Tata Institute of Social Sciences
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NRG Seminar Series:Conservation Through Carbon Market: Myths and Realities


Oct. 22, 2020 4:00PM - 5:30PM

Venue: Zoom https://zoom.us/j/98033792002?pwd=Y05nMVBqdGR1ck4wM0lhUHBTeUtzUT09 Meeting ID: 980 3379 2002 Passcode: 025005

NRG Seminar Series Talk on 22nd October 2020 (Thursday), 4 PM. 

Title:  Conservation Through Carbon Market: Myths and Realities

Speaker: Dr. Ashish Aggarwal, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Lucknow

Dr. Aggarwal has been working on issues related to public policy and sustainable development for more than fifteen years. During this period, he has worked with academic and policy research organisations like University of Manchester; IIED, London and The Energy and Resources Institute.  He has successfully completed several research projects sponsored by World Bank, UNFF, JICA, DFID, GIZ, Government of India and various state governments.

He has advised central and various state governments on natural resources and climate change issues in India. He is a contributing author to Fifth assessment report of Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He has published in peer reviewed journals and have written several book chapters and policy briefs.


Dr. Aggarwal has a PhD from University of Manchester and an MPhil from University of Cambridge, UK 

Moderator:  Ms. Mahroz Afreen , MA NRG, TISS-Hyderabad

Login details to Join Zoom Meeting
https://zoom.us/j/98033792002? pwd= Y05nMVBqdGR1ck4wM0lhUHBTeUtzUT 09

Meeting ID: 980 3379 2002
Passcode: 025005  



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