Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI

9th Annual Conference on Cultural Diversity and Development


March 21, 2023

Venue: Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Deonar, Mumbai.

9th Annual Conference


Cultural Diversity and Development

On 21 March 2023

Organised by

Centre for Public Policy, Habitat and Human Development,

School of Development Studies,

Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Deonar, Mumbai -400088



Professor Abdul Shaban



Cultures are the foundations of organisation of human groups, and they embed knowledge and skills. Cultural diversities are emerging as a major resource fuelling innovations and growth, shaping the socio-economic mobilities of regions and nations. Studies available on the linkage of diversity with innovations, growth and socio-economic mobilities show that American and liberal democratic dreams of the West were made possible because of the cultural diversities they inherited or integrated into the development process. Shreds of evidence from the USA show that regions which were culturally diverse in the past are the most developed regions today. Many studies also provide evidence of cultural diversities turning cities into growth engines through knowledge spillover and occupational specialisation, and firms able to reap additional productivity because of cultural diversity. Mutual learning makes culturally diverse societies more progressive and socio-economically mobile. The socio-economic practices of different cultural groups provide options to choose from socio-economic mobilities.

India, because of its varied geography and peopling history, is a civilisation of diversity. All major religions of the world and several forms of animism are practised in the country. It has 22 constitutionally recognised languages of different origins and 122 mother tongues, each spoken by more than 10000 persons. Further, about 19,569 dialects are spoken in India (Census of India, 2011). A well-managed cultural diversity can power the economic growth of the country.

Cultural diversity also has enormous potential to directly address SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth), SDG 9 (industry, innovation and Infrastructure), SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities), SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production), SDG 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions), and SDG 17 (partnerships for the SD goals), and indirectly help in achieving other SDGs.

However, there has been a lack of adequate engagement by researchers on ‘diversity and development’ both at the micro (urban and firm levels) and macro levels and/or in regional, national and international contexts.

The present Conference, as sequence of the earlier Conferences on the theme, attempts to take up this issue with a focus on the following (though not limited to):

1. Diversity and economic development: evidence from urban, regional, national and international levels

2. Diversity and firm productivity: including innovation, productivity, entrepreneurship, and management.

3. Diversity and democracy: deepening of democracy, inclusion, and participation.

4. Diversity and social change: education, mutual learning, cooperation, and resilience

5. Diversity and institutions: inclusion and non-discrimination

6. Diversities and Creative Industries: craft, music, cinema, games, knowledge industry

7. Diversity and sustainability: regarding various SDGs

[Note: the major axes (though not limited to) of examining the diversity would be ethnicity, gender, religion, class, and languages]

Submission of Abstract/Paper:

We invite an abstract of 500 words highlighting the research problem, data, methods, and major findings. The last date for submission of the abstract is 15 March 2023. The Author(s) of the papers will be communicated about acceptance of their abstract within seven days of the submission or by 17 March 2023 latest. Full draft papers of 6000 to 8000 words can be submitted on 21th March 2023 or within a month including the feedback received during the presentation at the Conference. The paper having potential for publication can be included in a special issue of a journal / or an edited book.

Note: A maximum of 20 abstracts will be selected based on their merits.

The abstract can be submitted to the following google form link;

Click Here

For any other communication and urgency: please contact,

Dr Rinku : rinku.tiss2017@gmail.com

Meghamrita Chakraborty: megha.amritac@gmail.com

We intend to select important papers based on their potential and advice from referees to publish them in a Special Journal Issue or as an Edited Volume (to be decided later) from a reputed international publisher.

Venue for the Conference: The Conference will be held at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Deonar, Mumbai.

Registration Fee: There is no registration fee for the Conference.

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