Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI

TISS Patna Lecture Series on Migration, Lecture-18


July 15, 2021

Venue: Online

Migration Lecture Series, Lecture – 18

 Will the Post-COVID-19 Global Migration of High-skill Labour Immiserize the Global South?

Prof. Binod Khadria

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Abstract of the Lecture

Continuously increasing exodus of highly educated and skilled youth from India dominates the present scenario of international migration. Beginning in the 1990s through the twenty-first century, we have witnessed increased international economic inclusion coexisting with steadily growing exclusion in the Global South. Two striking but contrasting features extending this trend in the Post-COVID-19 era are likely to be the open borders for the highly skilled STEM diasporas on the one hand, and the ever-tightening border controls in the exclusionist polities of destination countries against the unskilled migrants as suspected carriers of the highly infectious coronavirus on the other. By deconstructing the dynamics of what I call “age, wage and vintage” between the sending countries in the Global South and the receiving countries in the Global North, I analyze a "trinity of migration conflicts” that leads to immiserization of the Global South. Can such conflicts be turned into “a smart engagement” across the South Asian countries through south-south cooperation?

Brief Bio of Prof. Binod Khadria

Binod Khadria has served as Professor and Chairperson at the Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in New Delhi, having a trajectory of three decades of teaching, research and publications. Over thirty PhD students successfully completed their degrees under his guidance. A recipient of two prestigious fellowships – the Times of India Fellowship and the Fulbright Senior Fellowship, he has also taught at universities in Australia, Japan, Singapore, Netherlands, Switzerland, France, UK, Ireland, the US; and deliberated on migration issues at the General Assembly of the United Nations in Geneva and New York. In 2017-18, he held the inaugural Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) Chair of Contemporary Indian Studies at Rutgers University, USA and was a key commentator in the processes that led to the United Nations Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration in 2018.

Professor Khadria is the author of The Migration of Knowledge Workers (Sage 1999), based on extensive field surveys in India and the US. He was the Guest-Editor of the special issue of Asian Population Studies on “Skilled Diasporas in Asian Development” (Singapore, 2007). and has authored a number of research papers by ILO, OECD, GCIM, IRD-France, IDE-Japan, Harvard International Review, Encyclopedia of the Indian Diaspora, and so on. He is on editorial boards of several peer-reviewed journals and has himself edited two volumes of India Migration Report (Cambridge University Press 2009; 2012) and co-edited To Europe and Back (Springer 2014). More recently, he was the co-editor of the Sage Handbook of International Migration (London 2019) and the World Migration Report 2020, the UN's biennial flagship by IOM Geneva. He is on advisory boards of several international organizations and think tanks, the International Steering Committee of Metropolis International, co-convener of Metropolis Asia, and a member of the UN-IOM’s Migration Research Leaders Syndicate. He may be contacted at: bkhadria@gmail.com. 

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