Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI

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Pangaea 2018


Venue: Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai

MUN 2018The School of Habitat Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai is organizing the 5th edition of Pangaea, its annual school festival on the 19th and 20th of January, 2018. The School of Habitat Studies is cross disciplinary in its approach, drawing from Political Science, Philosophy, Urban Studies, Climate Change, Economics, Environmental Science, among others and offers Masters programs in Climate Change and Sustainability Studies, Regulatory Governance, Urban Policy and Governance, and Water Policy and Governance. The key agenda is creation, dissemination, and application of knowledge and skills useful to planning, design, development, management and governance of habitats.

Pangaea ’18 endeavors to discuss water and its related aspects such as regulation, policy, climate change, sustainability and urban planning. Therefore, the theme ‘Water and We’.

To this end, a Paper Presentation is being organized to discuss varied ideas at the confluence of the various disciplines under Habitat Studies. Prospective authors are invited to submit papers on the same. However, water-related themes besides the aforementioned are also welcome. The 3 best papers will be awarded cash prizes of Rs. 5,000, Rs. 3,000, and Rs. 1,500 respectively.

We invite scholars, researchers, and practitionerswho work along the following themes to submit abstracts of their papers:

  • Water-energy interdependency
  • Energy and water efficiency in supply and sanitation, 
  • WaSH and gender
  • Modelling impacts on aquatic systems / habitats, pollution management
  • Cross-border Water Conflict and cooperation Issues (Inter-state or International)
  • Urban drainage systems
  • Urban Poverty and access to water
  • The commons and water
  • Water and Disaster/disaster risk management
  • Regulatory and Policy challenges in accountability and water loss efficiency
  • Climate change and drought adaptation
  • Water Security
  • Sustainability, Resiliency and Climate Change
  • Climate change: Impacts on WaSH
  • Climate change, Water and migration
  • Climate change and the right to water
  • Water distribution
  • Wastewater and waste management

Important dates:

Last Date for Submission of Extended Abstracts: 5th January, 2018

Communication Regarding Selected Abstracts:8th January, 2018

Last Date for Submission of Full Paper:15th January, 2018

Date of Presentation: 20thJanuary, 2018

Submission Guidelines:

  • Papers must be authored by up to 2 authors.
  • All submissions (Abstract & Full Paper) and queries have to be submitted electronically and mailed to pangaea.tiss@gmail.com
  • The Paper should carry the name of the Author(s), their designation and institution. Email address of the corresponding authors should be clearly mentioned on the paper.
  • Submission to be made as: ‘Paper Presentation_Name of Author(s)_Title of the paper’
  • Paper should be submitted as a word file
    • Font: Times New Roman, 12, single line spacing
    • Citation: Chicago style
  • Word limit of Extended Abstracts: 1000 -1500 words (shall not exceed 1500 words)
  • Length of the Full paper: 4000 - 6,000 words
  • Recognition certificate will be given to all participants and cash prizes will be awarded to the best three papers.
  • Accommodation will be provided for up to 2 members on a shared basis.
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