Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI

Webinar on “Challenges and Prospects in Promoting Equality and Advancing Human Rights in India"


Dec. 10, 2021

In the context of International Human Rights Day (10th December 2021), the School of Law, Rights and Constitutional Governance is organising a Webinar themed “Challenges and Prospects in Promoting Equality and Advancing Human Rights in India” with the eminent panel. In this regard, we invite you to attend the Webinar.



Registration link - https://forms.gle/XDmavgQGyjqKtybQA

Join Zoom Meeting - https://zoom.us/j/95174287849?pwd=VW4zZERsc3MwdlJXckNUb3NLdUJOZz09

Meeting ID: 951 7428 7849
Passcode: 013810

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