretations depending on the beliefs, values and knowledge of an individual or group. As every individual holds a unique world view of what is right and true, this is bound to have influence on inclusive education and care service provision. The early childhood programs must provide equitable learning opportunities to help children thrive by building on each child’s unique set of individual and family strengths, cultural background, languages, abilities, and experiences. Creating equitable learning opportunities for all children is challenging, given the unresolved structural and institutional inequities in society-caste, culture, language, social and economic status, gender identity and expression, ability status, sexual orientation, religion, immigration status, family structure, age, and body/size. Children begin constructing knowledge of their social identities early in life and therefore early childhood educators and early childhood programs in centres, homes, and schools play a critical role in fostering children’s development of positives social identities. Children’s learning is facilitated most effectively when teaching practices, curricula, and learning environments are strengths based rather than deficit focused and are developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate for each child. It seems indisputable, nonetheless, that attitudes to diversity are being formed among children between three and five years of age and that these attitudes are intimately linked to identity formation.

As we aim to work towards enhancing the well-being of children, the plurality of the environments in which they are embedded and strive to grow is a reality to contend with. Development settings are unique and therefore to what extent the needs and rights of children are met, what are their experiences in growing up and how do children (and so also their families) construct childhood would be areas to explore. Teachers, Parents, school system, and community all face challenges and dilemmas as to how to create environments for holistic development. While much is happening in each field be it nutrition, child health, child protection and education but the child still falls behind its optimum development creating learning gaps, developmental gaps and social gaps.

It’s time to come together to address the child as a whole and therefore a need to bring all fields together to have new thinking, new skills and strengths so that the synergy will strengthen programs and practices and create opportunities for children to grow and develop to their fullest in whichever context they are. Considering this, Association for Early Childhood Education and Development (AECED) and Centre for Early Childhood Education and Development (CECED), Ambedkar University are jointly organizing a national conference on the theme - Every Child’s Right to Early Childhood Development: Evolving Inclusive Practices”.

Association for Early Childhood Education and Development (AECED)

The Association for Early Childhood Education and Development (AECED) is a national body registered in 2008 with its registered office at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. It was formerly known as the Indian Association for Preschool Education (IAPE). IAPE was established in 1964 with the intention of bringing together professionals in the field of early childhood education in the interest of the young child. It was instrumental in empowering concerned adults in creating a joyful childhood for each and every child through professional development workshops and refresher courses for preschool teachers. Considering the diverse demands of the fast-paced socio-economic changes and increasing aspirations of parents and teachers in varied settings, it was imperative to extend the scope of the organization’s efforts. The Association therefore aims to support overall development of children and the professional development of teachers, parents and professionals who work for the well-being of children.

AECED offers a broad spectrum of activities through the year to advocate the child’s right to education. Focus of these programs will aim to build and increase awareness of the young child’s developmental and educational needs as well as promote holistic development of each child in the country. AECED brings out a bi-annual newsletter and plans to publish an e-journal to disseminate research and information on issues. AECED aspires to take a leadership role in developing quality standard systems and evolve appropriate instruments to assess quality and create mechanisms to work with diverse EC settings to enhance quality of programs.

Centre for Early Childhood Education and Development. (CECED)

CECED was established with a mission to contribute to the national goals of social justice and equity by advocating for every child’s right in the first eight years of life, to a sound foundation for learning and development, through developmentally and contextually appropriate Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE). CECED has consistently worked toward this mission in the last seven years through its three major functional areas viz. indigenous research, systemic capacity strengthening and evidence based advocacy with a planned effort to bring research and development, policy and practice within a convergent frame in the field of Early Childhood Care and Education.

Objectives of the Conference:

  1. To develop an understanding of the role of early childhood programmes in addressing equity.
  2. To document best practices for addressing diversity as well as inclusion and develop guidelines for the same.
  3. Bring together researchers, practitioners/civil society organisations, academicians, Government bodies/functionaries/policy makers and funders to build strategies to address inclusive practices.


  • For abstract submission, kindly see the Programme. For Papers, submit an abstract of 350 words;
  • For Posters, an abstract of 200 words or soft copy of the poster needs to be submitted.

Stay Options: (Will be updated soon)

Membership Enrollment

S.NO Membership 1 year 3 years 5 years
1. Institutional 1000/- 2500/- 4000/-
2. Individual 500/- 1200/- 2000/-

*NGOs and Students (with valid Id. Card) - No Charge

The individual and institutional membership forms are attached below.

Pay By:

  1. For renewal of membership, Cheques/Demand drafts have to be drawn in favour of ‘Association for Early Childhood Education & Development’, payable at Mumbai.
    Send by courier/hand delivery to: Honorary Secretary/Treasurer, Association for Early Childhood
    Education & Development, C/o School of Human Ecology, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Naoroji Campus, 5th Floor, Prof. M S. Academic Block, Deonar Farm Road, Deonar, Mumbai – 400088. India.
  2. NEFT/IMPS to Bank Account:
    Account Number- 3040805406
    IFSC Code- CBIN0281725
    Branch Name: Central Bank Of India, Deonar, Mumbai.
    “If the payment is done through NEFT/IMPS, kindly send us the soft copy of the bank transaction clearly showing the member/participant’s name on our mail address.”
  3. Online payment will be available soon.

Conference Registration

S.No Category Pre-Conference Visits & Workshop Conference
1 Members 1500 3000
2 Non-Members 1500 3500
3 NGOs 1500 3500
4 Students 1500 1500

*10% discount for institutional groups of minimum 4 or more participants.

The charges include lunch, two teas/coffees, conference bag and kit material (on pen drive)

For all updates and queries, kindly contact us:

Phone No.- 022-25525342 & 5349.

Email us for all correspondence and submission of the abstracts: aecednationalnew@gmail.com

Website: www.mumbaiaeced.org

Facebook: www.facebook.com/aecedmumbai

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