Call for Papers 2024
TISS Journal of Disability Studies and Research (TJDSR)
Half Yearly Issue, A Peer Reviewed Journal
RNI No. MAHENG/2021/81181
ISSN 2583-603X (PRINT)
(Circulation for Students, Faculty, Researchers, Practitioners, Teachers, PhD Scholars)
TISS Journal of Disability Studies and Research invites research papers for its half yearly issue for June and Dec 2024. The journal calls for manuscripts reporting - original research, case comments, book reviews, empirical studies, grassroot level studies, evidence based studies, educational innovations in relation to persons with disability, disability studies, social policies and law. The Selected papers will be published in June 2024 and Dec 2024 Issue of the Journal.
Call for Papers & Important Dates:
Important dates for the Submission of full Paper:
Theme: Disability Research from Multidisciplinary Perspective
Full paper submission deadline- 30th April 2024
Theme: Disability Studies, Artificial Intelligence, ICT and Assistive Technology
Full paper submission deadline- 30th August 2024
The authors shall base their academic and research papers based on the following sub-themes also for both issues:
Paper Submission Sub Themes:
TISS Journal of Disability Studies and Research is a Journal of multidisciplinary nature. It aims to transcend beyond the traditional boundaries of academic disciplines such as Social Work, Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology, law, Technology, Engineering, Media, Medical Sciences, Rehabilitation Sciences, Social sciences to facilitate and develop disability related knowledge, research and innovative practices from the multidisciplinary perspective. It is peer reviewed/ referred journal of interest to Disability studies professionals, social workers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and hearing professionals, sociologists, special educators, teachers, legal experts, academia, psychologists, human rights professionals, health care experts, scholars in any discipline working in the disability sector, to contribute to the field of disability studies. This Journal attempts to address the contemporary and critical issues of persons with disability across the life span and epistemological questions. The Journal promotes indigenous work, evidence based practice, field based research, and people centred work at grassroots that require scientific enquiry to develop disability studies with bottom up approach. Essentially to understand voices of persons with disability to contribute to the sector and identification of research gaps important for policy makers. Broader aspects are mainstreaming disability in education, livelihood, work, family, community are important towards strengthening their sustainable development. The journal deals holistically with issue of disability studies and inclusion with multidisciplinary lens to create an academic space in disciplines on the subject of disability to develop academic rigour and foundation of Disability Studies.
This is a flagship project of the Centre for Disability Studies and Action, TISS. Through this journal, TISS aims to establish a unique platform of multi-faceted discourse on disability in all forms, including epistemological research, evidence based practice, scientific analysis of people centered sustainable development, promote grass root level work, provide voices to people with disabilities and promote rights based approach with UNCRPD framework in the academic spaces and disciplines.
Aim: To establish dialogue on multidisciplinary issues of disability and inclusion with an aim to create an evidence based knowledge and innovative practice to strengthen the field of disability studies and promote principles of the UNCRPD framework.
regarding the manuscript may be addressed to the chief editor by email at
belongs to the author(s) and not published elsewhere.
correspondence, one-line author note for each author stating current designation and affiliation.
About ascertaining authorship –All parties who have made substantive contribution to the
article should be listed as authors. (i) Criteria for substantive contribution must include concept
and design structure of the manuscript; (ii) drafting and/or finalizing the manuscript. In case of
Multiple authors, the order of naming the contributors should be based on the relative
contribution of the contributor towards the study and writing the manuscript.
specifications, pedagogy, and findings/outcome.
and engage with all the existing literature on it.
Disability studies
acknowledged. Please note that acknowledgements should only include people who may have
provided technical in the form of acquisition of funding, data collection and not otherwise.
case no funding was received, the same should be stated as “This research received no specific
grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors” If self-financed it can mentioned as Self-financed.
interest they may have with publication of the manuscript or an institution or product that is
mentioned in the manuscript and/or is important to the outcome of the study presented. Authors
should also disclose conflict of interest with products that compete with those mentioned in
their manuscript.
be mentioned at left corner first page after key words
at least 1 inch. Use 12 point and Times New Roman font. The submission type must adhere the
word limit mentioned in the ‘Submission types admitted to the Journal’ section.
Association (7th Edition). The APA website may be referred for learning to write in APA style.
sensitivity towards dignity to all, acceptance for diversity, human differences and convey
valuing all people irrespective of class, caste, ableism. The content shall not amplify superiority
over others in relation to class, caste, culture, ableism, race and it should not promote no
discrimination to anyone. The idea is to promote inclusion in the Journal of Disability Studies
review system. The Publication Policies are that the <Name of the Journal> takes copyright
infringement, plagiarism and other breaches seriously.
Studies and Research, Mumbai.
Note-Please feel free to contact the Editor of the Journal for any queries at
You may call at 8850038149 (10.30 am to 5.30 pm)
Best Regards,
Dr. Vaishali Kolhe, PhD
Chief Editor
TISS Journal of Disability Studies and Research (TJDSR)
Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Faculty Room 02, Ground Floor,
Centre for Disability Studies and action, Mumbai-400088,
Mobile-8850038149, copy to
Date -09/03/2024, Place: TISS, Mumbai