TISS is a unique institution that brings together high quality scholars and practitioners from Social, Economic, Political, Physical, Habitat, Engineering, Health, and Environmental Sciences to create interdisciplinary teaching and research programmes combined with field action to address the most critical current and emerging issues of the nation. For information on these programmes and information on admission to these programmes, visit [ Institute's admissions Website ]
Important Notice: Please note that http://www.tiss.ac.in and https://admissions.tiss.ac.in/ are the official websites of TISS for candidates seeking information about B.A., M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. and Short Term Programmes admissions and the institute does not take responsibility and guarantee the authenticity of any content published on sites other than these. Furthermore, the institute does not have any collaboration with sites or portals or coaching classes claiming to provide coaching for the TISS entrance examination.
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