Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI

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CONVERSATIONS Webinar Series: What is Transformative - Curriculum or Context? - Reflections on experiences of the Avehi Abacus Project'


March 3, 2021 2:00PM - 3:30PM

Venue: Webinar - Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99451226465?pwd=cS9QZlg5bnNXdVFjN1J0MzhVL1pZQT09 Meeting ID: 994 5122 6465 Passcode: 994217

The speaker
Simantini Dhuru has been involved in various human rights and environmental movements as a media activist since 1986. She has made several documentary films that have won both national and international acclaim. Many of these are films centred around the environment, education and justice. She is the Director of the Avehi Abacus Project, a unique initiative in the field of education reaching out to 900 municipal schools in Mumbai as well all Ashram schools in Shahpur project spread across five blocks. (www.avehiabacus.in ) She has been invited to contribute to processes and policies at National and State level.She is also a founding member and National Executive of the All India Forum for Right to Education. She is deeply involved in struggles for repealing the Right to Education Act 2009, to bring in legislation based on an equitable framework - through legal recourse, educational endeavours and film-making. She writes on the issue of justice, society and education in Marathi and English

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